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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Oh I thought you meant dogs were allowed to go! I'd be all over that!
  2. How is the husky owner not being a responsible owner? Whilst there are benefits for desexing, not intending to breed (or having irresponsible thieving neighbours) should not be a reason to desex. Have to agree. Her dog was contained, she did nothing wrong, and again there are legitimate reasons not to desex, especially up to a certain age.
  3. True, why do people do it then? Just to have a full coloured nose?
  4. Some people prefer not to desex whether just a pet or not
  5. My Aussie has a butterfly nose, mainly liver but with pink bits at each side, her nose colour was pretty much the same since she was a pup, it didn't fill in much at all after we got her at 12 weeks. I do put sunscreen on her (dog sunscreen, I buy it online) but she licks it off a lot *rolleyes*, so who knows if it actually helps! I know you can get their noses tattooed to protect against the sun.
  6. Thank you. Pictures are very scarce as he does not sit still for a minute!!! Nawwww! He's such a munchkin!
  7. I have a Finnish friend who lives in an apartment with her dog, a Samoyed. However their apartment living is very different to ours. Many suburbs in Finland are right across the road from forest. It isn't set out the way suburbia is here. So having a dog in an apartment might not be our idea of ideal, but her dog gets to go off lead and explore forest areas far more than my dogs do here.
  8. I'm not sure how welcome they are inside but Finns love their dogs!! I would imagine they would be more welcome than here. I'm quickly starting to question how great this country is to live in with regards to quite a few things.
  9. I wouldn't feed anything that came out looking like that.
  10. I've never seen poo like that from my guys. Looks like it hasn't been properly digested? I think the vet is a good idea, let us know how you go.
  11. No problem having him on dry only as long as it's a good food, but I would be giving him raw meaty bones too. Chicken wings and necks, lamb necks etc. We also mix in either sardines/tuna/salmon/yoghurt/eggs with their dry when we do feed it. Pictures? :)
  12. He's getting big!!! Lots of happy, healthy looking hounds, just what I like to see :) he is absolutely to die for kat Harper is looking divine aswell
  13. The most detailed list of medications to avoid etc I've seen is here: http://www.busteralert.org/ There could be a better site but this is the best one I've found so far :)
  14. They're really not :laugh: the instigator keeps telling everyone to calm down, be nice etc as she simultaneously bags them out :laugh: I'm actually embarrassed for them all more than anything else :laugh:
  15. I have heard that young pups can sometimes have a heart murmur which goes away as they grow? I don't know if this is the same issue though, I'm sure there will be some more knowledgeable people in here that do. Did the breeder give you any more info about it?
  16. You can get whitening shampoos but they may not be suitable for his sensitive skin... other than that I'm not sure what else you could do?
  17. It's like the dodgy Amstaff breeders you see now and then, breeding for massive heads/chests, the dogs don't even look like the breed they are anymore.
  18. I can't even imagine having an 80kg dog and I live with one that just reached 50! If they truly are this weight my biggest fear would be the hips
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