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Everything posted by Lhok

  1. Naww those big ears! I think I might have broken Treble, he seems to like to play fetch. Akitas aren't suppose to play fetch they are suppose to play grab the ball and run away! :laugh: or Throw the ball, look at it and walk the opposite direction :laugh: He also has no idea about play tug. He will grab the tug toy in his mouth but as soon as you touch it he will drop it like it is lead. Treble also seems to be praise driven, food is nice for about 3 pieces then he has had enough so not sure how I will go with it and he also offers sitting now and we are getting very close to waiting and he has stopped pulling on the lead :D not bad for a 6month old who has little obedience training. --Lhok
  2. I live close the QLD border and we have the heater on some nights here and Treble just goes and sets up camp in the laundry. The window is locked open a fraction to let some of the cool air in and the laundry door just gets shut if it gets too much. He even has started to close the door after himself --Lhok
  3. :D Nova and Koda! I think Treble is a natural blonde (sorry to all natural blondes :p) He was going so well with his leash walking, and at the moment he has this thing where he will wrap his head around my leg and look up at me with "Where is the treats?.. Human?" and while he was doing this he walked into a pole before I could stop him (I thought he would walk around it not straight into it) and then he tripped over his massive paws and ended up in a mud puddle with a herp derp face on I can see him being the class clown when we go to obedience. --Lhok
  4. No I already had the Eagle pack. She abdolutely loved it for the first 3 days then tried one of the older dogs biscuits and that was it. Hasnt touched Eagle pack since. Just wondering if you could trick her into eating it by putting some of the older dog bikkies in with her stuff. Could work or she could just pick out the good stuff and leave the other. --Lhok
  5. This afternoon I wish I had of had my camera on me. I was play with my daughter in the back yard and we were blowing bubbles. Treble was running around trying to pop them with his giant paws and looked rather funny while doing it but the funniest thing he did was while chasing a bubble he ran head first into the side of the garden shed :laugh: fell over onto his back and looked at us while his giant tongue hung out the side of his face :laugh: Should have named him Scooby doo.. as earlier on in the day he decided I needed saving from a red and blue spotted blanket that was hanging on the rail of the back deck. This saving entailed standing behind me while barking and walking backwards. Then once I went over to the blanket and put it on the ground he charges over, grabs it, gives it a good shake, then walks off with a prance dragging the blanket behind him. I could understand if the blanket was something he had never been introduced to but it was the same blanket he had been sleeping on for the last two nights. :laugh: He is so lovable though. --Lhok
  6. Well after two training sessions Treble is starting to sit on command. Not 100% but still better then this morning. I asked for a sit to see where is basic manners were and he just stood there looking at me with a huge goofy grin. The best thing is he is so praise and food motivated when he is asked to do something you can see the cogs working in his head trying to figure out how to get the smallest bit of abomiloaf (my husband's nickname for the Ham and chicken loaf I got him for training treats). --Lhok
  7. Here you go! http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/250731-treble/page__pid__6260888#entry6260888 --Lhok
  8. Here is the big guy. Excuse my ugly mug. --Lhok
  9. I think he is a black and silver but I am not entirely sure. Will have to have look at his papers when they come as the breeder forgot to send them. I got a phone call at 10am this morning from her telling me she had forgotten to send them with him :laugh: He even has the old man grey eyebrows. --Lhok
  10. Treble is home :D and I can't put up any photos because I left my camera at home when I went to the airport and now I can't find it Treble also isn't a little man, he is quite a big guy weighing around 37kg at 6months and has a huge head :laugh: the man who brought him up to us at the airport asked us if we were the ones who ordered a bear :laugh: I love him already he is a huge smooch and such a licky boy. I promise photos when I find my camera! --Lhok
  11. I can't praise her enough. I think she is awesome! --Lhok
  12. alright I'll come clean I'm getting this little guy from the same breeder that I got Raiden off. The breeder asked me if I would like a 6 month old pup that she had run on. I said yes and on Monday I will get to meet the little guy. I don't actually have photos of him as apparently he has been a bit of a swamp monster playing in the mud and therefore the breeder couldn't get a good enough photo of him. I already have a name picked out but I won't reveal it until I pick him up because it might not suit him :) So excited :D --Lhok
  13. All I will say is he is gorgeous! and quite big. --Lhok
  14. Well I am double screwed then. I will have a dog and I have a child. So people will be quite put out to rent to me It is nice to see pet friendly rentals though :) --Lhok
  15. My other half would be John Kookaburra :laugh: --Lhok
  16. Oh I thought your name came from the song slash dot dash dot by fat boy slim. --Lhok
  17. Gorgeous photos, however I couldn't help thinking that wouldn't it be funny if a wash from a boat came along and dunked you or tank's other dad :laugh: --Lhok
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