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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. I caught Mosley chowing down on a baby bird one day, that almost made me
  2. I find that really weird, and again it's the income vs being home. All well and good if you're home all day to watch the dog sleep (and I'm sure most people would love to do that!), but if you're not working do you have the funds available for the best care of the dog, emergency vet care etc? Full disclosure: I was knocked back several times for rescue pugs on the basis I work full time. I ended up getting mine from breeders and am perfectly happy with them and love them to bits, and am not bitter towards rescues, just really find the "if you work full time you can't be a good pet owner" to be a bizzare mentality! I was knocked back for rescue pugs as well, both as an owner and potential foster carer. I also have 2 from breeders who had no problems with me working full time. I too find it bizarre. The way I see it, resuces who have these types of rules are just missing out on some excellent owners. It's their loss.
  3. Mosley gets itchy during spring/summer too. He also gets allergic conjunctivitis.....first week of spring, every year like clockwork so we get him straight in to the vet for fresh cream.
  4. Then the ones that say no you can't have an animal because you work full time - so do they want you to be able to finacially care for the pet, or not? That p*sses me off.
  5. actually it's very common and is not a disturbing behaviour at all
  6. Yes. I think the poison can take up to 12 hours to affect the dog?
  7. Yeah, me too. I'd probably be taking him to another vet as soon as possible. The vet really should have kept him in if she suspected a tick, and should have done more than a quick look for it also. All the best, I hope it's nothing but you just can't take risks with the little buggers.
  8. This is supposed to be a pure lab, her litter mates were all yellows and one black, the owners had two labs and insisted that no other dog had got to the bitch. Both adults were registered but the owners were not She's beautiful!
  9. Is that gunk or the lump? Best to go to the vet with eyes. Our boy gets red, inflamed itchy eyes every Spring/Summer and we just go to the Vet for cream (Tricin I think). I would be worried about a lump as it could be a grass seed or something so best check it out. Meant to add I wouldn't freak and rush to the emergency vet, just take the dog in as soon as I could :)
  10. I'm so sorry kirty you did everything you could and I'm sure Stevie knew that. Run free gorgeous girl.
  11. No chance! It's not worth your dog being affected negatively, which is always a possibilty.
  12. A tablespoon? What is she, a mouse? :laugh: She must be tiny! Although I'm used to my 45 kg boofer :laugh: I need to get me a little dog and save some cash!
  13. Mine probably wont get anything, they're spoilt as it is :laugh: maybe some treats
  14. Thank you. I'm aiming at the 6-10 age group. I think this is the really impressionable age when empathy starts to develop. And that is why, IMO, you should call it what it is. None of these cutesy, made up names that don't tell the proper story. Give it its correct name such as XXXX shelter for lost dogs and cats or whatever you plan to rescue in your story. I agree, for that age it's better to keep it simple.
  15. pet grade has perservatives etc added to it. Where I live it used be from downed cows etc that the pet shop owner himself went out and shot. No idea what happens now but I would never feed pet grade to my animals. This.
  16. ?? The new owners are going on holiday, they would have to pay more than that if they took the puppy to a kennel.
  17. Couldn't agree more. Yep agree too, very reasonable :)
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