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Everything posted by wolfie333

  1. Not sure about tuggers but at the symonston companion dog club you get 24 hour use of the fenced off lead areas in the grounds. which is great!
  2. Well my new foster mastiffx arrived today smelling like roadkill. When i was washing him i noticed his ears are all dry and cracked/tattered around the edges. Anyone know what might have caused this and should i put some ointment on it? I have a herbal calendula cream for humans would this be ok? His claws are also badly cracked is this a worry at all? and the end half of his tail has bald spots where the vertebrates are there are a few open sores but they look to be healing a bit, would this be because he was so underweight? He is a very sweet lad, it was heartbreaking when i washed him all the hair that came off, looks like he has not even had many pats
  3. oh good! thanks! You can see the sheen in my boy's coat I owe it all to sardines i think The funny thing is most people give a tin or so a day as a nice supplement, with these boys 6 or 7 tins is just a snack! I do sometimes wonder if I should be giving the springwater ones instead of the vegetable oil variety, any opinion here?
  4. Ok well, i know the recommendation is usually to get dogs of different age/sex or size to ensure they get along, but would love to hear this theory proved wrong by anyone with experience in this area. The story is I have a male mastiffx about 1 year old and have taken on a foster dog of pretty much the same description. Except that one has had the best of everything and is loved to death and the other seems to have never had a good meal or a good friend The dogs met at the pound both are very dog friendly and they got along like long lost brothers, seriously it was like they knew each other (it is remotely possible that they could be littermates, they are so similar ) and not a hair was raised in aggression. Is it possible that this comradeship will last or is it bound to cause friction at some point? What should i look out for and what should i if there are any signs of real aggression? I hope that me being a strong leader will be enough but any advice would be greatly appreciated as any trouble with such big dogs would not be much fun i imagine
  5. Thats great advice everyone thanks! He's certainly not starving but the coat is terrible and he is really stinky, my main worry is that he missed out on proper nutrition in a period of crucial development and was hoping there was something i could do to lessen the impact of this on his future health. How come I won't want to be giving extra calcium? not to upset the calcium/phosphorus ratio? My dog is a neoxenglish mastiffxGSP, And this dog is remarkably similar in size/body shape and age (I have a little fantasy that they may be brothers!) Calcium is one of the reasons i give so many sardines gosh, i hope i haven't been doing the wrong thing by my darling! Anyway i have attached a photo of the new boy "Wilber" and will update with a new pic when he is looking sleek and shiny like his brother oh alright i'll put a photo of him up too
  6. I am getting a foster mastiffx soon who is about 10-12 months old and is pretty skinny and his coat is in awful condition. Having my own neox about the same age I know how important nutrition is in the early months. Can anyone recommend any food or supplements i can give to get him back in top shape ASAP. I feed my dog a lot of sardines and he looks great so i'll start with that
  7. Your post reminded me of our dogs, my mum has two american bulldogs and i have a mastiff cross pup, when they play they come out looking like they have been in the pits! cuts and scabs everywhere but you never hear a yelp during the play. Bully type dogs have such a high pain tolerence, they don't seem to realise when they are actually causing damage. Will be interested to hear the advice you get from the experts on DOL.
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