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Pointers Rule

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Everything posted by Pointers Rule

  1. This camera is no longer being made, is not in stock and Canon does not have an equivalent. Does anyone have any alternatives
  2. A friend has an earlier version of the s51s and I actually like the size and feel of it, you can feel it in your hands, it is what prompt me to look into this one. Lovely photos, the camera is looking better and better for what we want it for, now just got to find one in Rockhampton... Thanks for the input!
  3. I am wanting to get a camera that I can point and shoot, I don't want to bother with lens and fancy stuff. I am not into photographing flowers and landscapes etc. It would only get used for dog related stuff and snapshots when we travel. I thinking about this..... http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controll...#ModelDetailAct Any thoughts? It is around the $350 mark, I think, although I am only at the beginning of research on this so not sure.
  4. I agree about not getting the bath with the dryer attached in case of breakdown. Another favourable point is that if they are separate, once you have bathed one, someone else can be drying that one well awayfrom the bath while you start to wash the next- works for us anyway!
  5. My hydrobath is exactly the same as Ellz and it is the best thing since sliced bread!!!!!
  6. Been using Plush Puppy for years....
  7. Cassie, you are welcome to pop in and I can explain it using mine as an example....
  8. Have just spoken with her and it is actually Seabreeze oil that she is using. Could you maybe make up a paste of bi-carb and water to get the staining out and then maintenance with washing the area and seabreeze oil every couple of days...
  9. Crazywhips, my Mother has had a lot of success using Plush Puppy's OMG on her Setter's under feathering to prevent pee staining... ETA, I am 99% sure that it was OMG, will check with her though!
  10. None whatsoever Dru, as I have said, totally thrilled with it. The service was top rate and the bath is brilliant. I love it so much, my Mother has just got one also.
  11. I looked at the Perfect Paws one as they came highly recommended by a DOLer. When I spoke to the gentleman there and got a price for what I wanted the price was up in the high $3k and that was without freight. I just couldn't justify that money, especially when the Barf Shop was low $2k and all that I wanted was standard.
  12. Hope he is back to his boofy best in no time Moops. Will check back here tomorrow night and see what the vet has to say!
  13. I have three dogs. They all get put through on the weekend and then the two show dogs get done again mid week (not with shampoo though, is just a rinse after swimming). As I said I only got mine late last year, but so far no scratches or any marks
  14. I bought the Barf Shop super twin deluxe in August and we are totally thrilled with it!!!!!
  15. I was thinking "limp tail" but if there is no movement it sounds more like it might be broken. Chad hurt his tail a few days ago so I have done a bit of reading.
  16. Is there any movement at the end of the tail at all Warley??? I have read that if it is attended to straight away they are able to retain the whole tail.
  17. Sorry to hear this Anna, you always spoke of him with much love! By the way it is nice to see you here again!!!!!!!!!
  18. I got one from the Barf Shop on the Gold Coast... love it, couldn't be happier.
  19. Asking this for my Mum. They have an English Setter, He has the yearly heartworm vac and gets treated monthly with frontline for fleas. Mum found some fleas on him- the frontline is not lasting the month. She doesn't really want to put it on him every fortnight and was wondering if there is another spot on product that she can use. Advantix, revolution etc would be doubling up on the heartworm. Any suggestions?
  20. My twin tank heated hydrobath arrived from the Barf Shop a couple of weeks ago and I love it, other than the trailer it is probably the best thing I have ever bought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. We were having huge problems with Casey's coat until we changed her to the Advance Chicken and Turkey in the green bag. Within a couple of weeks, the problems started improving...
  22. Ditto to what Warley said, except I use a bar of Sards wondersoap instead of sunlight.
  23. Ahhh, I see- I always though you added the shampoo to the water, although mine has a "hatch" with a lid that I can lift to add stuff to the water so I imagine I still could.
  24. This seems like a good place to ask a question about quantities. Have finally ordered the hydrobath I have been dreaming about for years and wondering how much shampoo should I put into the wash water. I am a big plush puppy user for shows and fidos for non show baths. Have also just started using Equinade horse shampoo for my white girl.
  25. I'm happy to read that people are recommending the Double K's... I am watching one on ebay right now. I am wanting it to mainly blow loose coat out.
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