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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. It is actually what stops me from doing an 'escape to the country'. Would love to live rural (but close by a town for decent broadband) but eeeek, snakes. Yes! OH and I would love to move really rural, but always hesitate because of snakes.
  2. This really scares me, I'm always so worried our guys will come across one
  3. Some people are such morons. We walk past a house with a SWF who is the devil incarnate. It rushes the fence going NUTS whenever we walk past and last week it escaped through a hole in the guys fence and charged across the road at us. It was absolutely going for it, trying to bite my dogs, I tried to scare it away but I couldn't get near it with its little teeth nashing away and I wasn't putting my hands anywhere near the thing. The owner just stood there at his gate calling it as we tried to get it away , OH ended up having to kick it out of the way (not hard of course) and it backed off, still yapping and snarling though! Unbelievable. Our dogs just stood there going WTF?
  4. Thanks guys! I'll give all of these a shot. Found a bird in the front yard last night that had been ripped apart by one of them....
  5. Bugger you poor things, all three of you, that's a hard hand you've been dealt! I have no advice sorry but I hope both boys are ok
  6. Oh Boof poor bugger. All the best with the surgery Anne, I hope it all goes well and he recovers quickly.
  7. I forgot the eyes!! A fit is a good description :laugh:
  8. Yeah mine pedal too :laugh: So cute
  9. OMG ! I would have done the same! If anyone kicked my dog they'd get a kick back. Unbelievable that the parents did nothing!
  10. Ours make wimpering, yipping and barking noises in their sleep but don't howl. Mosley howls when he's awake, does that count?:laugh:
  11. Not as fast as a greyhound. Bloody annoying isn't it Aussie. The people behind have a cat the keeps going into my elderly neighbours cabin (they are in their 90's and forget to close the door properly) and spraying everywhere. We have told them and they don't care. I have warned them about my greys but they just laugh That's terrible! They won't be laughing if it gets near your guys The crap thing is that the owners bad attitude is only going to hurt the cat in the end.
  12. These days that could be easily verified by requiring parentage DNA testing for such an unusual occurance. sure- but not when the new colour was introduced several generations back and not recorded accurately ;) Yes, hence the wording 'these days' ;) edited to add little winky eye, lol. not sure what you're getting at? anyone can fake a pedigree on some generations back and then "surprise!" a new colour pops up! Parentage verified yep, Grandparents verified yep! maybe even Great Grandparents...but beyond that...well you get the point. Saw it happen with a (another US story) Tobiano Arabian mare lol needless to say it lost it's papers and I believe the stud and dam also lost theirs *(along with their lines). And I was only talking about colours and patterns that didn't already exist in the breed- not one's that were already there. Brindle has always been a colour of the gsd, it was one of the originals along with white. A very unpopular opinion but I don't care how it has been introduced back, I'm just glad it is back. I agree with woofnhoof if colours are occurring naturally and don't cause health issues I don't believe they should be 'selectively bred out' just cause those who make the standard don't like them. I agree.
  13. Fantastic news that he's doing well! Bet you can't wait to give him a big hug! :)
  14. With the rare colours becoming popular maybe they can no longer be considered undesirable? ETA it still seems strange to me when they clearly haven't succeeded in breeding the colour out so it must be fairly closely linked to a trait that is favourable or essential otherwise the colour would have been bred out, so to me it means the colour is an intrinsic part of the breed and should be accepted, except in the case of health issues of course. Yes, I think this is a very good point.
  15. I'd use large for my Aussie, so same for a BC I'd think.
  16. Fantastic to hear the trial with the students went well :) That's just brilliant. Well done :) As you say it's a start.
  17. Yeah I've told a few to get lost before I let the dogs out but I think I'll just let them out from now on, maybe that will convince them to stay away. They never enter when the dogs are out there so they aren't completely stupid :laugh: I know Jules, it's so frustrating. I don't let my dogs wander on other people's property so I expect the same courtesy. I don't even know who they belong to as there are cats EVERYWHERE in our area.
  18. :laugh: I let them out for a pee the other day and Lili spotted one of them and chased it under the house, haven't seen it since, fingers crossed it decides to stay away but I'm still finding poo
  19. Oh no! Poor munchkin. I didn't think GD's were meant to be on escalators either..
  20. Thank you :) Will get some and rub it on the fences etc. Had to make my boy drop a big cat poo he was about to chow down on last night so want them gone :laugh:
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