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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I would avoid anything fatty for Ziggy, it sounds like he might be a bit sensitive, poor wee man.
  2. My greyhounds are rescue dogs and they are 100% purebred greyhounds. I have no papers but they are greyhounds. Not having a go at you Aussie just sayin... :) Oh I agree with you SM, I meant if I didn't know they were purebred I wouldn't just assume and tell people they were.
  3. That policy is in place to ensure everyone in the family likes the dog, and the dog likes everyone in the family. Would be a bit sad if the dog was returned after a few days because Dad didn't meet the dog and they hate each other! The pets rule only applies to other dogs, which is for a fairly obvious reason. Yep, we used to have dogs returned all the time because some of the family or other pets didn't like them. Also had a lot returned when people went back home so I can see why she said that. She may have been rude but until you've worked somewhere like that you just dont know how hopeless the general public are with things like this. Obviously you're different but as usual some ruin it for the rest.
  4. Hoarding (animals or things) is usually a part of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You cant pose rational questions about why they have so many animals, these people aren't thinking rationally, that's the problem. OCD often stems from trauma, not everybody who suffers trauma develops the illness but many do. It's very sad and they really do need someone to step in and help them see what they're doing, problem is that so many of them are in denial or don't have the motivation or means to see a counsellor/psychologist and just go on living life like that
  5. As soon as he laughed they should have just tripled the sentence automatically
  6. Ours get loads of chicken, it's their favourite, necks, legs, frames etc. If you are worried about them getting sick, you can freeze it first which kills any nasties, but if it's fresh it should be fine.
  7. We give ours chicken frames, as long as it's raw it should be fine :)
  8. IMO yes, as I interpret purebred to just mean that the dogs parents are of the same breed. Pedigree is another thing altogether. I'm sure people will disgaree but that's how I see it. :laugh:
  9. I wouldn't call anything I got as a rescue/without papers a purebred, but having said that, I don't often refer to my own purebred dog as purebred anyway :laugh: If I had adopted the hypothetical GSD I would just tell people it was a GSD. If they asked about it being purebred, I would probably say I believe so, but can't be sure. If I knew that GSD was born of parents that were purebred GSD I would classify it as purebred yes, but without a pedigree.
  10. Good luck, fingers crossed its just a harmless lump. Our other chi x had lots as she got older, we had them tested but they were just fatty lumps :)
  11. Can I email you for this too please inspector Rex?
  12. Our little Chi x passed away from a brain tumour, so quite different in symptoms etc, he started losing the use of his legs and tilting his headc to the side. With medication he had a good extra 6 months then we PTS. He was 16. I hope it's nothing serious, all the best, it's horrible waiting on results
  13. Ditto. Evil little turd. Honestly, what does one have to do to get a decent sentence in this country?!
  14. Oh FFS.... Although credit where credit's due, that's one gorgeous looking Boxer, so shiny
  15. Poor Gus :laugh: Don't worry, sometimes they just freak out at things, Lili has done this over a plastic bag in the street....scary plastic bag.....
  16. OMG! That's an effort!!!! :laugh: Glad to hear she's ok.
  17. A sense of humour? Are you actually serious? You don't think any of those statments are racist or offensive in the least? Wow. Anyway, that last comment is enough for me to bow out of this , I'm not arguing with someone who thinks the above statements are funny.
  18. :laugh: The Queen agreed to start paying taxes in 1993.....but anyway..... A couple of other quotes from Prince Phillip... 1. China State Visit, 1986 "If you stay here much longer, you’ll all be slitty-eyed." 2. To a blind women with a guide “Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?” 3. To an Aborigine in Australia “Do you still throw spears at each other?” But anyway, I'm bored of this now, everyone's got their own opinion hey :laugh:
  19. I though they were involved in a fair bit of charity work not to mention the family members that serve in the armed forces. Also wouldn't it be the responsibility of the PM and other members of parliament to run the country not the queen. We don't blame the royals when Australia is going through tough times do we? No we don't, because they have practically nothing to do with us and I'd bet we'll be rid of them soon enough anyway. You are correct in that they really don't have the power they used to, and that is a good thing, but if you are interested do some research on the history of the British royal family, you may feel differently. You may not. And as for charity, I bloody well hope they give something at least, they've been living off taxpayers money for years.
  20. That's not bad actually, I should really tear, but Ive always been so paranoid I've treated her as if she was affected her whole life anyway :laugh: You may find that not all vets are very familiar with the mutation too so make sure you give them a list of the meds if she's ever getting anything done, only a couple I've been to really knew what it was!
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