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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Beautiful pictures kirislin, what time was it? The fog is gorgeous.
  2. Yes. I think that it's a very subjective thing, everyone will have different ideas of what THEY believe is ethical and will look for a breeder who matches this. I certainly don't have anything against registered breeders who don't do all the things I would like done, I just wouldn't get a puppy from them. or who appears to match this ? I do a lot of research, meet them and see their property, get recommendations. Sure, there's a chance that I might get taken for a ride, but I do what I can, nothing is 100%.
  3. Yes. I think that it's a very subjective thing, everyone will have different ideas of what THEY believe is ethical and will look for a breeder who matches this. I certainly don't have anything against registered breeders who don't do all the things I would like done, I just wouldn't get a puppy from them. Part of the problem is that CC registered breeders have a code of ethics - yet many of them don't really know what they say and what they have agreed to and those in the public decide what they think is ethical and expect that everyone else will be and think the same way. no one has any right to have an expectation on a registered breeder for anything that's not in their code of ethics. that's all they agreed to and all they are held accountable for . Ask people to define ethical and you dont get the same answer from anyone same with the term reputable. When people make up their own ethics unless there is an accountability process many of them will justify doing something outside of that if they think its better for attaining their goals some of them will have higher and lower standards - no amount of laws will help that. I have every right to buy a puppy from someone that meets my personal expectations of what is ethical. I actually don't care one bit about the ANKC rules or whatever. I make up my own mind about what I think is ok or not. Agree. Whether or not they are following the ANKC rules is secondary to whether they are doing what I believe is ethical.
  4. I think they should be available to people who want to use them. I am not one of those people. I do like the designated times though because it means that people who don't want to be approached by off lead dogs can still use the area, at times when it is on lead.
  5. Yes. I think that it's a very subjective thing, everyone will have different ideas of what THEY believe is ethical and will look for a breeder who matches this. I certainly don't have anything against registered breeders who don't do all the things I would like done, I just wouldn't get a puppy from them.
  6. How's Lucy megan? I remember years ago one of our cats bringing a live one into the house
  7. Yeah I have the spray for in between baths. It's fantastic.
  8. OT but it's interesting that some dogs do and others don't smell. My Aussie smells so nice all the time but my Anatolian x gets a bit doggy smelling when he's due a bath. We vaccum, always have the windows open and use oils and fragrant candles and the house doesn't smell doggy. If it ever does my Mum tells me because she knows I'm paranoid about it. Sometimes it can but you're so used to it you don't notice :laugh:
  9. If he can't afford a hotel/motel then he needs to remember beggars can't be choosers. I just find that so incredibly arrogant and rude! No excuse to behave like that IMO
  10. I'd tell them both to p*ss off!! How bloody rude! He can always stay in a hotel....
  11. I love the little instagram books! Might do this with my iphone and get them printed :)
  12. We had lots thunder and lightning last night. Mosley is pretty unphased but Lili hates it. Shakes, pants, races around, she has never hurt herself or anything. I usually just act normal and sit with her, am thinking of getting a thunder shirt though, can't hurt.
  13. Nice shot, it has a very somber feel to it, great texture
  14. Not for mine. They don't care what the weather is :laugh: I don't think it's unusual though, I lose mine when it's hot.
  15. Not surprising though, seems everyone gets away with everything these days
  16. Mine sleeps either between me and my OH on the bed or on the floor next to my side of the bed. In the morning, she waits for ther alarm and as soon as it goes off she's in between us wriggling madly and licking us to death. And yes when they're outside Mosley will be off sniffing, doing his thing, but Lili? No, she's standing at the screen door, staring intently at me :laugh: ETA: Pic of velcro dog lying next to me in bed.
  17. :laugh: Sometimes it takes me a full minute to step through a doorway, weaving around an Aussie who is trying to weave around ME bahaha
  18. Because the courts are useless...
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