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Pointers Rule

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Posts posted by Pointers Rule

  1. One suggestion is that before a CH Title can be awarded the animal must have show that is has been placed in the top four placing in a Speciality Show (Not Baby or Puppy ) from Junior onwards not the Puppy Classes. This than would help to improve the breeding and assist new owners in buying puppies of quality. Also it would greatly reduce the small breeders from indiscriminate breeding.

    And how would this work for the breeds that are smaller in numbers or that do not have Breed Specialty Shows...

  2. Just thought I would revisit this and let you know how we went with the Chlorophyll.

    We travelled to Brisbane with three dogs and three bitches, showed a bitch at the Royal in season and had all six dogs living in the same garage for 10 days without a problem. Granted the bitch in season was not in the trailer with the others but was in her trolley next to the trailer and other than one boy being a bit toey for a couple of days, no one went off their food or carried on. There was also another entire male where we were staying and he was none the wiser either. Was easy and I will always make sure I have some Chlorophyll on hand!!!!!!!

  3. Firstly is she already in season if so what day is she and last of all is she to be mated this season?

    When I have used Chlorophyll I start on day 1 of heat as that gives better results and you don't want to mask the odor if she is to be mated.

    I also buy the more expensive brand and give 10mls am and pm on food.

    Today is day one of the season and NO, she isn't being mated.

    I have given her a 20ml dose this afternoon over the tongue with a syringe without incident and had planned on repeating that morning and night.

    The brand I got is Natures Sunshine as that is what the girl in the health food shop recommended.

  4. Thank you so much for your help. Have been to health food shop and got a bottle of this. They didn't have it in tablet form so will see how we go with the liquid. Isn't usually an issue with my girls but we are travelling with them shortly and thought this might make things easier.

  5. I tried to search for the answer but without a name it is fruitless.

    I was told ages ago of a product you can give a bitch when in season to make her smell less "interesting"' Is anyone familiar with what I am referring to and can give me some information please.

  6. I plan on starting to look for my outfit over the next week or so, then need to find something for MrPR also...

    I want something in a teal green, I think...

    OOOh, Teal green sounds nice!! :laugh:Do you match your dog leads to your outfits or to compliment your dog :laugh:

    I always have them to match the dog.

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