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Everything posted by Lhok

  1. When I had my Akitas I would get husky or german shepherd x husky a lot, malamute, we once got bear and another who thought they were a Samoyed. --Lhok
  2. I would have no issue if it was the police setting up the cameras as part of an operation or even the RSPCA as part of animal cruelty investigations, but I do have a problem with random people trespassing and setting up cameras etc. --Lhok
  3. No one really will be able to say to be honest unless you have papers that state the pup is purebred. As some crossbred pups can look to be purebred. So I guess the question is that are you comfortable with the breeder and what they are saying? If not then don't buy the pup. --Lhok
  4. To be honest I'm pretty horrified that some other states don't have the same provisions/protections. Our possible defenses are a bit different and don't include trespass, unless the dog is a guard dog- which, although not mentioned there, requires different licensing to a pet dog and cannot (as far as I can recall) be used to guard a residential property. The trouble with a lot of our legislation here is that things aren't clearly defined. We have no provision for dogs attacking vermin (which I believe most other states have?) and an incident outside of the very narrow range of defenses is considered to be an "attack", with the risk of a destruction order attached, even if the case was clearly just a dog doing what most dogs would do, such as chasing cats or rabbits. A dog that chases rabbits is not necessarily a man-eating monster dog. Yikes, that's actually really frightening :/ I thought our legislation was bad enough when it comes to not taking in to account normal dog behaviour (an attack on a cat off the property is not differentiated from an attack on a person, for example), but you're exactly right that yours is barely defined and very open ended. If you had a good council then great, but plenty of councils are not good councils. Thanks melzawelza, that's interesting. I guess as more places are starting to ban roaming cats the legislation might change to keep up. I'd like to see an offence added associated with a cat that attacks which carries a similar penalty ($550), and maybe the ability to put a containment provision on an individual cat that has attacked. I'd never want to see across the board cat containment legislated though (and thankfully it doesn't seem to be on the cards here in NSW as we can't implement bylaws and it's unlikely that it would be legislated across the whole state in the Act). May I ask why not re the bolded bit? Personally I hate the fact that the neighbours cats pee on my balcony, shred the covers of our sandpit, hiss and fight on the fence of a night next to my children's windows and try to eat the magpies that like to cruise around in our yard. --Lhok
  5. My pups names so far: Jester Mischief Raiden Treble -yet to hear another dog called Treble, but I am sure there would be at least one out there. --Lhok
  6. For your Hovawart link they should be tested for HD, ED, eyes and OCD (shoulder issue), they also can suffer from Bloat Ideally they should have also passed a bonitation as a Hovawart should not be nervous or overly aggressive. --Lhok
  7. So how will they get the goats off now? I'm not for how they were going about it but still the goats need to go. --Lhok
  8. All valid points of view from where ever those particular people stand within the industry. Not everyone will have the exact same outlook on it all. --Lhok
  9. May be a strange question...do you think that those highly competative in your sport could potentially be doing exactly the same as they do in Greyhound racing to improve performance? About as likely as flyballers doing the same to improve their dogs desire to get the ball ..... In other words, just not going to happen. Flyballers get a ball, lure coursing dogs chase a lure - it's quite different isn't it? Live baiting would work for lure coursing and not for fly ball? Lure coursing and the potential for live baiting in it has been covered by the very people who do it and they have extended an invitation to those who would like to know more about it to go out there and actually see it in action. They have explained why it can't happen and they know the people who are active in the community for it. If you don't like what they have had to say about it take them on their word, go out there and have a look at the activity. --Lhok
  10. Very happy about this yet your next sentence is lots of dogs are going to be destroyed. There is no plan in place as yet. Maybe in 3 months according to the Government. What happens to all the greys in Vic, for example, waiting their turn to go into GAP or rescue? Will they be displaced by NSW dogs? Are all the bleeding hearts a suitable home for a greyhound? I'd suggest no. It's not as if they couldn't have adopted a greyhound previously so why didn't they? Cause they don't want one. The homes aren't there. The ANKC world had better hope eyes aren't turned their way, after all they have a few bad eggs who do the wrong thing, much like the greyhound world. And look at what has happened to Greyhounds NSW. think is pretty obvious answer. The precendent is set. some bad eggs mean the rest go too. was wondering why no questions in the censis asked if a household had pets , what species and how many? now that would have let the cat out of the bag as to how many there actually are would have been seriously interesting to have accurate instead of estimate figures well apparently some in the farming sector think they will be next under the spotlight Yes I think so and I very much fear that if NSW wins then the rest of the country will fold within 10 years and what becomes of my beloved breed then? It becomes a shadow of its former self or it goes the way of the Turnspit dog, no longer needed so no longer around. --Lhok
  11. portugese podengo (I hope I got the spelling right) --Lhok
  12. Do you mind me asking what these little guys are? Are they Bergamascos? --Lhok
  13. http://www.dogworld.co.uk/product.php/163176/Chief%20vets%20call%20on%20KC%20to%20change%20brachycephalic%20breed%20Standards --Lhok
  14. That link isn't very constructive, instead of focusing on the good of the sport and promoting that way they are lashing out all over the place and doing the job of the AR groups. --Lhok
  15. You don't need to own pets, perhaps we all need to get another hobby and not have pets because of the potential that someone might do harm. Better take away schools, churches, any social group or even employment because there is a potential that someone might do harm. That's the problem with slippery slope answers to problems where does it end because the ban it all method to prevent cruelty can be applied to just about everything. --Lhok
  16. I think this is the article: Bureaucrats charged with the mammoth task of winding up NSW’s $335 million greyhound racing industry are scrambling to lay the foundations for a trans­ition expected to put the lives of 12,000 dogs in the balance. In documents obtained by The Australian, Department of Prim­ary Industries officials have ­acknowledged the rate of euthan­asia from the ban will be “high” and contingency plans need to ­include alliances with pet crema­tion services and opening up crown land for temporary greyhound shelters. In minutes from a greyhound welfare teleconference attended by departmental and RSPCA offic­ials on July 11, the group heard that more than 12,000 dogs were likely to be handed over to the RSPCA and adoption agencies by owners and breeders ­unable to look after them when racing ends. But infrastructure to handle the wave of homeless dogs is limited, and prospects for rehoming the dogs are traditionally low. The group, which included RSPCA chief executive Stephen Coleman and NSW director Karen Heath, heard that typically less than half the dogs presented for adoption are able to make the transition into household pets. For the dogs that can go into family homes, waiting times in foster care can be long and, even then, many of the dogs are “generally not suited to be around small animals or small children, due to their strong prey drive”. The costs associated with rehom­ing the dogs are also considerable, the group heard, with the average greyhound costing $3000 to retrain and rehome, compared with euthanasia, which costs $150-$200 a dog. The meeting minutes highlight the impact of the ban, which state parliamentarians are likely to vote on next week, and the task NSW Greyhounds Transition Taskforce co-ordinator-general John Keniry faces bringing the ­industry to an orderly close. The government is already understood to be sounding out potential for co-operation with listed vet service provider and pet crematorium owner Greencross. In the interim, the government will assess the potential for building temporary dog shelters on crown land or other sites owned by the likes of the Royal Agricultural Society and other large-scale landowners, and also consider converting old poultry sheds, farm sheds and industrial buildings for the purpose. Despite greyhound advocates and animal rights experts downplaying the potential for widespread adoption of dogs, adoption agencies across the state have seen a surge in interest for retired greyhounds as pets. Sydney woman Michelle ­Osborne took eight-year-old Sally into her Smithfield home in the week before Premier Mike Baird ­announced his intention to ban racing in NSW, and has already put in an application to adopt another. “They’re the ideal pet,” she said of Sally, who is also happy to be around cats. “She’s well trained, well socialised and she’s fine around the cats too ... any better and she’d be making us cups of coffee.” --Lhok
  17. This seems interesting http://www.dogworld.co.uk/product.php/163018 --Lhok
  18. Whoa, check out the pug scores underneath the British bulldog. --Lhok
  19. Many people on the Animals Australia facebook page seem to think so using the same reasons that Baird is using to shut down greyhound racing. The last quote says it all really.. "Now Mr Baird has no option than to Ban Pet Ownership as well. With Puppy Farms and the fact that 250000 unwanted pets are put down each year. Pretty much the same reason for banning Greyhounds, just on a far bigger scale." "Great work - now we just need Mike Baird to continue to adopt Animal Justice Party policies, reverse the Ag Gag laws, stop the brumby culls and place a ban on all domestic dog and cat breeding until no shelter animals need to be destroyed." "stop the over breeding of all animals from back street breeders.." "The thing is how many dogs and cats are put down in the pounds each year,nobody cares" "Dogs and cats are bred for the pet industry. When they get too big or dig up the yard or the child grows tied of them they are abandoned, and unless rehoused are put down. I just would like too know how the pet industry stacks up to the greyhound industry." "its exactly the same issue just a different industry." (Had to take the names out for privacy) "yep. So go tackle the shelters. These guys are working on the greyhound industry for now. They cant do everything! Just be happy there is progress in this field. But yes please go do something for the shelters. Pitch in. Good on you. Thanks" "I'm not saying two wrongs make a right at all. If you ban the greyhound industry on the grounds of cruelty that has been highlighted then you must also ban the pet industry." "It's people doing the wrong thing that is the problem, both with greyhounds and pets. So you must ban both to solve the issues. Otherwise it's just plain Hypocrisy." "There are a lot of organisations campaigning to stop puppy farms because they are doing some awful things also. I personally think it should be illegal to own and breed an undesexed dog and only registered breeders with strict limits and welfare rules should be allowed to breed.Fingers crossed that is the next step governments will take." "it's good to see so many in support of Banning Pet ownership. It's the only way to stop the cruelty." --Lhok
  20. Therein lies the problem... How long do you think a dog should live for? This is a genuine question by the way. My crossbred dog only lived till 13 and she was a mediumish dog. --Lhok
  21. I think in NSW you aren't suppose to let them go to new homes until 8 weeks old. --Lhok
  22. Well Im not outraged but why is it better for the RSPCA to take them and put them down when the breeders are perfectly capable of taking them to their own vets and doing the same thing? That wasn't what I was meaning, the outrage part was because of the comment section of the link. I also think that breeder/trainer/owner should be allowed to made decisions for their own dogs in that regard. --Lhok
  23. I wonder what the story is about the greyhounds that Baird was suppose to have a media presentation with? Seems like they didn't want the media to talk to the man at all since they were all moved inside. There really shouldn't be outrage that the RSPCA will euth quite a high number of them, they have been saying that from the outset of the announcement. People can't see the forest for the trees. --Lhok
  24. If I had to guess, it could be that he has done a deal with the shooters party for something or he might have drank the AR cool aid and believe they would be better off dead than alive and being "exploited" by humans. However I am very cynical about things these days. --Lhok
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