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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Good to hear mantis. Just keep going about your day and ignore his petty ramblings :)
  2. Feeding chunks of pineapple mixed in with their food can make the poo taste bad to them (like it tastes great now :laugh: ) , she could give that a go.
  3. I have found that when our two dogs meet others Lili never has a problem as she is very calm and not really all that interested in other dogs. Mosley, however, LOVES other dogs and gets overexcited and is more likely to have a dog growl at him because he's acting like a loon. I'd say it's got a lot to do with her bounciness, poor munchkin, just wants to be friends with everyone!
  4. :laugh: :laugh: It does kind of look liony....
  5. BDJ - they were both out at lunch, so both knew noone was there watching him.
  6. Is that the little critter in your userpic? Yes, that's him, he's even bigger than that now :laugh:
  7. Took this last night with my iPhone 4s with the vintage b/w app :)
  8. Speaking of dogs that think they are lap dogs.....
  9. Lili is like that too BC Crazy. She will roll onto her back and wriggle round like a maniac grunting and growling, hilarious.
  10. Yep. Mosley does this, sometimes he will frantically scratch and scrunch the couch cushions or his bed/blanket up like a mad thing, then turn around about twelfty million times, finally sit down panting....and then just get up and go sit somewhere else He also lets me know if their water bowl gets low. Not empty, just low, apparently he must have a certain violume of water to be able to drink *rolleyes* He will either stare at me and grumble or just tip the water bowl over and then follow me around while I clean it up and refill.
  11. Ahhh the fun of differing vaccination opinions :laugh: . There is a lot of research into vaccinations and how many dogs actually need. In the US the advice is not to vacc every year, sadly, here it seems we've been a bit slow to catch on and most vets I've been to still advise yearly vaccs.... You will find everyone has a different opinion. Personally any puppies I get are vacc'd at 7-8weeks/12 weeks/ and 16 weeks with a booster at 12 months. Then no more for life. I also know of people who don't give the 16 week. I don't know why they would say he needs one at 9 weeks, that's only 2 weeks after the first! ETA: I only give C3 as I don't believe in vaccinating for kennel cough, there are too many strains and I have had vaccinated dogs get it so I don't see the point. You may feel differently though, maybe when you go in have a chat with the vet about what they think before you decide :) ETA: Terrible spelling :/
  12. Totally. Absolute garbage on the part of the owner. He/she should be moving heaven and earth to find out what happened. Someone is not coming forward. I hope your friends take this further. Five days without treatment. Was the dog even fed???? No mention of trying to find out what happened at all. I am not sure what his owners are going to do - we bred the dog, I wouldn't be letting it rest at that and I certainly will be doing the opposite of recommending anyone to this kennel. At least 5 days without treatment - if I did this as a breeder I would be charged with cruelty - the same with them as owners - I can't believe that someone doesn't know what happened. Their vet is a very well known influential vet and they are disgusted as well. And the dog weighed 7 kilo's less when he came out of the kennel than when he went in. The vet wasn't impressed with that either - thats a big weight loss over a week. Word of mouth is a powerful tool. 7 kilos in a week and they didn't notice a bite mark. No one has looked at/feed glanced at this dog its entire stay. I'd be going to the RSPCA Agree. That's a kilo a day That is horrendous.
  13. That Switzerland pic is GORGEOUS Anne :) Perse I love that last pic too so peaceful,. I would love to live near somewhere like that just to be able to visit and be with my thoughts :)
  14. Altercations of any kind are upsetting, it's not nice to be fighting with neighbours, I've had prickly relations with neighbours before and it can be very stressful.
  15. Just ignore him. He is not going to sue you. Literally do not engage with him, pretend he is invisible and most likely he'll get bored and give up. Even if he doesn't he has nothing to sue or do anything else with. Take your girl out and just pretend he doesn't even exist :)
  16. Yes I would be reporting it too. I agree with your husband but you're right, as the dog is a Staffy x in VIC better to be safe than sorry, I would probably muzzle him. It isn't really fair, no, but due to other people being unable to follow simple rules this is what happens. I don't think dogs really care about wearing them once they get used to it. Good luck with it all, you sound like you've really moved forward with him :)
  17. No water horses here If I even pick up the hose Mosley gallops away like a loon and finds the nearest person to stand in front of because he knows if he does that he won't get squirted. *mega rolly eyes*
  18. Yep and no Stanley I have a friend with two daccy's called Graeme and Neil :) Priceless. Love the human names :) I remembered some of our past birds and rats names..... Ade Neo Party Boy Punkin Jake Billy
  19. I thought that too :laugh: Love the stingray and the mini shrimp pics
  20. We rarely run out but in the past they have got chicken fillets or steak from the freezer (OH's dinner), spoilt buggers :laugh:
  21. Oh Jesus ...everytime I see your dog I lose it :laugh: such a character!
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