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  1. We recently bought an Ezydog harness for Bailey. It's really good, particularly for car travel. We go out a lot with him and it's great to just put him in the car, clip on the seat belt restraint, unclip the lead, and do the reverse at our destination. He walks comfortably in it, and is safer than a collar when attached in the car.
  2. Try a hat that doesn't taste as good...... sorry.
  3. Thanks to everyone who replied. A bit of a mix of ideas. I think the idea of a bell is good, however Bailey already learnt that when we say 'Do a wee', it means he gets to go outside. So he sometimes goes out and just wants to muck around. Something to think about.
  4. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anybody has trained their pup to 'TELL' them when they need to go to the toilet. Our 17week old JRT Bailey is going ok with his toilet training and won't poo inside, but we think he has become somewhat dependant on us to tell him when he needs to do a wee. Sometimes he will sit at the door to go out, but only occasionally will go on the carpet without warning. We keep a close eye on him for the signs if he needs to go, but it's times like when we are cooking dinner or our attention is diverted from him that he seems to relieve himself regardless. Bailey sleeps in our room on his own bed at night and will 'tell' us if he needs to go out by jumping up and whimpering. A technique would be great to teach him for the other times. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
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