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Pointers Rule

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Posts posted by Pointers Rule

  1. Look forward to seeing you and Luuka there Fran

    I will finally be there with bells on. Dallies Cavs and Whippies.

    Pointersrule as well.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone again. :laugh:

    Oh crap, she is coming back, there goes peace and quiet at shows!!!!! :winner:

    Let's see if you can do as well as you did at the last shows you turned up to :thumbsup:

  2. We will be there on the Saturday as one of our girls is getting used in the handlers final and the same dog is going veteran sweeps on the Wednesday.

    Also there on second Thursday for Pointer judging.

  3. Okay cool! So should I bother bringing a crate? Maybe just bring a chair? She is pretty good at sitting quietly she won't run around or anything.

    I'd probably just bring the chair.

    A crate is a good thing for when she gets sick of people wanting to pat the fluffy doggie and needs some quiet time...

  4. Fran, as conzruct says, there is hardly any room for gazebos and we all croud into the shed next to the canteen. There are lots of little pens in there that we all set up in, you will need to get there very early in the morning to get yourself one as there is really room for one in each pen...

  5. i can quite often be heard talking/syching up the dog while running around the ring. Go Casey Go Casey and boy does this work. She shows well without it but with it she has the extra Umph to beat her mum. :rofl::rofl:

    Then when we need to go in for Challenge with her mum in front of her Go Casey Get mum and repeated the whole way round. THis puts her at the end of the lead (controlled) not bad for 8 years old,. :)

    (POINTERSRULE can you add this photo of Casey please).

    Each dog is different and i am more subdued with the whippets and Cavs. But talking constantly works for the Dallies and pointers.

    This one?????

  6. I wish I was going, 5 shows in one weekend would have been fantastic show training for me :laugh::doh: But I will be in Bris picking up my new car unfortunately :mad

    I am going to the Caves Show this Saturday, may need to scrounge a couple of square cms in someone's gazebo :laugh: I have the most gorgeous, soft, light crate now courtesy of conztruct and Luuka is getting all spiffied-up by Margaret in Gracemere on Thursday so I am really really really excited :laugh:

    Fran, I won't be there and I am not sure if Sandy and Co will be either as they are currently in Sydney for the Dally nationals. Rob (my OH) will be though.

    I am hoping to come for a look. Which would be the better day Saturday or Monday? I guess it is open to the public.

    Either day, but be aware it is not at the showgrounds this time, it is being held at a sporting field on Miles St

  7. Oh and take the dog with you when you exercise so it's actually in condition when its' in the ring!

    Hmm... I know one of my teams could do with a decent Wing Defence. I wonder if my dogs would be any good. :(

    If yours are anything like mine, they will pinch the ball and proceed to do mad-miles around the court, begging someone to chase them..... :D

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