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Everything posted by capcharaphity

  1. One week is still such a short time, so it is too soon to expect total brilliance, however, may I gently say that I would suggest a couple of thongs.. as others have said, definitely no good or water in the crate. Crate should have enough room for bedding only. Make a barrier if it is too roomy. Dogs will rarely ever foul their own bed if they believe have to sleep in it. Also, and I know this is probably not possible for you, but in my experience when teaching a puppy it is OK to empty in 2 diferent places, ie outside or in the house, but only on the paper, they take a very long time to get it perfectly right. Obviously if pup was old enough and you were happy with him being outside during the day, this would be easier, and I understand that pup is inside during the day when you are at work. Just a thought, but you may consider retraining completely that it is only OK to empty on the paper or weewee pad inside the house. No outside toileting unti, later, when you can gradually move the paper nearer to the door, just outisde the door, and then out onto the grassed or garden area. I find reprimanding at toilet times never works. Just creates anxt and misery and a wedge between owner and pup. Anyways, good luck. OOps, sorry. Edited because I didn't check posting dates. Glad puppy is going well.
  2. I've been caught at with this at tracking training days (even though I believed my dog had been well toileted) and I NEVER want it to happen in the ring. I think I would die of embarrassment! This had never occurred to me until the last trial I went to watch and saw a CCD competitor leave by ducking under the ring ropes. To say I was very surprised was an understatement. I have been thinking about this one as it is apparent that many CCD competitors haven't given it a thought. Decision is that start peg will be on my right - one less thing for the dog to sniff at and having a male, minimises the chance he may wish to mark.... just in case previous dogs have. Something to think about - are you always asked which end you wish to leave your dogs? I ask because it hasn't been apparent from the trials I have been to. If you are not asked and want to leave your dog at the opposite end to the one specified by the judge, can you ask this, or are you better just to "go with it"??? Thanks to everyone for their input. You are always asked which end you would like to leave the dog for the recall. Always have this decision well and truely made before you enter the ring, and don't hesitate or change your mind. be smooth and cool when and where possible. You will find that like with everything, everyone their own opinion as to which end to leave your dog. Of course as previously mentioned, sun, wind and rain can come into it. However, always remember that your dog has been comfortable starting each excercise already up one end, even though the recall will be a little further out. I find leaving your dog at the start end is better for me. Less distraction than swapping ends and wasting your dog's energy and also less distraction than calling your dog to run to the end where there may be people standing around watching and talking. Personal opinion of course. I am hoping to get back into the ring after this Summer, early to mid next year. Good luck with your trials.
  3. Quite right. The dog rocks do neutralise urine, (lower the acidity level to a more alkiline level). However, popping a porous rock or a brick (without any toxins on it) into a bucket of water also lower the PH and therefore actually is exactly the same thing. I have experimented on this. Concrete is also very porous and can be used, in the form of rocks of concrete. Alternatively Bi-Carb also does the same thing and is also safe. Only tiny amounts need to be used.
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