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Pointers Rule

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Everything posted by Pointers Rule

  1. Photos would be amazing Dru, chuck some Grace ones in too please, when you have time!!!
  2. Had a quicl look at the Conmurra website. Looks good, bit didn't really tell me all that I need to know. Does it have to be permanently plumbed or can you just attach it to a tap like a hose? Really think I am going to have to go with the double tank. Would be a real pain with three dogs: shampooing them all, emptying the tank, refilling to rinse...
  3. Thanks for your input... Can I ask though, what is autofill???
  4. After bathing 3 pointers in the bathtub yesterday and pulling a muscle in my back, I think it is time to look at getting a hydrobath. What makes a good one? What do you like/ dislike about yours? The ones with a heater, does it heat the water or do you put hot water in and it just keeps it warm? Which is more efficient, one tank or two? Would really appreciate your input!!!
  5. 12 hours without access to toileting? Even in summer when they drink a lot of water?
  6. I am totally amazed that someone has come to DOL to ask about settling a new pup and some people are carrying on about hunting! ... A true "shake the head" moment.
  7. We have one of the bowls that refill from the tap and it still gets algae in it. When the dogs drink some from it, it tops up, but they never drink it in one sitting, so there is always water sitting in it.
  8. Hi, dont expect the sardines to work over night. Can take a week or two to really set in. I found out why my Millie was itching (I think). I had run out of Cod Liver Oil and didnt buy any for two weeks. (bad mummy I know). Anyways, I've been making sure its in her diet every night now and she hasnt scratch as much as before. I think I will be buying at least two bottles from now on. Obviously any dietary changes will take a couple of weeks to make a difference. His skin is no where as itchy and dry, so what I am doing is working, ie, malaseb, leave in aloveen and diet.
  9. ? I think you might be on the wrong thread maybe. This is about Iams Eukanuba animal testing not about the quality or requirements of dry food. There is a thread going about that You might be right about that, however the title is a little misleading. Toddling back into my corner now!
  10. Sheesh, came in here thinking I might learn something as I have been told that I am not feeding a premium dry (mind you it is only 1 cup a day). All I have found is people up on their high horses. Might just stick to what I know as I know that it works on my particular dogs.
  11. Quick update.......... Gave the dogs sardines with their dinner tonight and Frazer, the fussy one, licked his bowl clean. He has a bit of dryness again today, so will do him with the Malaseb again tomorrow.
  12. Thank you for the link dogbesotted... I have added it to my favourites and will have a read of it tonight. They aren't scratching anywhere near as much today
  13. With two liver and whites.... I don't think it is any secret which colour I prefer! Poodlefan, I wrote out a PM reply and the puter ate it, will try again later! Tried to find a picture of Casey's tummy to show the difference, but her being the lady that she is, there isn't one. You will just have to take my word that hers is all pink!
  14. Pool gets totally hosed out and refilled. He drinks out of the chlorinated pool, does that count? He is kinda cute huh!?!?
  15. Here is his bowl of ice cream. He is still a pup here, but you can see how yummy it looks. Pf, when I said I refilled it when it started to empty... I am already doing it a couple of times a day.... doesn't stay in there long enough to get bacteria
  16. Not so much darker skin PF, there just seems to be more pigment on Frazer's tummy than Casey's, who has a lot more white on her. Frazer's tummy looks like a bowl of chocloate and starwberry ice cream! There pool gets refilled as soon as it starts to get empty, they dig in it!
  17. Poodlefan, I assume you mean me and not Ashanali. The boy that has it worse has a large brown patch over his back, rump and down the sides and that is mostly where it is flaking, so I don't think it is sun related... more than likely heat related than anything! The only water they have swum in lately is from their clam shell in the back yard. Thank you for the ideas though and I will keep them in mind!!!!!
  18. Frazer had already lost some condition due to Casey being in season last month and him not eating for a week. Now this, he looks like an unloved mangy mutt !!!!!!!! Dru, got the leave in conditioner also. I did pretty much what you suggested, except there was no play during the 10 minute wait. They like to roll in the dirt patch in the middle of the yard when wet, so got tied up........ not happy Will do them with the Malaseb mid week! Edited to add that they have been on the Bonnie for ages, with never a problem. If it was the dry, surely it wouldn't be happening with all three dogs (to varying degrees).
  19. Thanks isaviz.... might see how we go with the malaseb and calamine for a little while and if there is no joy, will try the wool wash!
  20. I am a bit concerned about using the betadine as one is pretty much white all over and the other has a brown patch over his back, but other then that is white also! I was thinking twice weekly with the Malaseb. But was reading about the Martha Gardeners earlier today and wondering about giving that a try, but don't know if I am game enough!
  21. Any thoughts on how often I should be washing with the Malaseb......... I don't want to use it too often and maybe cause another problem, but want to use it often enough to be effective. They seem a bit more settle since bathing them this afternoon.
  22. Fifi, I was also wondering if it is heat related, pretty darn hot up here!!!!!! What sort of quantity of oil should I give them... Frazer is set in his ways and won't usually eat anything different so I think it would be a waste of time trying sardines etc..... Casey on the other hand would eat anything!
  23. Dru, today was the first time I have used the malaseb, last weekend I just used the straight Aloveen, but yes, I did leave it on for the 10 minutes. I also sprayed some pinetarsol on as I was washing to try to sooth the skin. Other than these and a daily spray of aerogaurd, I have used no other product. Have given up on the aerogaurd as we are out there every evening swimming and eating dinner and have had nothing on us, so don't think it is insects. They are fed on chicken, veges and a cup of Bonnie Complete. Good idea on the calamine lotion though, will try that... anything to sooth it. Omega 3's, what sort of things is that found in. Whoever asked if I have them on flea treatment... yes, Revolution, does flea, heartworm, ticks and some sort of mange!
  24. Alrighty, my two English Pointers are scratching like crazy. Frazer (male) to the point of losy hair down his sides. They have both been treated with Revolution. They are getting Aloe Vera tablets and have been washed with Malaseb. Casey hasn't lost patches of coat, but it has thinned and her skin is a bit red, as is Frazer's. I bathed them today and Frazer had lots of loose scaby flakes that came off when bathed. I am relatively sure that it isn't food related as it is happening to them both, plus the GSPx is scratching, but not as much. At first I thought it may have been insects, but have been spraying them with aerogaurd and it hasn't made a difference. The grass is about ankle length, however when it first flared up it had just been mowed a couple of days before. I can't see anything different growing in the yard. Any thoughts................................ please!!!!!
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