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Posts posted by harold

  1. that is low

    this is a vet - a supposed professional caring person

    initially denying responsibility then 3 weeks later admitting it


    they should be made to answer for their negligence, then trying to cover it up

    take your money elsewhere in future and tell everyone who will listen about them

    talk to your local paper

    get them shutdown

  2. our Wei was fed on Euk for his first 4 years or so then suddenly his skin started to flare up

    we narrowed it to certain grasses where we used to walk him and also the grains in most dry feeds

    each dog has it's own triggers that set off the itches, but try the following....

    - stop with the shampoos - they strip the skin of the natural oils

    - add some omega oils to the diet (we use human fish oil capsules)

    - switch to a grain free dry food (we are now on Orijen adult)

    - give half a Polaramine (human antihistamine) from time to time to help with flare ups

    there are a billion options, change one thing at a time and see what happens

    good luck

  3. 4 paws

    all I can tell you is that the shop where I get Orijen from tells me that the RRP is $110 and that's what they charge

    why would they say otherwise?

    they also say that it is common for stores to quote an inflated RRP to get more $$$ from the customer :laugh:

    i'm just the messenger - but shoot me anyhow

  4. our Wei has been on Orijen for about 3 weeks now and we have noticed a HUGE improvement in his skin and stools

    he gets oil capsules and antihistamines daily as well, but the change to a non-grain food (plus raw chicken daily) has worked for him

    we will try to ween him off the additives over the coming months

    just one question - we get our Orijen at $110 per 13.6kg bag which I believe is the RRP

    why do so many stores have the same bag at $120? MORE than the RRP ?????

    That's just greedy i think....would you see two different car dealers showing different prices....of course....but would one of them be offering cars at MORE THAN the RRP? I think not....

    Don't ever pay more than RRP - take your money elsewhere

  5. our Wei has been on Orijen for about 3 weeks now and we have noticed a HUGE improvement in his skin and stools

    he gets oil capsules and antihistamines daily as well, but the change to a non-grain food (plus raw chicken daily) has worked for him

    we will try to ween him off the additives over the coming months

    just one question - we get our Orijen at $110 per 13.6kg bag which I believe is the RRP

    why do so many stores have the same bag at $120? MORE than the RRP ?????

    That's just greedy i think....would you see two different car dealers showing different prices....of course....but would one of them be offering cars at MORE THAN the RRP? I think not....

    Don't ever pay more than RRP - take your money elsewhere

  6. OK

    I got a bag of free Eukanuba Sensitive skin from our friendly pet store - Our Wei's skin erupted !!!!

    Got a bag of Orijen and things are looking good so far

    Still on the oil capsules and anti-histamines (will drop them off hopefully in the next few weeks) but I have to say that we have our little fingers crossed

    I still question the cost at about $10/kg

    Being fairly cynical, i think that pet food makers, like wedding people, charge an extra 'guilt tax' such that if we were to question 'why it's so expensive?' we get that look of 'what, is it not worth it?'

    flame on.... ;))

  7. Sags and others

    I have a very very good relationship with my pet store. He's a fantastic man who would give you the shirt off his back.

    My question was genuine. Until recently we bought Eukanuba Large Breed for our Wei (and have done for 4 years from the above shop - travelling many k's to avoid people like Coles to support our local...ish pet shop). It costs about $80 for a 15kg bag. I was wondering why a slightly smaller bag costs 50% more. I was asking those who would know (the shop owners) for a response. As usual the first to reply is someone saying "there's no margin...I only cover my costs....blah blah blah"

    I am asking my pet shop man to order in Orijen for us and we will pay what he asks as we know he won't take the p**s

    I would ask those who reply saying "people with very few posts pop up in these food threads with negative things to say" to re-read my topic

    I am happy to pay for a quality product for our beautiful Wei who is suffering bad skin at the moment.

    My question was that $120 for 13.6kg seems expensive (50% more than compared to what I am used to buying what i thought was another quality product)

    People - don't be so defensive, and remember we are all new to forums at some time. Come and comment on the other forums that i post to (as a long time user) and i guarantee i won't be so negative.... makes me wonder what forums are for if it's not for asking questions????

    Maybe I won't ask questions and I'll just follow the herd......

  8. anthony - like your thinking.... will give it a try

    no thyroid checks - what would an overactive/underactive thyroid mean re: skin problems?

    found http://www.naturalpetstore.com.au/d/OA-135...ult-dog-13.5kg/

    which has a massive 42% protein



    which has the more normal 22%

    i know it's horses for courses, but which (if either) would you have a go with?

    thanks AGAIN

  9. thanks for the replys

    we are using a human omega 3 capsule

    the steroids are vet only - macrolone

    the anti-histamines - polaramine

    we tried shampoos etc...but they did nothing and even made him worse

    do you think we should stick with the current food and supplement with a megaderm liquid type thing added or change to a higher omega 3/6 dry food?

    or another combination?

  10. Hi

    First post here so go gentle with me :thanks:

    We have a 4 year old desexed male Wei (1/2 long hair, 1/2 short). He has recently developed bad skin which has been diagnosed as Atopic Dermatitis. To cut a very long story short, he is on a 1/2 steroid pill twice a week, one omega 3 capsule daily, 1/2 an anti-histamine daily. Raw chicken on the bone for brekky and Supercoat Sensitive with Natures gift (wet) at night. This seems to be working but his skin is by no means perfect. We previously had him on Eukanuba Large Breed (which seems to make his skin bad). We have also removed him from his old grassy walking park - we think he reacted to the grasses there.

    Reading some threads here, I'm overwhelmed by the choice of foods that are available (that I had no idea were available).

    I know there's not going to be one simple, single solution to resolve his skin issues, but any thoughts on what we are doing and what we could do would be very welcome.


    Olly's dad

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