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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. No, that's not how I feel at all. I have worked in a shelter and the animals get no enrichment there, believe me! I'm not sure what you think they get in the shelter. I like dogs to be bred ethically and raised by the breeder till they are homed, HOWEVER, animals in shelters don't have this opportunity and I don't see that their situation is any worse in a petshop to a shelter. Would you prefer the animals get PTS because there is not enough room to find them all homes? Because that's what happens.
  2. Concrete cage or glass box, what's the difference really? That's how I see it too, I don't really know why one is worse than the other.
  3. See I don't really see the difference between being in a pet shop overnight or a pound/shelter overnight? Of course ideally, neither would be preferable, but it's a sad reality that these animals are in the pound/being dumped as we speak, and if a few days in a glass cage gets them a nice new home, and all procedures are being followed properly, then I'm ok with that.
  4. Lili has a boof head. One day she jumped up out of excitement and headbutted me right in the nose. I swear I thought she'd broken it, was sore for ages and lots of blood
  5. Oh I am not a professional, I have wash and wear dogs :laugh: I know my limitations and dog grooming is one of them! What does your friend say about Border Collies maybe being suitable? Or an Aussie Shepherd? Medium size dogs with coat who are usually biddable and more willing to please their owner as a working dog rather then a terrier who is usually bred to be more independant? And once grown would love the workload you have in mind. eta I read some one recommended one of the spaniels, they are worth looking into as well. I have only ever owned German Shepherds and Greyhounds with one pound puppy thrown into the mix so can't really recommend a particular breed. I have an Aussie and I think one would be PERFECT for what you want. Very active but also happy to chill on the couch with you (and snuggle, they love to snuggle), biddable as rebanne said, all they want is to please you and be with you, medium easy care coat just brush to keep tangles out, very clever, medium size and with enough stamina to go for long runs etc with you.
  6. I had to go back for another look! :) Me too!! Well hidden :laugh: Beautiful garden gapvic, I'm starting mine as we speak, have just started planting, so I'm very jealous!!
  7. That was my first thought. Although I've known special needs kids to escape Fort Knox like security too. True. My Mum works with kids with disabilities and she's seen some pretty crazy escapes
  8. Pretty crazy not to have locks on gates if the kid is a known runner...... Jesus, I'd make the place into Fort Knox
  9. I agree. A shelter is a VERY stressful place for an animal to be and I would argue that a pet store is less stressful. That may not be the case with every animal/situation but shelters are noisy, upsetting places for most animals. A glass box isn't much worse than a metal cage. As long as they are following the correct procedures and checking owners I dont have a problem with it if it rehomes more animals.
  10. I love your stories aboiut Kieran perse, he sounds like he was just awesome and the stories remind me of things my big boofer does too :) Hmmm too many to mention for me but I remember one day we went to the beach and my little Chi x Belle, decided she didn't need to use the steps at the beach and dove off the edge of a path falling on her face in the sand...she then drank some sea water and threw up white foam outside a cafe :laugh: Not exactly feel good I guess but I smile when I remember it as it was SO her :laugh:
  11. that's no good. I would be worried due to the size and breed difference. I'd be inclined to not let him come over or keep them seperated. Good luck with it.
  12. I don't think it's the best idea. Why are you doing it that way? Normally consistency is important for a puppy, you will need to make sure you're both doing the same things do he doesn't get confused.
  13. Maybe not but it is offensive. I worked my arse off in that place, saw horrid things every day so for someone to just say things like that p*sses me off...obviously :laugh: it is not an easy job. Your story isnt a good one obviously, Im sorry about that, i can totally understand why you'd be angry/upset...all of the above!! We always used to tell everyone to come and look just in case as chips can be missed, collars can come off and with crosses what one person sees could be totally different to someone else. Sounds like your experience could and should have been avoided but we have to remember that the workers are only human, there will be errors. Don't get me wrong, I have a LOT of issues with the way a lot of pounds and shelters work, but they are only there because of owners irresponsibility.
  14. Exactly. I've seen this myself, shelters who only take temp tested SWF criticizing pounds who can't pick and choose. It's low.
  15. I've only just come into this thread, but in my experience working at a shelter this is not true. We used to have enormous amounts of animals surrendered every week, plus the ones who were just dumped because the owners didn't want to pay a surrender fee. As for finding owners, it's very insulting to insinuate the people working in shelters don't try and find the pets owners. Rude. I used to work every weekend calling people to tell them their pets were at the shelter, we would call them constantly, send sms's, send registered mail. Where are you getting your information from?? Certainly Not where I worked. ETA: not to mention all the owners who would hang up on us, abuse us, tell us to "kill the stupid thing", ignore all calls from our number. We even had people bringing in "strays" that we later found out they owned! People are pretty disgusting really. It's the owners, not the shelters, and especially not the workers who get paid a pittance and put up with constant abuse who try and locate the owners, at fault here.
  16. I'm so sorry I had tears reading that. RIP Hesa Panda bear.
  17. Both of ours will occasionally do this if they have a really big bone or something equally "precious". Not with treats etc.. It has never escalated and if it goes on for too long we take the "precious thing" away. We have no problem taking food/bones away, the guarding is not towards us, just dogs. I wouldn't worry too much, but as GM said, maybe stop the treats and feed her separately if you're concerned.
  18. I browse throughout the day, all up probably an hour or two!
  19. You really, really just said that, didn't you? Unfortunately people don't like to take notice of SCIENCE which disproves things they want to be true.
  20. My council won't even pick up contained animals after 7pm! Obviously they aren't spending too much on animal control.
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