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Everything posted by TrinaJ

  1. I have one contract for main and limited puppies, just have to cross out and initial the section that is not applicable. I have a variations page for those on breeders terms. Once I am satisfied that the people will give my puppies a fantastic forever home then I give them the contract to look over. if they are happy with the contract we go from there.
  2. I too can highly recommend Cool Champion Cooking Vests. Maureen is extremely helpful and will answer any question you have. She has an array of colours to choose groom as well, I believe she has a new aqua colour this summer www.coolweave.com.au/coolchampionstm_k9_cooling_vests.htm
  3. Sounds like it could be a UTI to me and needs some antibiotics, looks like a trip to the vets in on the cards for you today.
  4. I'm sorry but I found it quite funny. If I took notice of all the crap larger dogs got it would do my head it. Take all those comments with a grain of salt. Not everyone like little dogs and not everyone like bigger dogs, that's life. I'm sure I've said similar or worse about the bored shitless swf who lives next to me and barks all day and runs up and down the fence line taunting my dogs. I do t think I've ever seen him out for a walk He's lonely and bored - I have to go down and talk to him to get him to stop barking, he just wants company, but my Godnhe irritates the crap out of me.
  5. I think they refer to hacked off ears, not ear cropping
  6. I was told I could share it. I got it off FB. Pls feel free to cross post
  7. Thx guys will give them a try tomorrow. John of Pedini is busy unfortunately
  8. Bump... Still need someone, everyone we have contacted is busy. Ultimately we need to have someone who can do the whole show otherwise it will get messy.
  9. *LOL* I was having one of my blonde moments and thought I know what a puggle is but what is a puggly, I thought it was a pug x puli
  10. Edited because I cant read *LOL*
  11. This picture says it all....
  12. Lemma you are great at letter writing At least she doesn't want to get a pet!shop puppy thants a start. I too would suggest a rescue group or pound and save a dog. lol Lisa those puppy queries you were speaking of are coming and you don't even have a litter damned if ya do damned if you don't ;)
  13. So sorry to hear that you had to give him his wings....obviously too good for this world
  14. Just wondering if anyone has received a response from any of their letters?
  15. Its STILL there. If you click on Everyone (most recent), it is there (its just above the part where you can write a post) http://www.facebook.com/#!/DOGSVictoria?sk=wall&filter=1
  16. THey have a Facebook page that's still current. Perhaps contact them there http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/NDTF-National-Dog-Trainers-Federation-Australia/214623691909729
  17. It's not expensive to fly a pup from interstate - Halo cost me $80 from Melbourne. We were fortunate enough to go over to meet her, but if we hadn't been able to I would have been fine with letting our breeder pick for us because they match the pup's personality up with the family. I was only changed $100 to ship my puppies from Melb-Bris and Melb-Syd. If you find the 'right' breeder in another state then I'd definately look at having the pup flown over to you. Jetpet were fantastic
  18. I posted it on the Dogs Vic face book wall, wonder how long it will take them to delete it????
  19. Thinking of you and the little one, hope he improves really soon
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