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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I currently have a scratch on my chin I don't even notice until days later and think "Oh when did that happen" :laugh: I don't know how this one happened. It was either Lili being too affectionate or Mosley hitting at me with his monster paws.
  2. I almost had a heart attack the other night. We have burrs EVERYWHERE at the moment so each night I go through the dogs and take them all out. Mosley doesn't seem to get many but Lili always has at least twenty strewn throughout her coat. So anyway, I was pulling out burrs when I found what felt like a massive matt in her pants, I started pulling the hair away and realised it was something stuck in the hair, I pulled it apart and it was some humungous seed pod, the size of a lime !! It opened up like something out of Little Shop Of Horrors And I found two more of them! Noticed Lili shaking her head as I was leaving this morning so will have to have a good look at her tonight to make sure there's nothing in there. Sigh.
  3. Same. Our get some type of raw meaty bone every day, raw meat - muscle/organ, fish, eggs and yoghurt occasionally and a bit of dry occasionally too. Pretty rare these days we feed dry though, but it's good to have on hand. Why: I think a dry food only diet is boring for them and I like to give them human grade raw as I know what's in it and they love it. Plus the bones are good for their teeth.
  4. Gosh these things are horrid We went to Byron Bay for a holiday last year around this time and spent a few days up in Nimbin. My OH found a tick crawling up his shirt and then the next morning I had to rip one out of his neck Some German guys at the hostel we were staying in were in tents (we had a cabin) and they were getting up every monring COVERED in the things. Horrible. Thinking of all the affected hounds and hoping for quick recoveries
  5. Yes! that was Lili, I remember one time when I was sitting on the ground in the lounge she ran all the way from the other side of the house just to leap up and bite my face O-O
  6. Yeah I would. If he runs off just let him go and expend his energy that way, no harm in him going to town on a toy, and then when he next approaches you, make him sit/drop and only pat him when is being good and calm. Lili used to get like this when she was really excited , she would just start launching at my face and trying to squirm all over me. She was put down and told "No", and then ignroed until she was calm. She rarely does it now.
  7. They look like a small breed to me Did it say how old they were?
  8. Not Aussies. They look nothing like Aussies bloody pet shops
  9. You can express them yourself....but....if she is really getting upset it may be better to sedate her at the vets and make sure they can be completely emptied. It's usually a pretty quick thing to do and I have seen dogs have it done with no issues, but it sounds like she is getting scared, and of course it would hurt them a bit. Poor munchkin , I hope she's feeling better soon.
  10. Naughty Gus! :laugh: Agree with perse N I L I F is a good program which might help teach him boundaries. I would be making him sit/drop and stay before he received any contact from me at all, every time.
  11. I advise you see a qualified reputable behaviourist asap. It could be that the younger dog is challenging the older one, it might not be, we can't tell over the internet. Dogs fighting with each other does not equate to human aggression so it doesn't necessarily mean your children are in danger, but obviously the fight was serious enough to call for some professional advice. I'm sure people on here can recommend a good behaviourist near you if you let them know what area you are in. I would keep the two dogs completely separated until you have done this. Good luck with it.
  12. Depends what breed you're talking some don't/rarely have large litters. Also it's been said before that buyers often expect a cheaper price for an older dog but why? It's had more training and work put into it, they aren't worth any less then an 8 week old puppy. I have no problem with a price reduction done tactfully ie not WAS and NOW. But thats just my personal view. Yeah of course, I meant with Aussies :)
  13. Sometimes you can get a much bigger litter than you were expecting, for example, my Aussie was in a litter of 12, not really the normal amount! If there are a couple of puppies left at say 12-14 weeks, I see nothing wrong with reducing the price.
  14. SSM, there was an interesting paper on this. The authors conducted extensive interviews with people relinquishing their pets to an animal shelter. Your experience (my bold) is similar to what they found - however, it turns out there had been extensive procrastination (at least months) prior to suddenly wanting to be rid of the animal straight away. It was a difficult paper to read without some level of subjectivity (and fist shaking!) but it was a very interesting insight. In particular, the way people only "heard" what they wanted to hear from the shelter staff - even with serious issues such as aggression (and biting the owner!) they convinced themselves that the shelter would find a home for the dog. Yes, when I worked in a shelter we would inform them of the assessment process, usually twice to make sure they understood. They would still come back and say we didn't tell them what could happen.
  15. I think it has to do with the age of the puppy. Could be wrong though but I have seen breeders reduce the price as the pup gets older as interest wains somewhat (a lot of people want the youngest puppy they can get). I don't have a problem with it if it gets the dog a good home.
  16. Great shot Boronia, love the colours in the sky!
  17. All I want is a breeder who breeds healthy dogs with solid temperaments, knows their stuff and can offer me support. I want a happy puppy who has been socialized as much as possible before I get it. I don't mind puppies being raised outside. What is important is the contact they have had and that they have been well cared for. I don't necessarily expect a breeder to take back every dog they have bred as I believe the buyer has taken over the responsibility. To me a good breeder is one that will take back or rehome what they can, but I understand this is not always possible and I don't judge breeders on that. I also understand any live being doesn't come with a warranty and even with the most rigorous health testing things can, and will go wrong. I would hope what I've outlined above would be fairly representative of the general dog owner/fancier, I have one pedigree dog and one rescue mix, I do not show or breed my dogs so I'm pretty general :laugh: Is anything I've outlined out of line or expecting too much?
  18. Yep. Lili is: Liligator Lilibug Lil Munchkin Mosley is: Mo, Mo-Mo, Boofer and also munchkin :D
  19. ARGH! Love the "unstack: :laugh: He's adorable Kat :love:
  20. Without knowing the exacts of their laws (not a subject that really interests me), I'd have to assume implied consent is taken into account. To give an example here.. male animals. Obviously though, creating a physical reaction isn't obtaining consent- which makes the whole AI issue (which is perfectly legal everywhere) very interesting. If intercourse with a male animal is rape, why is stimulating an animal for the purposes of collecting semen acceptable when the dog still hasn't consented to that sexual activity? We have some odd double standards when it comes to pawing animals for our own purposes. What an odd thing to say. My great-grandfather was from Rostock and I have heard of this sort of thing in Germany. Which proves nothing either way, of course, because what sort of family discusses this during conversations of heritage? "Ah, yes... I remember living in the old land, back when it was still legal to live in a de facto relationship with a poodle.." This is a very interesting point.
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