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Everything posted by TrinaJ

  1. We have just had confirmation via Ultrasound that we will be having Rottie babies at the end of Sept (Vet says 26th Sept, however according to my cals she is due on the 29th). Booked in for X-ray on the 22nd Sept to find out how many. He could see 8 on one side and thinks that there are between 10-12 puppies in total.
  2. The lady who instructs me in herding found this today whilst searching for something else and thought she would share it with me…. This Act (see link below) states a dangerous dog is NOT exempt under clause 4 UNLESS a) it is a Schutzhund Trained GSD (funny how its only a GSD!!), b) a Dogs Victoria Member c) if it has been imported into the country for breeding purposes! This is dated 31st March 2009 http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/DPI/nrenfa.nsf/L...ined%20Dogs.pdf
  3. I seriously doubt any Rottweiler Club will get involved with the GSD Clubs on this matter for obvious reasons
  4. From what I can find the FCI Delegate for the Asian Section (which includes Australia) is Mr T.Nagamura of Japan.
  5. we are member of the FCI as per the FCI website... Member countries Oceania - Organismes associés 1. Australia 2. New-Zealand Oceania - Organismes associés 1. Australia Australian National Kennel Council P.O. Box 309 Carina Queensland 4152 Stephen street 60 Camphill 4152 QUEENSLAND Tel. 00 61 7 3398 8608 Fax. 00 61 7 3395 3858 http://www.ankc.org.au E-mail: [email protected]
  6. Would love to have an official FCI (full) Executive Member/Representative for this. That's a great idea, I wonder who the FCI Rep is for us here....
  7. I was wondering the same thing, surely there must be some very severe health issues. Makes me mad just thinking about it
  8. Hence the need for us to continue persuing the matter.
  9. SUCCESS!!! This was posted on the rotties yahoo group this afternoon. However we still need to make sure all clubs continue in their efforts to stop this from happening in the future!! Following a lot of behind the scene work in Western Australia and Northern Territory , the following email excerpt confirms the positive results that we sought. The following was sent following a NACA Council meeting last evening. ............... I sent my response to the ANKC, it requested that the directive be rescinded immediately and a new directive stating that NO alterations are permitted. This was supported with cut and pastes from the FCI Statues and Standing Orders as well as ANKC Regulations. The ANKC President has since sent an email to all member bodies advising that no action be taken on that directive until it is discussed at the conference also advising DogsVic to remove it from their web site. .... end of excerpt . It is interesting to note that the Schutzhund item has already been pulled from the Victorian website.
  10. After I posted it I wondered if you had meant here or on the done yahoo group. I hope someone posts something.
  11. Monelite, I just posted a note about it on the Dobe Thread, hope they dont shoot me we need as much help as possible to get this reversed.
  12. That's the sad part MonElite, if they get away with this whats to stop them eventually banning our breeds, mark my words, they are doing all they can in Victoria to have this happen! This is one issue where all the breed clubs must have a united front. I urge you write to your Club and get them to join the fight in getting those titles reinstated. If enough clubs join together we can give them one hell of a fight.
  13. We have a member going to the KS in 2 days, she will be brining up with members of the IFR (International Friends of the Rottweiler). A Motion has already been emailed out to members in one state requesting that our National Body (The NRC(A) take this further). Members are contacting the FCI demanding that they do something. Another member is also finding out exactly what agreements etc are between the FCI and the ANKC (ie if they are associates as some people say they are, some say they aren't. We also do not trust the ANKC in telling us the truth so we are going directly the to source). Other state clubs are contacting their respective Kennel Clubs - some say they didn't know about it until AFTER Dogs Vic was questioned by one of the Presidents of one of our State CLubs. Funny no one seems to know much about it in other states.
  14. Thanks MonElite, If you wouldn't minel etting Alison know that NO Dawn is DEFINATLEY NOT implying that her living O/S negates her concerns, she was saying Alison is very well respected in the dog sport world and was wanting to know if she was doing anything as that would most definately help us in our fight to keep the titles.
  15. Mid May would make her what Taurus - you could call her Torii after the Taurus star sign?
  16. WEF 1st May 2007, to register a dog in Victoria (dogs must be registered at 12 weeks old) a puppy MUST be microchipped. Without a microchip you cannot register the puppy. A lot of breeders chip their pups prior to them going to their forever homes. From there it is upto the new puppy owner to transfer the ownership details.\ ETA - Dogs Vic do have microchipping days which will make the cost a little less ($25 on the day from memory)
  17. Aylah rolls off the tongue easier than Dakota IMO. She is simply gorgeous!!! She is 8 weeks old, so that would make her born around mid June so she is a Geminii! You could call her Gemi or minii Some Star names and their meanings... STAR NAMES Adhara F name of the second brightest star (Arabic) Ahtahkakoop M star blanker (Cree) Altair M name of a star in the constellation Aquila Aludra F name of a star in the constellation Canis Major Anakin M Darth Vader in "Star Wars" Arista F name of a star in the constellation Virgo Arundhati F name of a star (also called Alcor) Asta F star (Greek, Old Norse) Astra F star (Latin) Astraea F star (Greek Mythology) Astrophel M star lover (Latin) Ayelet F name of the morning star (Jewish) Bellatrix F name of the star in the constellation Orion Chih Nii F Goddess of the star Alpha in the Lyre (Chinese) Citlali M/F star ( Nahuatl) Csilla F star (Hungarian) Danica F star (Slavic, Latin) Dara M/F star (Khmer) Deneb M name of a star in the constellation Cygnus Elanor F star sun (Sindarin - The Lord of the Rings) Elrond M star dome (Sindarin - The Lord of the Rings) Estella F star (Latin) Esther F star (Persian) Hesper F star (Greek) Hesperos M star (Greek) Hester F star (Greek) Hoshi F star (Japanese) Izar F star (Basque) Ji Nu F stellar Goddess (Chinese) Ketu M/F shooting star (Tibetan) Lyra F name of the constellation containing the star Vega Mary F star (Latin) Nthanda M/F star (African Tumbuka) Pollux M the constellation Gemini contains a star by this name Seren F star (Welsh) Shihab M shooting star, meteor (Arabic) Sitara F star (Sanskrit) Starla F elaborated form of Star (English) Starr M star (Middle English) Stella F star (Latin) Steren F star (Cornish) Sterling M little star (Middle English) Sterne M star (Middle English) Sterre F star (Dutch) Suha F star (Arabic) Suhayl M name of the second brightest star in the sky (Arabic) Tähti F star (Finnish) Tara F star (Gaelic, Sanskrit) Tariq M morning star (Arabic) Thurayya F star (Arabic) Tu M/F star (Vietnamese) Ulloriaq F star (Greenlandic) Vega F name of a star in the constellation Lyra Vespera F star (Latin) Whetu F star (Maori) Yildiz F star (Turkish) Zarathustra M golden camel or golden star (Persian)
  18. Thanks MonElite, I will let Dawn know (off to check out their website).
  19. Chanel Coco Kairi Lili Rive Tilly Silana Bebe Misha Chloe
  20. MonElite, (This was posted on the list from Dawn Ayton after I posted your comments from Allison). Allison is an Australian Lady who now spend half her time in Aus and the other half in Germany, where she is a registered Schutzhund Judge. Allison and Jens have bred Dobermanns (20 to 30 years ago), Malonios and GSDogs. They are very active in the dog sport and breeding communities in both countries. Allison's career was in advertising and Journalism, so any article she writes is always well thought out and articulate. I'm surprised that as she is currently residing o/s, she hasn't told us of any or what action she is taking locally. MonElite, do you know, or can you find out, if Allison has instigated any action here locally? Thanks Trina
  21. Yes!!! Not only are they taking away current dogs, but anything that is on the Pedigree, therefore they are trying to take away the History of of our dogs!! The ANKC are just burying their heads in the sand, what do they think that they can just remove the title then it must not have existed its BS
  22. Thanks MonElite, have passed that info on to a Yahoo Group of ROttweiler Breeders as we are discussing this violation by the ANKC.
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