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  1. yes i have spoken with her ....i jsut was seeing what other peoples experiences are ..its been 10 years since ive bred a litter of puppies and its all very blurry and ive never in my whole life of breeding dogs had a bitch go so late for her first heat ..and i dont recall either have a bitch that would mount males all the time and even seek out a bitch on heat as tho she was male :p
  2. Thank you everyone for the responces ill give her a few weeks now to see if she comes on heat after having the bitch on heat here ..however the humping of other dogs has been going on for a while now and i dont think its a dominace thing cos shes only been doing it for the past month or so and shes lived with this male forever.
  3. I have a 16 month old bitch who has yet to have a heat. Recently shes had some very weird behaviour. Shes been mounting my dog all the time. Now i have had a bitch on heat to my place to be bred to my dog and shes basically hunts this bitch like she is male...clawing at the cage that shes in when the bitch on heat sits in the cage shes at her back with her nose trying toget a wiff....when i had them running together (cos htey get along and was utalizing the bitch on heat to try bring her in) she follwed her around with her nose under her tail and when she stopped would mount and hump her all the time ... is it possible shes got high testosterone levels and is barren and will never have a heat? I remember living on a dair years ago having a barren heifer who looked very bully and had lots of tuck up....shes a big girl and also has lots of belly tuck up..... any ideas etc Thanks in advance
  4. and so now you are ready for a litter? she hasnt done it again since
  5. after these emails is quite possible shes coming on heat..she was trying to mate my dog last night LOL
  6. coo9l thanks thats a good think to know hopefully my girl will have a heat soonish
  7. thanks for the ideas i spoke to my vet via email and he said if shes not had a heat by 2 years olf age they can bring ona heat but shed be less fertile ...ill derff look into getting her levels checked around 18 months if the dog shows interest again and still no signs of heat.. the breeder has said in the past that the line is slow maturing etc but ive never had a bitch not have her first heat at this age thanks
  8. will hormone levels for heats etc show up on a general blood test to help show if she will ever have a heat?
  9. I have a 14 month old cairn who is yet to have her first heat. The dog showed interest in her at 6 months and 12 months but there was 100% deff no signs of a heat on her (no swelling or blood and she refused to stand) i was NOT trying to mate her at these times but i had no reason to serpate them as she was not on heat. When should i expect a first heat by and being my foundation bitch when should i be concerned that one hasnt come and either look to a vet or look to replacing her ?? im worried that if shes going to have irregular heats or really none at all that if she ever has a heat she amy well be infertile. Thanks
  10. that doersnt sound good at all that you paid and got nothing !!!! i have all the importing costs and they arent too expensive and if i waited for a group shipment the price is almost halved (could potentially be around $1800 so not bad) was jut mainly after those who have imported from sweden and know the costs they paid for collection etc in Sweden as i already know shipping costs. thats also interesting to know that sweden isnt advanced in their AIs etc. hopefully i can find a vet close to the kennels that does it well !!! but this is all just ideas and planning atm. thanks everyone for your comments so far
  11. Hello, i know Devilish Dexter he is such a cutie, good luck on your new venture with the cairns. Im planning my breeding program on bloodlines and there isnt alot of the bloodlines i want here. & yeh there is lots of Swedish stuff here, im after kennel/dogs not country and if the dogs live in sweden then i guess thats where it comes from....its not going to be for quite some time anyways right now im just after costs to see if its viable for me.
  12. Hi im looking at getting costs to import semen from Sweden. i have a quote on the shipment side of thigns but would like to know what the costs are for all the collection and vet fees prior to it leaving sweden thanks
  13. well not really when you have the item built to suit the draw bar.....all im after is who have people used to make trolley racks so i can get one made to fit
  14. just wondering where everyone else had theirs made (if used and engineer) ive asked toledo for a price on theirs and they wont give me a straight answer and said i may need to replace my draw bar to get one and it could cost me $350!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y would i need to replace a draw bar they are just money chasing !!!
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