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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Are you sure he actually ate it? Could he have just ripped it up into tiny pieces?
  2. Yeah I agree. There should be some kind of mandatory licensing.
  3. This looks really good , might do some of it with Lili as she can be a bit highly strung.
  4. We say Pee Pees :laugh: as soon as they hear that they run to the back door :) Lili doesn't like to go out in the rain either and tiptoes out quickly pees then bolts back inside looking at me like I'm the devil for making her go *rolleyes*
  5. Oh not a nice thing to see. I witnessed a dog get hit by a car when I was little, it was horrible and I can still see it in my head like its happening right in front of me again Hopefully he got home ok.
  6. If anyone did something like that to my dog, I'd murder them, I swear to Dog.
  7. I would be more concerned about the pup running away from the kids than the jaw. I think if you have concerns don't do it.
  8. Agree with leaving him out until he goes. At that age he will still need to go out at least once an hour, that's what I did with my guys and they had barely any accidents. As a rule, if he has eaten, drunk, slept, played or is sniffing/walking round in circles - straight out and wait till he goes. Then as minimax said, crazy praise when he does eventually go! :) You will be fine, it just takes time.
  9. Love the muddy nose pic :laugh:
  10. Miah looks absolutely perfect Jules, I'm so happy for you :)
  11. Yeah read that this morning, very interesting. My two aren't averse to a bit of leftover pasta
  12. Actually I think there are Breeders who do all the right things and deserve the respect and there certainly are greeders, they pump out byb dogs, and designer breeds with no health testing or vision. Their only aim is to make money. So call greeders, grubs or puppy farmers, anything to distance them from real Breeders. This. The general public often doesn't make a distinction between breeders who are breeding to the standard, health-testing, researching pedigrees ect and those who whack two dogs together to make a quick profit. They both "breeders" to them. Yep. Also, to a member of the general public, breeders rehoming dogs looks like they have no need for them anymore. Whilst I understand why breeders do this and don't have an issue with it, it's not something I could ever do, i.e. give away or rehome one my my dogs, because they are like my family, so I can see why a lot of people see that as a negative thing. If the two breeders I got dogs from had decided that I wouldn't have got Grumpy or Mini. I, for one, am grateful that breeders feel some dogs could do better in other homes. I agree with you Sheridan, I'm just saying that the average Joe doesn't always understand why someone would give up their dog.
  13. It is idiotic to say 'Let's stop breeding until we rehome all the dogs that need to be recycled' (as if they're plastic, good grief ... ) because what you end up with is no dogs at all. Ethical pedigree dog breeders already 'control' the number of dogs they breed so there is no need to come here and give pedigree people a lecture. Go ring up BYB and puppyfarmers on Gumtree. Have to agree here. I have a purebred dog and a mutt and they are equal in my eyes, throughout my life I have also had another purebred dog and two more mutts, again all equal. But stopping all dog breeding will be the end of dogs. Purebred breeders do not breed enough dogs to make up the numbers in the pounds.
  14. Actually I think there are Breeders who do all the right things and deserve the respect and there certainly are greeders, they pump out byb dogs, and designer breeds with no health testing or vision. Their only aim is to make money. So call greeders, grubs or puppy farmers, anything to distance them from real Breeders. This. The general public often doesn't make a distinction between breeders who are breeding to the standard, health-testing, researching pedigrees ect and those who whack two dogs together to make a quick profit. They both "breeders" to them. Yep. Also, to a member of the general public, breeders rehoming dogs looks like they have no need for them anymore. Whilst I understand why breeders do this and don't have an issue with it, it's not something I could ever do, i.e. give away or rehome one my my dogs, because they are like my family, so I can see why a lot of people see that as a negative thing.
  15. Sounds as though you have a wee monster on your hands :p But seriously, I agree with a vet check to make sure he isn't sore anywhere, and if not then some work with a good trainer should help. He's only young and it may be that he is just pushing the boundaries :) Little buggers! Let us know how you go :)
  16. I think you did the right thing. I would maybe just leave a note saying that they were running around loose and you were worried they might get nicked or hit by a car. Could they have jumped the fence? Or could someone have let them out a gate or somethng? We had a beautiful little Staffy girl come wiggling up to our front door one night and my OH went walking the streets to find her owner, we found some people who knew where she lived so we asked them to let the owner know what had happened (apparently its a common occurence) and left her in a secure porch area with some water. The owners didn't even come to thank us, but meh, as long as she was safe. Oh and good on your girls
  17. Happy Birthday Wilhelmina! May there be many more for such a gorgeous girl :)
  18. Love the maggie tlc, they always look so p*ssed off :laugh:
  19. True, why do people do it then? Just to have a full coloured nose? Has to be asked - how many people DO actually do it though. It's spoken about as if it happens every day, I have heard such and such dog has had it done and so and so does it all the time but in over 30 years I have seen two dogs I believe have had their noses altered, one was a lovely shiny black on an otherwise badly pigmented brindle and the other was on a red pied, unfortunately her nose turned dark blue after about 6 months - oops!!!!!!!!! If it is done then I would guess if it's a show dog it's probably done to "deceive", if it's a pet it's probably people believing the old wife's tale that it will stop sunburning. Honestly you'd think the tattoo artist would know it doesn't stop the sun & would tell people this? Thanks Sandra, I thought it would be cosmetic for showing etc. You're right though there are lots of people who "know someone who got it done" :laugh:
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