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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Great to hear it went well, fingers crossed for good results :)
  2. And learn to walk without lifting your feet too much so you don't step on them :laugh: Lili gets so close to the back of my legs that sometimes I kick her in the face just from lifting my foot She doesn't care, just keeps on following *Rolly eyes*
  3. Add pugs to that list! My two have the nicknames shadow and velcro for a reason :laugh: When they are asleep on the lounge at night, I hate getting up to go to the bathroom or something coz I know it will disturb them and they will get up and follow me. Yes! I avoid it like the plague...
  4. Lili (Aussie) follows me EVERYWHERE. Even if she is fast asleep, if she hears even the tiniest bit of movement she's up and following. I also try not to move rooms so she will stay asleep :laugh: I frequently step bacwards and almost fall on her when she sits behind me while I'm cooking in the kitchen, she comes to the bathroom with me and when I take a shower she sits right outside the door waiting. It doesn't bother me, I kind of like it, I always have my mate with me and I talk to her a lot too :) Yeah....I'm crazy :laugh: ETA: It seems Border Collies and Aussies are bad for this, is it a breed thing?
  5. TEEFIES! :laugh: She's adorable, well done, you've changed her life, and the life of her new family, and you should feel really good about it :)
  6. Wow! What a load of crap!! Bullmastiffs are some of the most chilled out, sooky dogs I've met! Guess you can't fix stupid, least they aren't getting your cash now :)
  7. There would be more variety and expertise at a nursery. Water cress is delicious. Mustard and cress, too. I think with hydroponics there is fertiliser running through the water. Thanks DD :) Will go to the local nursery first.
  8. That's awesome kriislin, I didn't realise you could grow veg in them but I guess it's all just hydroponics isn't it.
  9. Awesome, thank you! Might take a drive out one day when I have some time (time ... ) to a place that has lots of nurserys so we can investigate and research. Sounds like a new project to keep the girlfriend out of trouble :D (Bet as soon we get rid of the pugs sandpit and fill it with water, they'll want to use it That's ok, it can be a Pug pool. They can feast on the tadpoles
  10. :laugh: I have never even thought of doing that.... I might try it
  11. Mosley often steals underwear, bras and socks, as soon as he finds something he bolts out the back door like a loon and starts ripping them to shreds.
  12. All the best Nic and Bella. Thinking of you both
  13. I've had a few people freak out when I say I feed raw bones, but then they think it's fine to feed cooked ones?? *rolleyes*
  14. Yes we recently bought some and ours loved them. We also feed chicken legs, never had a problem. If they are really that dangerous though, I wouldn't feed them anymore! :laugh: I don't really see them as being any more of a risk than other bones.
  15. Thanks kirislin :) I'm going to do it on the weekend! I was just saying to my OH the other night that I'd like a pond, but he wasn;t really into it, so I'll just start with some nice big pots :) Can you buy the plants from places like Bunnings?
  16. Never even heard of it As if there weren't enough parasites to worry about already. Thanks for posting about it kat. So sad And it's passed on by slugs??
  17. Oooh they're beautiful! How do you do it? Just buy the plants and put them in the water? I'm a bit of a black thumb. :laugh: Do your dogs eat the fish?!
  18. Bahaha, when I saw the title I was thinking "What? Stan caught a rabbit??" :laugh:
  19. well as someone who does everything, heartworm, flea, intestinal worm treatments seperate, I am horrified that anyone thinks it's ok to double up on chemicals. Just goes against the grain. I'd never go to that vet again. It may not be bad for them, have never looked into it, but I would never ever do it. With all the stress on the body nowadays why add to it? Yes, I'm shocked a vet would say that was ok to do. I would never double on any chemicals.
  20. Yes thanks, I meant to say doesn't do adult fleas, edited my post.
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