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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. MUP: Depends on the vegan :laugh: . I don't have a problem with it.
  2. Same Kirislin, I couldn't do it, but at least done that way it's quick.
  3. These animals are only there because we breed them for food. If we didn't breed them they wouldn't be there. Nature is cruel, but factory farming is about as far away from nature as you can get. I don't blame humans for hunting and killing animals for meat, but what we do now, is so far removed from that. I actually don't really have an issue with people hunting and killing either their own raised animals or wild animals for meat. I do have an issue with factory farming and slaughter practices.
  4. It's actually not at all. Maybe if one was buying snack and processed vegan foods, but not if you're buying beans, pasta, rice, lentils, vegies, fruit, nuts and seeds etc. It's much cheaper than meat!
  5. For me being vegan is about living a life as free from cruelty as possible, I assume it's the same for most others, obviously I can't be sure. Yes I step on ants, yes I sometimes accidentally eat bugs and I'm well aware of pesticides and their effect. I am beginning to grow as much of my own fruit and veg as possible also. Oh and I don't distinguish between cuddly and non cuddly. It's unfortunate that people make judgements on other people's lifestyles without knowing them and without knowing how informed they are on the issues at hand. It's not perfect, it never will be, but I do what I can, and as I said, I don't force that decision on my animals, same way I don't force it on my family and friends.
  6. The truth is if the pups are in a BSL state, they cannot be legally rehomed. In States without a temperament test. as far as I can figure, there is only one outcome for them. Yes, Wobbly was correct, if BSL exists in the state then yes that would be the outcome.
  7. A serial killer IS just a person......I don't get where people are going with this? Dogs can behave badly, people can behave badly, it does not make them a supernatural being. Noone is excusing what the dogs did, just saying that, whether you like it or not, it IS a part of canine behaviour, some dogs are aggressive and will attack people and other dogs.
  8. But it is what dogs do? Sure it's not a pleasant behaviour or a behaviour that is acceptable, or even a behaviour commonly seen, but some dogs are aggressive, that won't ever change.
  9. Yeah, they rotate between 3 or 4 of them, never the actual dog involved in the attack.
  10. Scenes like this were happening long before breed banning. I'm talking about the fact that there are no breed enthusiasts breeding anymore. This kind of scene is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE for even a game bred pit fighter. It is possibly the most important part of an APBT temperament that they do not redirect onto humans. If you demonise and then ban breeds then all the enthusiasts and custodians of the breed stop breeding (because they are law abiding citizens), and all you have left is the dregs of society breeding them because of their reputation. There has been a retraction in the media as to breed this morning. It is not being stated that they were AmStaffs. Exactly right.
  11. Totally agree. They ARE dogs, how can they act as anything else?? :laugh:
  12. Thanks for that perspective Donna :) 13 is a brilliant age for a Saint!
  13. I think I read this somewhere, I tried it on one of my dogs and he yawned when I did :D ETA: tried another few times, he does it every time :laugh:
  14. *shudder* After working in a pound parvo scares the absolute shite out of me, that is soooo dangerous
  15. My boy is pretty friendly with unknown people as long as we're there but one night while walking him a guy was standing out on his nature strip, as we kept walking he stepped further out, looked like he wanted to get a look at the dog, we didn't even notice but Mosley turned round in a shot and started growling like a hound from hell :laugh: not like him at all so it shows that what we might not even notice they see as a threat.
  16. I don't know what it's called but the big old cathedral on the corner of Collins and ??Russell?? Sts...I think....it's gorgeous.:) And there's another one further out towards St Vincents Hospital that has gargoyles
  17. to tell the truth, I think they were eating duck poo :laugh: nom nom nom :laugh:
  18. lol Kirislin, those photos look like something Boston, my pug would love to join. He rips up the long grass and munches on it. His nickname is Farmer Joe because he always has the really long bits hanging out the side of his mouth, like a stalk of wheat or something Mosley does that too....then he gags on it *rolleyes*
  19. No-one has said cats should be fed vegan food (unless I missed it)??? Only that dogs can, so not sure why you're asking these questions?
  20. hey - big Troy handles this FORUM .. a cute black slug will hold no fear :) :rofl: Exactly. If he can handle a forum full of cranky women he can handle anything. A little slug would be a walk in the park. :laugh: This! Loving the slug
  21. The only thing that has been shown to be deficient in a vegan diet is vitamin B12, and supplements are available, this is for humans, I'm not sure about dogs? Protein is protein, a good vegan source is pea protein, but beans/legumes give enough.
  22. I really wasn't implying you didn't know anything. That's great you raise your own meat and eggs...problem is most people don't
  23. Blackjaq, dairy products and eggs are not cruelty free, look up battery hens. it's a bit OT so I won't get into it further but if you do some research you'll see what I mean.
  24. I would prefer to live a "no kill" lifestyle across the board, I choose to not use products that test on animals as much as possible (ie: the ones that admit to it!) or eat animal products, but in choosing to own dogs I choose to feed them meat. Some people don't want to make the sacrifice in their pets lives and want to continue their "no kill" lifestyle (or whatever term they choose to use) by feeding their pets a veg*n diet. It probably hasn't occured to you because you aren't veg*n - but it's probably crossed the mind of most veg*ns ;) This.
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