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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. True Perse, I often see people around where I live walking what are obviously pit bulls and I cringe
  2. Maybe so, but she wasn't just taking a picture she was talking about reporting the dog. I guess living in Vic, if it was my bull breed cross, that would freak me out as it could end up in a dead dog.
  3. Ahh good to know. I think taking pictures of someone on their own private property, no matter where you may be standing, is rude and a bit pervy.
  4. I wouldn't fly with those jokers anyway. Their planes and maintenance are all shithouse anyway and their CEO is a horrible little wanker.
  5. I probably would have got the phone and deleted the photo myself....stupid b*tch
  6. Lili is shocking. If we've told her no more on the fetch front, she will actually wait until someone is distracted, i.e: talking/laughing, just sitting down, and will drop her ball in their lap, 80% of the time, being distracted, the person will throw the ball out of habit. She also drops whatever toy or ball she has on a seat as someone is sitting down in it, meaning they have to remove it and that usually ends up in a throw for her to chase. If her ball is put away she will often sit below where it is for hours with a face on. Doesn't work, we just leave her there and she eventually joins us wherever we are. She has perfected a stare of disturbing intensity which she will use on anyone and everyone. We are used to it now so ignore it but other people can't and end up playing with her.
  7. Yeah, it's all well and good to wish for an ideal world but the fact is we have domesticated them so now we are responsible for them.
  8. Gosh she's gotten big T :laugh: Jesus! Shes beautiful, love the pic of Pickle's teefies!
  9. I've seen a few Pugs with missing eyes and saw one have its eye pierced by something due to being very prominent but never seen one actually fall out. I agree Jed, some breeds are best left to experts!
  10. am I missing something ? but why dont you vaccinate every year? especially if your working in a vet environment and fostering dogs, visiting farms etc....also if you dont do it every year then wouldnt the cost be minimal anyway? I work in a Vet environment and with pound/rescue animals and I don't Vaccinate my own dogs annually, I give puppy vaccinations and the 15mo booster, titre test then no vaccinations. There is no need to vaccinate annually, even the AVA and the largest Vets schools in the USA have agreed with this. Same.
  11. Agree. If we followed that no one who works full time could ever have a puppy. For the record both of mine were left alone as I had to work full time and both are perfectly toilet trained, happy dogs with no seperation issues.
  12. Mine got one each and another to share, what a @"*#*€ liberty!!
  13. I have two dogs. One from a pound and one from a reg breeder. Honestly, I see no real difference. I got my pound dog as a young puppy which is what I prefer, if I were getting an older dog from rescue I would get one that had been fostered therefore knowing more about the background.
  14. Awww look at their chubby little faces too cute
  15. Lili came in the other day and I could see something sticking out just next to her eye, I just grabbed it and pulled and it was a grass seed, didn't come out easily either I had thought it was just a bit of grass/bush. Scary buggers they are. I would just keep an eye on her and keep it clean. If the swelling doesn't seem to be going down maybe get her checked by the vet to make sure there's nothing stuck in there? Lucky you got it quickly!
  16. Love it! :laugh: I think if I ever have kids I will tell them Santa has Greyhounds rather than reindeer.
  17. It's still freakin adorable :laugh: Love reindeer Saxon :laugh:
  18. Wow T she's going to be a big girl. She looks as though she could have done Dane somewhere back there!
  19. So does Lili! Everytime I pull one out she ties to eat it! WTF? :laugh:
  20. We have them EVERYWHERE at the moment. They don't seem to stick to Mosley but Lili is covered in them by the end of the day. We have an almost nightly ritual of me pulling them all out. Mainly her back feet but also front feet, belly and pants, PITA! They don't seem to bother her though
  21. certainly read like it and Ina is at a place where she needs a weatherproof bed - does that mean a kennel or what? And still calling for donations for the vet bills. Yes, Lucky is going on a road trip apparently, so 3 homes in what, the same number of weeks? Awesome. Assuming Ina has been moved again too? Otherwise why would you be mentioning the rescue only now? Maybe to get more donations? Did you not think about having enough money to cover emergency situations like this before you started? After all how much would a bed set you back??? Asking for donations for, what are actually quite small, vet bills?? Has either dog been temp tested yet? You know that if they don't pass or you don't get the paperwork you might not be able to rehome them and the people following you will want answers? All I can say is I'm glad I'm not you right now.
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