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Everything posted by marinapoint

  1. Casey is nextdoor to cardinia they allow 4 dogs with no permit if you have over one acre cardinia from what I've also heard elsewhere are reasonable.
  2. Hi guys Thanks for the support. I must admit it was a very emotional day when Miss Aida had to have her c-section and we lost those beautiful boys... BUT I have attached a couple of photos for everyone to have a squizz at! I think they're gorgeous. I didn't mention our weights of all puppies (including still borns) were smallest 460 to largest 590gm. All puppies except the smallest weighed in excess of 500gm. No wonder poor Aida was HUGE! In our litters prior there have not been such large puppies although most have been into double figures too. No wonder poor Aida didnt want to eat much in her last days! She was just too full of babies!
  3. Goodluck SBT101! Keep us posted! Our litter has obviously been born but not without its dramas. Aida ended up loosing 2 puppies (2 x liver/white boys) - still born and had to have an emergency c-section to save the remaining 2 puppies. What a stressful night! Our total tally is 8, with 3 liver/white girls, one black white girl and one lemon/orange white girl. 2 black/white boys, and 1 liver boy. Mum and bubbas are doing extreemly well! Shes a pro with the feeding and cleaning and such a relaxed girl.
  4. Congrats Allerzeit! We have 4 baby pointers so far. 3 girls and a boy. Range in weight from 400 to 590. A liver white girl, orange/lemon girl and a blackwhite boy & girl. Yay for a mix of colours! Still more to come... Poor Aida is so tiered!
  5. First sac has broken but no puppys yet
  6. Oh these puppies are soooooo cute! No pointers yet. Temp drop last night 36.9 average from 37.9 days before. today panting restless shivering and uncomfortable as well as mucus dripping yuk! See how things go... She's due 30th (i miss calculated the day and thought 28th) but that's from first mating. No prog test. Anyway I home with her so got my fingers crossed!
  7. Omg congratulations! Live the photo of your girl lying on her back! Goodluck with your brood!
  8. Congrats Jerojath! Little baby Vislas!! :D Yay!!!
  9. LOL I'm worried shes trying to break our record here! Our last litter had 12 (different bitch). So perhaps Aida thinks shed like to top all of those preceeding here!! I'm preparing for a football team... Just in case! Thankyou I think shes rather special too. Even though shes lost her gorgeous show outline - shes still got that loving nature. Can't beat having her around the house
  10. Heres another - shes not keen on her photo clearly!! Shes such a sweetie! Hard not to love this girl. Can't wait for her babies to arrive!
  11. Congratulations Jetpoint! :D I thought I'd share my own puppy tummy photos! Taken this arvo - Aida is now 6.5 weeks. Hazard a guess at how many?? I'm a bit worried! The ultrasound showed between 6-8...
  12. Congrats JetPoint!!!! :D How exciting! :D Loving those belly photos guys Very sweet! I must do a few of Miss Aida who is BIG!!!
  13. Goodluck jetpoint. I'm still waiting away for 3 weeks before our girl goes! She looks huge tho! Can't wait for our brood of pointers to arrive!
  14. Hi guys. We're expecting a litter of pointers - due 28th July. She was confirmed Friday so excited about this litter! She's showing quite a lot and is keen on food and lots of sleep! It's our first litter in 2 and a half years. Fingers crossed for an easy labour.
  15. Definently your dog was rotated towards the right (right side down left side up). This gives such a different impression on the two hips. The left hip would have definently scored better than the right... Goodluck with this - please let us know the outcome.
  16. Do a relaxin test. You can't get a false positive then and no radiation dose And you'll have your result either positive and you're expecting or negative and you're not. Relaxin is only produced in the pregnant bitch hence you can not get a false positive. Yes you can have a dog scanned and find that the bitch is pregnant anyway. Ultrasound is so user dependant. Goodluck.
  17. What makes you think they are feeding him?? I wouldnt assume because he's got the runs that they are feeding him. As Christina said unsupervised he could even be eating bird poop or any other kind of rubbish he finds on the ground. Puppies are funny creatures - eating all manner of disgusting things (adult dogs even do it! LOL) I do hope though that your puppy doesn't get ill again.
  18. Put your Pointer indoors. Problem solved. You need to work on your OH for that. Don't really understand why your OH lets your cat and another long coated dog indoors but not your Pointer?? I'd have him crated indoors and then he wont damage your OH's couch. And he'll be warm. I rekon you should force your OH on this one too... If he owns the place its kind of up to him - sure but usually there can be some compromise. Esspecially when poor Badger is cold. Pointers do feel the cold esspecially when they are in unprotected areas. It will be worse for him as hes been used to being indoors and now has been sent outdoors. But then call me crazy. I started with no dogs dating my OH (well none of my own). And currently have 4... All indoors. All Pointers. And when its winter they all wear coats even though they are indoors. Yeh yeh I know I'm pretty soft. Theres a Pointer lady here in VIC who makes cracking coats - ones with a skivvie kind of section. They're cheap and wear very well. Our's have had them a couple of seasons now. I bought a new lot last year - they needed the new season fashion desgns!!! I can prob find her details for you??
  19. Thanks for filling in the gaps Edpra! I didnt have a catalog. My envelope got flooded when the torrent of rain came down - so didnt get one in the end!
  20. Group 3 for today. AM show BIG & BIS & Junior in show Curly RUBIG Wim (minor) Champion Pointer Baby Lab Puppy ?? Inter GSP Open ?? PM show BIG Curly (junior) RUBIG Wim (minor) Champion GSP Baby Lab Puppy I think Lab Inter ?? Open ?? Sweepies. Not sure about 1st and second 3rd was Pointer (I know that cos that was me!!! LOL) Wasnt really looking who was ahead of me... Just trying hard not to slip my butt over in the wet grass. It belted down right before!
  21. Yes and with relaxin you can not get a false positive. Relaxin is only produced in the pregnant bitch... Hence if its there your bitch must be pregnant doesnt matter if the levels are high or not. Last time the test cost me about $50.
  22. I think there will be a few pointer's entered too Edpra. I have my 2 champion bitches entered and I know the other pointer people too are bringing their dogs along so there should be a reasonable number. You know what that means????? Higher chance for a pointer breed to be getting a big rinnon!!!!
  23. Never shown their either? Is it really as bad as it sounds??
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