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Pointers Rule

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Posts posted by Pointers Rule

  1. Oh wow that is awesome Erin! I might ring them, the Mackay entry closes on Friday.

    Pointers Rule: If I get my reg. in time, is there any chance you have room for Luuka and I in your gazebo? :laugh: If not it's totally fine I can find a spot somewhere, I've never shown before only been to 1 show as an observer.

    No worries, we usually set up with the Irvings (I believe you know them)

  2. Mine is - we used it in a huge downpour when we went camping at New Years. Didn't leak a bit, infact it actually filled up on the roof bit due to how heavy it was, and we had to push it up from underneath to tip it out.

    Word of warning to all with Oztrails. I have seen 6 or 7 over the last couple of weekends buckle under the weight when the canopy fills up during rain. The frames just crumbled and were basically thrown away due to the damage...

    Anything will buckle thats why you need to ensure any huge gatherings are removed.We do when it gets bad but its very rare

    In my experience, it is more the Oztrails than any other brand. Mind you, these were all left unattended during rain, so totally different story if you are there keeping an eye on it.

  3. Mine is - we used it in a huge downpour when we went camping at New Years. Didn't leak a bit, infact it actually filled up on the roof bit due to how heavy it was, and we had to push it up from underneath to tip it out.

    Word of warning to all with Oztrails. I have seen 6 or 7 over the last couple of weekends buckle under the weight when the canopy fills up during rain. The frames just crumbled and were basically thrown away due to the damage...

  4. DSCF4754.jpg

    This is our recent arrival from NZ. At her debut show in Oz she was awarded Best in Group. We are hoping for big things from her this year...

    Well, we have had quite a month with Skye. Since her first show on 2nd January, she has had four Best in Groups with the fourth one resulting in her winning BEST IN SHOW. This also gave her her Aust Ch title- all in one month!!!!!

  5. :)

    I'll come out of the woodwork. I've bought my first show dog which I've had on trial for a week to see how my girls got along with her. They are really good with the new puppy, it's just my lack of sleep that's hurting!

    Baldev Blonde Bombshell "Abby"


    Her first show will be the beagle club open show on 20th February. It's four weeks away and I'm already shitting myself!

    YAY!!!! I am so glad you decided to go ahead and do it!!!!!

  6. These aren't the mines in SA by any chance are they?

    Waiting on a reply from you, as are a few people on here.. But if you are going to the mines in SA, i might be able to help you out.

    I am familiar with this situation, so can say that the mine is NOT in SA- I will leave Crazywhips though to answer your other questions. She does not have internet access at home, hence why she has not replied yet, I am sure she will check back once she is able to.

  7. I would be getting this checked into further right away with a scope. Our old ES started to get blood noses, one vet said it was nothing. Took him to another, they did a scope, turned out there was a tumour right back. Unfortunately it was on a blood vessel, so spead very quickly. He was only 4. While it might be nothing serious, I wouldn't leave it too long...

  8. I am going to get a hydrobath, yeah!

    But I can't decide on which one to get. Have searched on here and read all the threads but am still undecided.

    Am looking at the BARF ones and the Fido ones. Would like to get one from Vic as that is were I live but haven't had much joy.

    Advice please!

    I got a Barf Shop one in Oct 2007 and am totally thrilled with it. It had everything I wanted in a bath at a reasonable cost and after doing three dogs on a weekly basis, still looks brand new and hasn't missed a beat.

  9. Mohican, just on the witholding water at night point- while your pup is doing fine at the moment and showing no signs of dehydration, please, once we are in the peak of summer and it is still hot in the middle of the night, please make sure he has access to water 24/7.

  10. Sorry, weren't you looking at the S5? Seems available... S5

    The G9 is also a pretty capable camera that you might want to consider...

    Yes, we are looking at the s5.

    We are in Rockhampton, so not a huge range. Spoke to both Harvey Norman and also the large camera shop in town and was told the same thing by both, although it looks to be available online, so niot sure what is going on...

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