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Everything posted by Lhok

  1. I get that too :D "Yeah, my brother's ex-wife's stepfather's half uncle's neighbour's mother's friend's son used to race greyhounds, his name was Blahdelblargh, I bet you know him!" As for numbers, a very good point. At the current rate of breeding, it would quickly become very literally impossible to rehome dogs. We already have a hard time down here because of our tiny population- our current foster has been with us a year- only enquiries were all cat owners :/ Nothing much to add, but I cracked up laughing when I read the bolded bit. Would be a good prefix name :laugh: --Lhok
  2. English mastiff? Tosa inu? I am not very good at guessing mastiff dogs lol --Lhok
  3. Nope to the shiloh, it doesn't have a bob tail either, think somewhere in the east. --Lhok
  4. I actually knew that without googling :D here's the next one
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