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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Could be diet or it could be a symptom of something else, have you been to the vet?
  2. YES! I was about to say they look like little old men :laugh: Sooo beautiful. I love the creams. And their little ears!!
  3. I might wet down a few of the dirt spots they lie in tomorrow morning before I go to work to make them even cooler. I worry about leaving electrics on too.
  4. I wouldn't recommend it. Very people oriented, mine would go nuts if she was left outside most of the time. Plus they need more than 30 mins exercise. If they compromised on the outside thing and chucked in a bit more exercise then yeah could work
  5. Bloody hell it looks like the next Cujo or something, where's rolly eye man! Morons.
  6. Thanks all, I think for the first day they will be ok outside but I might leave the aircon on for the second day which is meant to be 40. Mmax, they normally sit in the shade if its warm thankfully and Lili has a few dirt holes in the trees she's dug out which she sits in.
  7. We're having a few days in the mid-high 30s and 40s coming up and I'm wondering what everyone does with their dogs in such a situation? We work so when we're out the dogs are normally outside. If its a really hot day we leave them in but as there's a run of hot days I don't know whether they would be better outside as the house will heat up quite a bit. We do have air conditioning and I was thinking of leaving it on a timer to come on sporadically throughout the day to keep it cool. Or would they be better outside in the shade? They have a clam shell pool but never use it *rolly eyes* What does everyone else do?
  8. In the bed usually with one of their arses in my face....b*stards :laugh:
  9. Only ever met one, lovely friendly little guy.
  10. Agree. I don't see anyone discriminating between species, if ANY animal, dog, cat, ferret, whatever, jumped out and attacked me, I would kick it. Then run very fast.
  11. I wouldn't recommend a Cav if the dog will be mainly outdoors away from the family and I don't think that much exercise would be enough for most Labs or Tollers. Do they care about size? Cocker Spaniel could be ok, Goldie maybe. How about a Foxie? JRT? Still active but smaller.
  12. "What? You don't like brindle?" Mosley is most offended :laugh:
  13. Even if that is the case she's still a miserable bitch who threatened to have a harmless dog declared dangerous......
  14. I don't think I have a favourite colour, depends on the dog.
  15. I don't really care whether it's "right" or not, but when my girl leaps into my arms shaking and panting I will cuddle her.
  16. I probably wouldn't worry too much megan. It's horrible when it's not your dog isn't it? I'd just keep an eye on him till tomorrow and see how he goes.
  17. Why tell them to take it to the pound! The cat is not a stray etc. it's home is well known. How would you like it if someone trapped one of your animals and took it to the pound - and then having to rely in the pound to scan it etc and hope they're not full and don't PTS before you find it?? If there is an issue then contact the Council and they will deal with it. When I was working at a pound people were always bringing in cats they'd trapped. Unfortunately council can be a bit useless and the owners don't care....
  18. Yes it tries to climb up your leg while going at you with claws and teeth. Never seen another cat like it. Bloody hell! Yeah I'd definitely report it.
  19. Has anyone tried giving it the boot?? If anything jumped out and attacked me it'd be getting a kick!
  20. All the best Anne, fingers crossed it's nothing
  21. What breed are you looking at if you don't mind me asking? Did the breeders who knocked you back in the past give you a reason? What a shame it's been so hard for you to just get the pup you want
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