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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Spectrum does tapeworm so you shouldn't need an extra.That was why we chose it in the end.
  2. We use Sentinel Spectrum. It doesn't do adult fleas but does the eggs, all the worms and heartworm. We don't live in a tick area though so have never had to treat for that. I have used Advocate before along with a wormer for tapeworm.
  3. Nikita (Borzoi) does this to me as well, especially when I am lying in bed. She also loves rolling on and snuffling her nose through my hair, particularly when it is wet. She was VERY disappointed when I got it cut short - although she also has a thing for my nephew's No. 2 buzzcut hairdo. Can anyone say "Weirdo!!" ? MacDuff (Deerhound X) is a spooner. When he is not feeling well he will sleep spooned next to me and put his paw on my hand so I can hold it while he sleeps. *rolls eyes* :laugh: That's adorable. My Anatolian x likes having his paws held :)
  4. I'm not sure, but Lili my Aussie has had watery eyes over the last couple of days, no gunk as such, but just some water staining, she never normally has this and I thought it might have been a hayfever/allergy thing? My other dog Mo has been quite itchy (he gets itchy and often gets allergic conjuntivitis during Spring). I think it's just allergies, probably the same with your two but maybe get them both checked out to be sure?
  5. Yes second that, if you shut the door they could get really panicked
  6. My Aussie freaked the first time she saw the dreaded ceiling fan, she wouldn't come anywhere near the room it was on in. We just kept it on and acted normal and after a while she was over it.
  7. This is a big issue in our house :laugh: I let them, but my OH HATES it. He thinks it's digusting and freaks out if I do it :laugh:....soooo....I do it when he isn't around I'm sure he knows I do it but unless he catches me
  8. Most campgrounds or other holiday parks I have looked at usually have a rule that dogs cannot wander or make noise at night. It's pretty irresponsible and inconsiderate.
  9. Yep. No animal is safe these days, it's just the way we farm. Of course, other than free range, which, although no perfect is a lot better. I am vegan but I feed my dogs meat as I don't feel it's my place to dictate what they eat to that extent. Plus they love it too much and I love them so I don't want to deprive them of their nommy bones.:laugh: Having said that I have met vegetarian dogs who were healthy and happy, it takes a lot of work and research though.
  10. I know. I saw someone in a public toilet walk out without washing their hands the other day, yet most people are happy to shake hands with a stranger At least I KNOW where my dogs have been :laugh:
  11. Lili is feral when she's play fighting. Very loud and nasty sounding. Mosley is practically silent :laugh: They play like idiots and there's lots of body slamming and throat ripping out :laugh: I would just assure people this is normal and if they don't like it they can always leave, don't worry about it :)
  12. If I squirt my dogs with the hose they look at me like I've just killed their whole family. They have never liked water. Bought them a pool and what do they use it as? A massive water bowl *rolleyes*
  13. Me too When I worked at the shelter if a puppy came in everyone knew to bring it to me first for "kisses". I actually think I became addicted to puppy breath...and probably contracted worms....but it was worth it :D
  14. Don't they?! That moment where you are caught unawares with a tongue in the mouth or up the nose :laugh:
  15. I don't let them go to town but if they lick my face I don't freak out and wash it :laugh: To be honest, I would prefer my dog licking my face to shaking hands with a stranger.
  16. :laugh: :laugh: I was :laugh: throughout that whole post. Ahhh where do I start... Mine also lick the bottom of my legs clean and Lili licks my Husbands head (he shaves his head) clean and dry too. Then she moves onto the feet. She has a fetish, seriously. If I let her lick my feet she gets excited and starts nibbling and it hurts! She would lick feet for hours if she could. Hours. She also follows me to the bathroom and sits on the other side of the door............waiting. O-O
  17. You're right. I have worked with dogs in shelters/clinics and know of the breed, but have never met one before or ever really heard of anyone owning one, other than on here, and they do seem like sweet little things!!:)
  18. Nawww look at her! She's so small, I don't know much about Griffons, but she is just divine
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