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Everything posted by spoja05

  1. Thanks for all your responses! I will definitely look in to taking her to another vet for a second opinion. She is actually a lot more smiley today and seems like she's getting back to her old self, but the smell is still around and she isn't really into her food - especially not considering how much she usually is! We are looking to put her on another diet - we've started cutting down her portions a little, but the main factor is that we often take her to Grandma's to visit and even though we constantly set down the ground rules that she isn't to give Tessy treats, Grandma is actually losing her memory, so tends to forget from day to day! We would stop Tessy from visiting, but Grandma loves the company and so does Tess (as the rest of us are out of the house a lot of the day). So we are working on that. She is finally getting it - I think. As far as seeking a second opinion, we have actually been looking for another vet anyway as our current one has been really gone down hill - pushes you out the door, but still charges you a huge amount for not a lot of advice! So, anyone in the Adelaide area, any suggestions on a good vet? We live down Glenelg way and certainly price and location and expertise would be the main factors (probably for everyone!). So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for everyone's responses - I really appreciate it! We really love our girl and want to get her completely well!
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