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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Gawd Steve I need a maremma.....the only thing my dogs have done to 'help' with a toddler is to teach her how to sneak out the dog door :laugh: Maremma lays across the dog door to block it from the kids. Interesting, if I am home alone, especially at night, my LGD will lie across the front doorway and not move. Either that or right on top of me *rolleyes*.
  2. Yes! About the protein, we can get all we need from other sources and it's not inferior.
  3. I think you will find that pretty much every product available is being pushed by someone/something who has a vested interest.
  4. Aren't dogs meant to be restrained when they are in cars anyway? I don't believe it's law in every state, but it may be in some? Someone else will know I'm sure.
  5. PTS is a last resort, whatever the circumstances. I've made that mistake once and I won't be doing it again. Best you don't raise your voice in anger to someonme with a Maremma in tow. I have seen it often enough, heard similar stories from others, and appraise all potential puppy owners of the fact. As I said, its best to have a witness If my maremma was already on paper as a dangerous dog and then he jumped through the window and viciously attacked someone because they were annoyed with me, he'd be pts. He's protected me on a number of occasions but not once has he gotten physical. Also I did say viciously attack which is what the dog did, I don't consider a bite or two a vicious attack but the dog mauled this person by the sound of it. Its overreaction is scary and the dog should be put down. Not talking about this particular incident. But if a dog jumps out of a car and attacks someone, whose fault is that? Why is killing the dog the first reaction? Why isn't anyone saying "if my dog jumps out of the car and attacks someone, I should go to prison"!!! A dog is not responsible for managing itself. We are. I will never ever automatically PTS my dogs unless they were in severe pain that could not be treated. I would go to any lengths to save my dogs. They are part of my family. But because I care for them so much, I would also go to extremes to ensure they are never put in a position where they could be harmed (including by harming others). Even if the dog in this story is PTS, the owner should have to spend some time in prison as well. Too often dogs pay the price for their owners' stupidity. Totally agree.
  6. I am also vegan and agree with all of the above, I know of dogs that have a vegan diet and they were all happy and healthy, but I feed my dogs meat. As with minimax the OH can handle it if it's grossing me out too much :laugh: I don't force my food choices onto my companion animals. Oh and I'm not skinny or pale :laugh:
  7. No, actually why am I bothering :laugh: never mind.
  8. Ironic that Steamboat is screeching about valid opinions while directing people that opinions are not on topic. If people stop responding then Steamboat can shout about it all he/she likes in the vacuum which will be the only existence on this forum for him/her. Agree. Edited to add, on a Footy forum I'm a member of, they have an "ignore" function, where you put members who's crap you don't want to read on, it's fantastic, would be good if DOL had it. DOL has ignore, go to your settings and click on manage ignored users...then just search for the user you want to ignore. I use it quite often :) Done, thank you so much, my blood pressure has lowered already. You're very welcome :D
  9. Ironic that Steamboat is screeching about valid opinions while directing people that opinions are not on topic. If people stop responding then Steamboat can shout about it all he/she likes in the vacuum which will be the only existence on this forum for him/her. Agree. Edited to add, on a Footy forum I'm a member of, they have an "ignore" function, where you put members who's crap you don't want to read on, it's fantastic, would be good if DOL had it. DOL has ignore, go to your settings and click on manage ignored users...then just search for the user you want to ignore. I use it quite often :)
  10. But was he classed as a dangerous dog before the incident or just now after it happened, it isnt really clear in the story?
  11. Yep, just get bones that are far too big for her to swallow, that's what I do, and freezing them helps too. Kibble doesn't clean teeth! Why do vets say these things?
  12. I probably would have pushed her off her bike.....
  13. Yes, that's the same with my girl, she is very hughly strung and very sensitive to us and how we feel, with Lili routine is everything and she can get too excitable with too much stimulation. . Our other dog however is very lazy but he is the one who gets antsy if he hasn't had enough exercise?!
  14. Lili was sent home from her breeder with a massive chicken thigh piece and she was only 11 weeeks :laugh: So yeah chicken bones are fine for pups! Sometimes the bigger piece, even if a bit big, are better as they're less likely to gobble and choke. We freeze bones too as it slows them down. We get bags of chicken frames, probably with about 5 or 6 frames for $2 at a butcher near us. Both dogs get one each and they luuuuurve them :)
  15. Just be careful Aussie, I pick all the fruit now as it is just not worth the risk. Maybe pick up the fruit off the ground.... The weird thing is, Bella has never in 10 years eaten the plumbs It was difficult to diagnose to begin with, I had no idea that she had been eating plumbs and didnt mention it to the vet, at first they thought she had had a stroke. I saw the seeds in her stool and which led us to cyanide poisoning. Bella was at the emergency vet in a very bad way, it was terrible. Thank god she pulled through, I adore the monkey! Thanks Nic, I think I will! Pick the ones from the lower branches too. When he doesn't find any on the ground he might start jumping up and picking himself! A couple of my borders used to do this. Yeah I will, he's a big boy so could reach the lower branches easily!
  16. Just be careful Aussie, I pick all the fruit now as it is just not worth the risk. Maybe pick up the fruit off the ground.... The weird thing is, Bella has never in 10 years eaten the plumbs It was difficult to diagnose to begin with, I had no idea that she had been eating plumbs and didnt mention it to the vet, at first they thought she had had a stroke. I saw the seeds in her stool and which led us to cyanide poisoning. Bella was at the emergency vet in a very bad way, it was terrible. Thank god she pulled through, I adore the monkey! Thanks Nic, I think I will!
  17. You will be fine! I usually choose the liveliest pup :laugh: Yes I'm sure he will be a devil, bit that's part of what's so great about puppies :)
  18. The OP was asking what other people use for a natural diet, and talking about changing the diet she was feeding. People said they would feed less grain and more meat on bones, I see nothing wrong with that.
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