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Everything posted by TrinaJ
Those bowls are awesome, there is a youtube link and you can see how it has helped the dogs slow down... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QskZWPZvSr4
They are gorgeous Liz Jett squashed another puppy this morning, I must have dozed off for about half an hour (7am) when I opened my eyes and did a head count 1 was missing, Mr Blue Run free with your brothers and sister little man Am trying so hard to stay awake, I am paranoid that something will happen if I leave the room, eyes are burning but I have to stay awake. Thankfully OH looked after Jett and the puppies tonight, I went to bed around 8 and woke up 11.30 to amalia crying (fed her), went back to bed and then OH woke me at 1ish for my turn (he has to work). Jett is snoring and farting - OMG the smells ;) - 6 puppies are passed out on the vetbed, 2 fallen asleep at the nipple and 2 of the larger ones are happily sucking away. I need a TV in the office, wish I could take the plasma off the wall and just bring it in here, I need something to keep me awake, think its time for hot chocolate.
She's doing well ..... we lost another boy today, she squashed him, I must have dozed off, it was around 7.30am this morning and I was awake chatting to her at 7.00 - he was under her elbow trying to get to another teet. RIP Mr Blue
Not that I am aware of yet, no reply has been posted on our website....
I think it woudl be up for discussion because the GSDCA and the NRC(A) have both asked for it to be tabled. Both National bodies have written to hugh Gent regarding the matter. It 'may' have been an admin error 'this time' but what about the next time, this issue needs to be sorted once and for all and put to bed. Here is a copy of the NRC(A) letter to Hugh Gent... 10 September 2010 Mr H Gent President Australian National Kennel Council PO Box 309 CARINA QLD 4152 By email: [email protected] Dear Mr Gent REMOVAL OF FCI RECOGNISED TITLES At a specially convened meeting of the National Rottweiler Council (Australia) held on 7 September 2010 it was unanimously decided by Delegates of all NRC(A) member clubs to write to the ANKC to voice our objection to the ANKC’s directive to its affiliates recently posted on the Dogs Victoria website, which stated: That “Schutzhund titles obtained in other countries by dogs imported into Australia will not be added to the ANKC database at the time of re-registration. Schutzhund titles such as SCH and IPO previously added to the ANKC database will be removed. SCH, IPO & other similar titles are a form of attack training and the ANKC does not recognise these titles or discipline.” We note that this directive has since been removed from the Dogs Victoria website. The ANKC’s actions cast aside the historic efforts of generations of breeders who have worked diligently to improve the health and temperament of not only the Rottweiler but other working breeds. The NRC(A) has been directed by its member clubs to demand that the ANKC at its forthcoming Conference give a written undertaking that the ANKC and its affiliates will not under any circumstances interfere with the registration certificates/pedigrees of dogs imported into Australia and further, that the ANKC or its affiliates will not alter or delete in any way the registration certificates/pedigrees of dogs that are on the ANKC database. The NRC(A) is deeply disturbed that the ANKC and its affiliates continue to describe international working activities such as IPO, Schutzhund, VPG and BH, in the words of the ANKC, as “forms of attack training.” The inference of the ANKC and its affiliates is that this type of activity creates a safety risk to the public and that the dogs trained in such activity are a danger. This inference can only lead to the view that the ANKC and its affiliates in effect are saying that other canine organizations throughout the World are socially irresponsible and have scant regard for their fellow citizens. The NRC(A) would like to offer assistance to the ANKC regarding this issue as this by far affects the majority of our members as the second largest National Breed Council in Australia. We have consulted and continue to work with the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Inc regarding this matter and rest assured we do not accept the current decision of the ANKC. Yours sincerely John MacDonald President National Rottweiler Council (Australia) cc: Ms Tracey Barry Administrator, ANKC Email: administrator
Award For Biggest Idiot Goes Toooooooo.........
TrinaJ replied to lovemesideways's topic in General Dog Discussion
He gets my vote, what a freakin tool!!! -
Thanks guys Jett and puppies are doing well (she is snoring now), the 2 little ones who didn't gain much weight the first day have actually put on 25gm over night and are feeding really well now so that is a relief. They are getting some biolac via eye dropper on the tongue and then going on Jett as that is what my mentor suggested to get their weight up a bit. They seem really hungry after getting a taste of this and then really suckling hard on Jett when I put them back in the whelping box with her. Jett has 1 inverted nipple, I have been massaging it and am able to get some milk out of and watching it closely so that she doesn't get mastitus (its not sore to touch or anything and no hard lump, have also applied a warm facewasher). Are inverted nipples common? How often should I massage and try and express the area?
few more
couple of photos...
Sunday was a busy day, early hours of the morning Jett whelped 14 puppies, 9 males and 5 females on her own. 2 didn't make it on sunday little girl ;) little boy Run Free little ones, you were too good for this world. the puppies weighed in between 204gm - 354gm. This morning we lost one while I was feeding the childen their breakfast (amalia 10 months old, riley 6), she squashed our little Orange Boy - another one who was too good for this world. The hurt I feel in my heart is overwhelming because I left them alone, but I know in my head that I cant be there every single second, I have been so vigilent watching over them, counting them constantly. Its just so heartbreaking. She squashed another (a girl not long after, but I managed to revive her and she is doing well, suckled on mum for a while. I cant believe I was actually able to revive it... lots of rubbing, diping and blowing and she finally took a big breath. I kept a hold of her for a while to make sure she would be okay before I put her on Jett. Sent son off with sister-in-law so I can stay with the puppies (Amalia is fine in the highchair or play pen, or sleeping as she is doing now). I am so scared to leave them for a second because Jett is so big and they are so small, she cant feel them if they snuggle in and may accidently squash another I will post some pictures later as she is in the office and I cant get to my computer to add the pictures. I know having a litter is very emotional, but even moreso when you lose some
Thanks Rysup. I wasn't sure as I've never done one before
I am wishing to insert the following clause into my contract for the purposes of obtaing semen from one of my male puppies (hope we have some) as we will only be keeping a bitch from this mating and I may want to use the semen from this mating at some stage in the future. Can anyone please tell me if it makes sense, if I need to change it, add to etc as I have no idea.... Any recommendations etc would be much appreciated. Terms/Conditions of Cancellation/Variation: 1. I/We hereby agree to the variation of the said Agreement by: 1.1 The insertion of the following Clause and/or sub-Clause/s a) The Purchaser hereby agrees to allow the Seller two (2) semen collections from the dog once the dog has turned 18 months old and has passed all NRC(A) required health clearances so that the Seller may use and preserve these particular lines and genetic virtues within the Sellers breeding program. b) The Seller agrees to pay for all associated costs of NRC(A) health clearances and semen collection by a veterinarian determined by the Seller. c) The ownership of the semen will remain in the name of the Seller. d) The Purchaser hereby agrees to keep the dog entire until the Seller has undertaken Clause 1.1 (a). Once Clause 1.1 (a) has been undertaken the Purchaser hereby agrees to de-sex the dog. e) The Seller herby agrees to undertake Clause 1.1(a) by the time the dog reaches 2 years old.
I can find one HUGE similarity......their cuteness
ooohhhh they are sooooo gorgeous!!!! :rolleyes:
snap.... I was too slow (making son's lunch)
It sounds in a way like you are questioninig the integrity of the judge. Surely a judge isn't going to award a CC to someone purely because of a scone or lunch. Give them a bit more credit than that! Have you ever worked on a committee, its a thankless job (not that we want thanks) and one that requires a lot of time and dedication. Not many people are willing to work on a committee these days and I personally would have been grateful to someone to have offered to help out at a show by doing things like that.
Some pictures of Jett checking out her whelping box....
I have the contact details and have forwarded them to you via email. Good luck I hope you find what you are after
Thanks I have contacted my friend and left a message for her to find out if she has the contact details.
If you send me your email details I can pass your name onto a friend who has a Blitzkreig bitch that is just over 3, she will have her contact details. Cheers! Trina
Just about to order a heat pad to pick up but not sure what wattage to get, there are a few different ones - anyone have any idea as to what I should get? (Sway why do you have to be at the Royal??)
she is beautiful Hope everything goes according to plan and that you will have her home with you in no time!
I have 2 xrays done and they have never been right. I would not do it again. One on a horse machine, and one on the latest digital ones in the country. How wrong did they get it Sway?