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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. :laugh: I laid down in bed last night and hair floated up around my face because one of the dogs had snuck onto the bed beforehand. Sometimes it just makes me want to scream
  2. Yeah our two do this. One will pee and the other will go and pee over it *rollyeyes* My girl pees more on walks than my boy too :laugh:
  3. So your dog eats poo So your dog gets overexcited So your dog is a Houdini
  4. Can the vet know for sure it is just a cyst without doing tests? That's more what I would be worried about.
  5. Yep. Our house is ridiculous at the moment. Both dogs are shedding like crazy. I vaccuum but ten mins later it's back
  6. I tell my dogs every day when I leave for work that I love them and they're beautiful and I'll be home soon :)
  7. My first thought too. The dog is a family member so unless she rips your house up or pees on everything etc why does she need to be in a crate in the laundry or anywhere ? If you don;t like the crate around being unsightly put it in the shed or garage, minus the dog of course. I agree, why not just get her a bed in the famnily room where she is more comfortable? That's what I'd do.
  8. What she said. I'm terrified of snakes , I hope you can get someone there soon
  9. We ran out of bones till we can get to the butcher tomorrow so our two have had kibble today for brekkie and then some kibble w sardines for dinner. Plus a treat each, some grass, and some tidbits from our dinner. Oh and Mosley ate his dinner so quickly he then threw it up and ate it again, Lili tried to get at it woth no luck, so vomits on the menu at our place today...yummo!
  10. This comes up all the time and actually in many if not most places in Aus cats are allowed to roam and be on other people's property, and people do not have the right to seize them and take them to the pound, or otherwise "dispose of" them. I am aware that some places to have containment or curfew laws but people need to check before they seize/trap/remove other people's cats. I know pretty much all of Vic you are able to trap cats on your property, I think even if they're allowed to roam, you can still trap them and take them to the pound. Might be wrong, but when I worked in a pound people did it all the time. I don't know about other states though.
  11. I've been thinking of collecting it and finding someone who can spin it so I can make something out of it!
  12. :laugh: Yes Mo gets pretty upset if he spots any type of intruder, be it bird, cat, fly, especially mosquitoes... I like that he has lots of hair because I can call it Mo-Hair :D
  13. :laugh: Looks similar at our house when I brush Mosley. We saw a bird come down and take some of his hair a while ago for it's nest :D This was after a really quick brush. The last time I brushed him it was about 4 times this as he was blowing his coat.
  14. My boy can get a bit jumpy when he's really excited. My Mum has been coming to let them in/out sometimes and she stopped him jumping completely by entering the door with her hand out in front of her and standing there with her hand out just above his head so she could catch him if he jumped. After a few days of doing this, no jumping! Might not work as well with a ltitle dog though, my boys head is at waist height.
  15. It does! I have a working breed who has pretty high drive but even she settles when needed. I'm not sure what else to suggest but all the best with it, must be so stressful for you all. To be honest, I've often said I think she is on something. And I honestly think this is why she was at the pound. Watching her run around all day non stop is exhausting for me! Yeah that's possible, poor girl
  16. It does! I have a working breed who has pretty high drive but even she settles when needed. I'm not sure what else to suggest but all the best with it, must be so stressful for you all.
  17. Yeah and the same cat owners say ''Oh but our cat/s never wanders far from our property' yeah right ! I know. Does my head in. Imagine their reaction if they were told to keep their cats inside because our dogs were in their yard.
  18. What a load of cr*p. I'm so sick of people's cats going wherever they like. So the dogs can't even enjoy their own backyard?! How ridiculous.
  19. :laugh: My girl is the same. She's very pretty and delicate looking and then she lies down and lets out a huge grumbly groan :laugh:
  20. Our little Chi x used to do this! He would always have to be sitting on something, anything. We would often walk into a room and find him sitting right on a sock he'd found in the middle of the floor :laugh:
  21. I've had to kick the dogs out of the bedroom when it's "adult cuddles" time. Otherwise, without fail, one of us will cop a lick to the foot or similar, or if you happen to glance to the side of the bed, there's at least one dog, just standing there staring. It's very offputting. :laugh: :laugh:
  22. I really don't know, it's probably physiological but sometimes it does seem as though it's emotional! Mosley is the king of sighs, he sighs when sitting down, when settling down for the night, sometimes just for no reason at all :laugh: \ We were walking them the other night and always make them sit before crossing roads, told Mosley to sit but he'd seen a cat over the road and took forever , when he finally did he looked up at me and let out this half sigh/half Hurrumph noise as if to say "Fine! There! Happy now?" :laugh:
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