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Pointers Rule

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Posts posted by Pointers Rule

  1. Has anyone dealt with or bought a Conmurra hydrobath since they got taken over by Hydrobaths Australia?

    We went and looked at them early last year and decided on the twin tank autofill. Circumstances changed, and we are only now in the position to finally do it (thank you tax man).

    As we are going to be organising it from 7 hours away, I need all the information I can get before committing!!!

    Are both tanks heated, or just the rinse tank? Are there any other features that are a must have? Am also wondering if it is worth getting the built in blow dryer, or if I should get it seperately. The only reason I am looking at the blower is to try combat the loose hair situation we have, or will the pressure from the hydrobath be enough to blast the little suckers into oblivion...

    All input will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Pointers Rule I met your parents tonight with their lovely dog, they spilled a few bits of dirt on you, they said something about Showing not being a contact sport you arent supposed to break bones :):o:)

    Mum said you came up and said hello.... What other info did they give you? Cringe. I am guessing it was my Dad that made the broken bones comment.....

  3. My parents have an unruly 12 month old English Setter that they are showing.

    He is starting to become unmanagable in the ring, galloping and not standing still. He tends to walk all over my Mother and doesn't really listen to her.

    I have suggested to them that it may be a good idea to take him to obedience.

    We are looking for a good obedience club. They live in the Springwood area.

  4. I have a friend that is looking for show suits in size 12. We don't have a huge selection up this way. She has done the Vinnies thing.

    I am assuming short sleeves ? and what colour would be suitable ? :laugh:

    She doesn't have a preference with sleeve length, either will do, but the skirt must be alright to run in. Any colour other than black! And preferably unlined!!!

  5. Thanks for that pic wagsalot.

    Where we are going to put it is just on the other side of the shed wall from a tap, so will just go straight out the side of the shed and onto the tap.

    Do you find your door position good? We are leaning toward that for ours!

  6. Had a look at Fido's and Conmurra while we were in Brisbane. We will be going with the twin tank autofill one. Fido's looked like a more polished finished product, with the attachment for the hose etc, but one tank on the Conmurra's was the size of the two tanks together on the Fido's. Conmurra's seems to be slightly cheaper. They both have pros and cons, so don't know which way to go at this stage...

  7. I usually wash with Fido's or Aloveen (if their skin is playing up) and Plush Puppy for shows (mainly because I am not game enough to try anything different). I know there are some shampoos that you can use in the hydrobath without having to rinse them (or so I have been told). Does anyone know which ones they would be and also which shampoos in general are good to use in the hydro.

  8. Thank you all for sharing your ideas and set-ups.

    Sorry I have been so slack in responding, been unwell.

    We are going to Brisbane soon, so am hoping to do some looking around and research then.

    Please keep your thought coming, I really appreciate it!!!

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