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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Sick f**k. Should have locked him up and thrown away the key.
  2. Very sad to hear All the best for the future for everyone involved and never forget the difference you made .
  3. It looks good either way kirislin. With the tail is natural and makes the bedlington look happy but without is a more balanced picture.
  4. I think for something like this you will need to go ahead with the further testing . It's just too hard to say with allergies, could be one of a hundred different things. Have you spoken to the breeder? Good luck with it.
  5. OMG Lili does this. She will be playing with a ball or something and will roll it under a piece of furniture and then just sit there staring for as long as it takes us to notice. If we put a toy in a dnother room, same thing. The other night I hadn't seen her for a couple of hours and had assumed she was asleep in the bedroom...went to look for her and found her sitting in the bathroom staring intently at a rubber ducky on the windowsill *rolleyes*
  6. I got a few of these from Cleanrun and both dogs LOVE them
  7. I'd bet my house that the guys in the ute were tradies that accidentally let the dog out and were looking for it.
  8. This. I have no idea she's even there but when I open the door....O-O.....just sitting there quietly, staring at me.
  9. Our old Chi used to have a stuffed toy turtle that he slept with...and humped....:laugh: Mosley doesn't really care much about toys but LIli has a few favourites. Her blue squeaky ball, red squeaky bone and pillows (she sucks on them and kneads with her paws ) are her favourites. Oh and she loves Elmo toys! Goes nuts for them Key for her is "Can I chase or catch it? And does it squeak?" :laugh:
  10. Hope he is ok after the surgery, poor munchkin.
  11. OMG Stan is bloody hilarious :laugh: Great pics everyone! Here are my two, Mo wasn't impressed.... ETA: I keep losing it when I think of those pics of Stan :laugh: absolute gold.
  12. Have to agree, when I get home and my dog comes running to the front door and can't control her wiggly bum, it's the cutest thing :) Yep same here :)
  13. Try not to get too upset, you're ok and so is Poppy :) I would just make sure to keep her inside when she's in season, but then I would do that anyway for safety. It is horrible though, we've been rushed a few times and a loud "P*ss off!!" sent them running, give that one a go if you ever think you can't get away from the dog. Stomp in its direction and sound scary and most of them will give up :)
  14. I agree. It's not against the law.
  15. These are Finnish yeah? I like those names :) I like human names, I want to get a cute little dog and call it Bruce. My friend has a little Chi called Bruce. I like human names too :D Awesome!! :laugh: Some of the names I have stockpiled are Cuthbert, Paddington, Gilbert and Niles :laugh:
  16. Good on you for helping! How horrid! I guess it's possible they were building the containment but that's still no excuse for the dog to be out. Did you see if her little ones had any visible injuries?
  17. Whenever someone mentions their dog and poo, I think of you.... Yep! Me too :laugh: Love zooming Scooter!
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