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Everything posted by TrinaJ

  1. Congratulations, as Griff said, he looks like a wonderful bronze statue!!! Absolutely stunning!!!
  2. OMG that's disgusting!!! They cost me $250 for Hips/Elbows/Eye and Mouth certs (ie counting the teeth, making sure they scissor, and checking the eyes) + reading fee from Wyburn $120 TOTAL PER DOG = $370 all up. I would ask you vet to justify $1200 for a simple x-ray under GA.
  3. Dawn is going Dyz i have just pm'd her, if she lets me know an alt route I will let you know. Good luck and safe travells. Dont forget to txt me the results
  4. NATO SARGE CENTENNIAL RADAR WILLIE SNIPER (lol dobe's even have a snipe nose ) ETA: Semper (as in Semper Fi which in Latin means Always Faithful) Bullett Brig (as in military jail) Gutmo (as in Guantamo Sp? Bay)
  5. I agree 100% I worked with a guy once who's name was David Davidson, I am tipping you can all guess what their child was going to be called if it were a boy! Thank GOD the baby was a girl!
  6. When people have a dig at me for my dog's name (Pancake) I just stare at them and say - well she was born as flat as a pancake and almost died! Shuts them up real fast I had a rooster named after a randy old politician and a chook named after a prostitute. My animals so I'll name them whatever I want. Besides it really suited them because they were always at it. :D :D Bill Clinton and Divine Brown? :D
  7. How rude of that couple at the vets! There is nothing wrong with calling a dog a human name....they are YOUR dogs you can pick whatever name you like, hell call it Nissan or Toyota if you like, shouldn't make a difference to anyone :D I PERSONALLY dont think I could call a dog Leanne or Caroline though *LOL* but that's just me. Those are just 2 names I couldn't call a dog :D sorry to anyone here who has a Leanne or a Caroline :D
  8. No advice here just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for the loss of your litter. Hope YOU are okay?
  9. Bloody hell.... as if the people of QLD havne't been through enough already..... I hope everyone stays safe!
  10. The Perfect Storm Hez A Hurricane A Hurricanes Brewn Hurricane Warning Eye of the Storm Stormbringer Stormy Weather
  11. The minimum age for Rottweilers now coincides with the RCV's minimum age of 22 months The RCV was consulted and asked what the Club's minimum breeding age for bitches was.
  12. Lavelle Dr. Roger B. 250 Princes Hwy Werribee VIC 3030 Contact Number : (03) 9731 2000
  13. the name R. Lavelle (sp?) rings a bell. I have looked on my old paperwork but no longer have the front sheet with the name and address details on it.
  14. Lysterine works wonders on hotspots, dries them up in no time. Not sure about preventing them, but this helps cure them. Beautiful Goldie
  15. nope, wouldn't do it. Doesn't appear to be a safe way to transport an animal at all IMHO
  16. bummer..... perhaps you can email her? [email protected]
  17. Please feel free to cross post this information to anyone who may be affected by the closure.
  18. I only have Anne's contact number and I am guessing that's the same number you have (ends in 3478???)
  19. Hell in the heat I made Bandit wear a PINK coolvest - he didn't care, he was cool so that was the main thing (He has red now, Jett got her pink one back ) Purple is an awesome colour for dogs or bitches.
  20. Due to sudden illness Dr Wyburn's practice will be closed until further notice. Please pass on to anyone considering sending x-rays for reading. These will need to go to other readers until he is able to return (time unknown at this point) cross posted with permission.
  21. Due to sudden illness Prof. Wyburn's practice will be closed until further notice. Please pass on to anyone considering sending x-rays for reading. These will need to go to other readers until he is able to return (time unknown at this point) ETA: This was cross posted with permission
  22. Just beautiful photos!!! the first 2 thumbnails look like a mop has come to life... cute!!!
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