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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Pers, thought you'd like a CJ fix. :laugh: I've tried to do some BIF shots but they are so hard! Me too! Those eyes :laugh: , was it him that looked like a human in one picture tlc?
  2. Oh, poor Rolf He's so beautiful, love the offended picture :laugh:
  3. I have seen Momento books IRL and the quality is fantastic
  4. I haven't had an animal with an amputation but I have worked with dogs and cats that have had them done and they are surprisingly quick to adjust to a missing leg! I've seen some up and about a day or two after surgery giving it a red hot go, so I wouldn't worry too much. I think, unlike with people, as they have no emotional reaction, they just adjust because they have to All the best with it :)
  5. Child protection should be checking them out too.
  6. Me too. Especially as THEY ADMITTED it happens a lot. It's not like that was made up. I see no wrongful judging going on here!
  7. Considering for some large breeds a life span can be 10-12 years I would call 6 mature. It's definitely not an old dog though. My OH mentioned the other day that one of our dogs wasn't young anymore at 4yrs. I almost cried :laugh: I still see them both as babies :)
  8. I don't get that at all. I don't think I've ever met a dog I didn't pretty much fall in love with, I can't imagine a dog being annoying or unlikeable. I think they all have something gorgeous about them. I'm not saying there's anything bad about it, I guess I've just never experienced it.
  9. Mad Pauline :laugh: She sounds like she was a little firecracker mita :)
  10. Nope. I love all my dogs and have shared a close bond with all. I can't imagine anything happening to change that.
  11. That's great that you like them and haven't had any issues, I wish it was the same for me, but unfortunately it's not. After my experiences, I won't be using them, and I will continue to look at them in a negative light.
  12. OMG - can't think of a LESS suitable breed for a dog park. She should steer clear of occupied dog parks FOR LIFE. Small, fragile, fast - likely to inspire prey drive in quite a few dogs and they can snap a leg at home on their own. If she needs further convincing and she bought from a responsible breeder, tell her to ask the breeder what he/she thinks. They'd veto the idea on the spot. I agree with this completely. I would never in a million years take an adult Italian Greyhound to a dog park let alone a puppy. Same. Not a chance in hell.
  13. As has been said many essential oils are quite dangerous for dogs so I would avoid using them. I have heard apple cider vinegar in the dogs water is a good natural way to repel fleas. I can't say if this is true as I've never tried it myself.
  14. Idiots. Idiots with big and small dogs who are out of control and cause issues. That's my only reason but I think it;s enough I don't have a small dog but if I did, the last thing I would be doing is taking it to a dog park.
  15. seen plenty that do it :laugh: tell him off, if you dont like it, dont let him. Easy. It's not just a male dog thing either. Me too. I agree, if you don't like it just keep doing what you're doing. My dogs have never humped a person or another dog but they occasionally hump each other in play. It's not an issue so I don't stop them. If, however they were doing it to people or other dogs then I would stop it altogether.
  16. That's what ours prefer, too :p There's been a few "walks" that have ended with me staggering slowly towards home, trying to carry a 30+kg dog because he's le tired and doesn't want to walk anymore. Trips in the car though.. best thing ever. Stan is the same. I'm always dragging him home saying "come on Stanley" and he has often tried to get in random peoples cars at the beach carpark :laugh: :laugh:
  17. All the time!! I am constantly puppy clucky and want so many different breeds
  18. Obedience classes, agility classes are both good fun ways to socialise the dog in a controlled environment, or like HW said join a dog club. I would stay away from doggy day care, have heard too many disaster stories, although I'm sure many dogs cope fine.
  19. I don't think you have any other option that just retraining him. If it's impossible to seperate your indoor areas then you probably need a crate.
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