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Everything posted by TrinaJ

  1. Best of luck for the ET on Saturday RachellBuck, we are entered into that one also Well Jett did 30 laps of the dog pool and had a wonderful time getting me soaked she loves to lean on me when she is being towel dried, my beautiful girl is a snuggler ;)
  2. Change of plans for us today, going to give Jett's joints a rest and take her to the dog pool instead for a nice swim... speaking of that I had better get organised and get her into the car, am booked in for 11am *LOL*
  3. We've not trained since Wednesday, Jett did herding yesterday, physically and mentally exhausting. Murve we won't be at the park tomorrow, just going to train around home. Will see you Saturday
  4. Poor little boy At least the reporter didn't guess the breed like most do, caramel coloured could be any breed.
  5. I can't wait til next week!!! I am so looking forward to it I got my vet check form back today so am getting Jett checked by the vet on Friday, then the ET the following day. I hope the weather will be kind to us
  6. Oh now how awful for you, at least you weren't hurt in the incident (stupid 1d1ot) hope you feel better soon. Poor Diva, have you got a bowen therapist in your area?
  7. Well done Murve, Jett and I rode 7kms today and there were other people out walking their dogs, Ibis flying around which like Orlando, got het attention. We went up hills, on grass and along gravel average speed 12.6kmph. I am extremely happy with her recovery time. It does take her around 3kms to settle down and get down to work.
  8. I look forward to meeting him. We won't be having a litter until 2012, she won't be mated again until after March. I will be happy to discuss things with you both closer to her mating
  9. Abbiestar we will be there again Monday next week and you are more than welcome to join us I did 6kms with Jett *LOL* she would pull me around the whole circuit if I let her, she is having a ball. She was chasing Orlando for a couple of laps but then settled down nicely. Murve, thank you for your lovely comments about Jett, Bandit and Nova, they all enjoyed meeting you and Orlando and your little pap (cant remember the name sorry). Did you manage to get your bike out of your car ok? The weather forecast for the rest of the week is meant to be fine, but this is Melbourne so you never can tell. Then we still have to hope and pray that next week is okay..... regardless I am going to enjoy myself and actually continue biking her even after the ET, she is really enjoying it
  10. Murve, it was great to meet you and your beautiful fur kids today. The Grounds at KCC Park were boggy and hard to cycle through, each lap in the grass got harder and harder as we cycled through it. I hope it improves by next weekend, with just 3 of us cycling it was bad enough, can't even begin to think how awful it will get with 15-20 cyclists doing 20 laps .....
  11. I had one guy who wanted a MALE rottweiler puppy for a companion so that he could take it on walks with him on the weekend.... also he would have to pick it up in January (pups were ready to go 22 Nov) because December is their busiest month and he cant do anything in December....oh and he had never had a dog before... Ummm... you only walk and spend time with the puppy on the weekend and what about December, the dog just what has to go into a kennel because you are busy? WTF! I send back a lovely email saying that perhaps this stage of his life wasn't the right time for a dog. I wanted to add that dogs require human interaction and aren't just garden orniments and just as a thought that perhaps he could join a walking club to give him someone to walk with on the weekend.... but I was too gutless!
  12. I've not read all the replies but from the sounds of it your friend is very ignorant and quite happy to be that way... Unfortunately not everyone wants to be educated on how to raise dogs and children together and the importance of it, they would rather bury their heads in the sand
  13. We did 5km this morning, slighly hilly and Jett was lifting her leg on bushes as we went past which was a but of a pain in the butt *lol* must have been other dogs out before us. Getting padded bike shorts to wear under my clothes on this weekend.
  14. Cool I will be in a dark blue Ford AU3 Station wagon, cant miss me, I have a masive celtic design sticker across the tailgate window with a Pappy & Whippet stickers :D Can't guarantee it, but if I can get there I will. Will be in a silver Mercedes-Benz wagon with "VIZ" number plates. M That would be great if you can join us Abbiestar :D I will bring Malika as well, just to give her a short burst I think having a few of us there we can help each other in particular with encouragement What do you guys think??? sounds great to me also, the more the merrier :D When I called the trail secretary, she told me that it was starting at the gravel, just as you enter the grounds, going up behing the pavilion and then onto the bituman and back to the gravel again 1km loop. THe grass at the moment there is so wet and boggy, I hate that section.
  15. Same here, however I would offer a full refund upond the desexing of the pup and they keep it, or a replacement pup from my next litter upon return of the puppy and the registration papers. Sad situation, you dont win either way....poor puppy So sorry you and your pup are going through this. I haven't read the responses but I hope that you have spoken to your breeder and can come to some arrangement.
  16. Will have to invest in some of those gloves too Abbiestar. I piked today, too bloody cold for me, besides I had a massage this morning :D was too relaxed after that to go for a ride.... Thanks for the offer Murve, I have a large bottle so I am right for now Very nice of you to offer to get some for me though. Your boy is gorgeous On Monday morning I will be the one in the black Toyota Kluger with the ROTTN1 number plates, will have the dog trailer as well and will be parked near where we do herding trials (large off lead area) next to the pavillion. Will be there between 9.30 and 10am depending on how long it takes me to get organised in the morning.
  17. I got it from pets megastore in Geelong, they sent it to me in the mail.
  18. We are doing really well. Jett had a few days off last week due to me having prior commitments, but we did 6.5km Sunday afternoon and another 6.5km yesterday average speed was 13.5kmph. She is having an absolute ball. Me .... I dread back onto the gravel and grass after the nice smooth concrete paths *LOL*, I think I will have to invest in padded bike shorts, my butt is not impressed with the bike seat (its gel but still hurts after a while). Today we are having a rest day and we are back into it tomorrow, Friday and Sunday - sticking around the 6.5-7km then mid next week I will do 1 x 8km run and continue with the 6.5-7km runs. Jett is enjoying the lectade, I have been making sure that I give this to her daily. Question.... with elite athletes, prior to competing they will generally load up 2 days prior to an event on carbs such as rice and pasta, is this the same for dogs? Murve, I will be at KCC Park on Monday morning around 9.30ish for a ride with another person and her dog (also a rottweiler), you are more than welcome to come along
  19. Dont you just love people who are educated by other peoples ignorance... Perhaps if they spent time with the actual breed before declaring them.... viscious child killers/stupid/constant barker/crazy/untrainable/dumb etc....etc...etc. The list could go on and on. Perhaps if more people put in the time and effort to have their breed portrayed in a better light....nahhhhhh people would still be ignorant and believe that if so and so said the sky was green it MUST be true.... This is the TRUE story of the what the Rottweiler actually does, it IS a working breed and a wonderful companion
  20. Thx Michael, I don't understand how people can do it without preparing their dog, the last thing I want to do is injure my dog, she's my best mate (even though she's a nut lol). Jett is now thinking tgat everytime I go into the garage she is going on a bike ride, she gets so excited, she's loving it. I think this is something I am going to continue with her since she lives it so much!!! Murve, I know the one your referring to also ;)
  21. I am training at Narre North Football Oval on belgrave-hallam Road. I ride from my house along the gravel path along B-H Road, then onto the footapth (900m) that surrounds the football ovals, then on some grass when we do the 2nd lap.
  22. Hi TrinaJ I have started cycling 6-8 k's, I was advised last night by ph to do 6-8k's about 3-4 times a week & have a vet check done now to see how his physical is. Then again within 2 weeks before the trial so the vet can fill out the vet check form we have to take with us on the day Thanks Murve
  23. Great news!! lucky 12 yr old
  24. Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome to your thread Abbiestar, The Hungarian Vizsla Club's ET in Victoria is actually the 28th May not the 25th (which is a Wednesday). I had a quick panic attack when I saw your date and thought I had messed everything up, but on double checking its definately the 28th May. We did 5.5kms yesterday and she and I both pulled up great. I have started her on Lectade which she seems to really like. Today we had a break as I couldn't get anyone to look after my 1 & 1/2 year old but we will do another 5.5kms tomorrow and a swim on Friday. We have 3 weeks to go til our ET, does anyone have any idea how much I should increase her to starting from next week or do I just do 6km every day with a 2 x 8km run tossed in with 2 weeks to go until the ET?
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