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Everything posted by Kirislin

  1. She’s lucky to have you, and I’m sure that goes both ways
  2. And the children Arkey and Neko competing for my affections.
  3. Marcus and the IGs came up today for a celebratory lunch. Italian of course. Mother of dragons Widget just peeking in on the right.
  4. I can’t believe it! This time 5 years ago I was driving to my friend Marcus’s house because Widget had gone into labour and so Neko came into my life. You know how sometimes an event will stand out as a turning point in your life? Well Neko coming into mine was one of those times. HAPPY 5th ROAST CHICKEN DAY Neko.
  5. I’m looking after Marcus’s Whippet and IG puppies for the week. They play together all the time but this afternoon Secret sat them down and gave them a good talking to, just to set them straight about who is boss around here.
  6. The Mel-Igs came to visit today and I managed to just get his girls before they rocketed off in different directions. So we have Widget sitting, Kitty standing, and Willow using Nyx (the Whippet puppy) as a pillow. kitty and Nyx will be holidaying with my crew for the week.
  7. My darling old boys Whippets Tag and Puck will be 14 in September. Puck has problems every now and then with his neck, and an inoperable tumour in his bowel, or colon, not sure what I call it and Tag has a dicky heart but all things considered they’re still pretty good. Always good appetites and always up for a game, plus they love their little black girlies. Here’s a recent pic of Puck.
  8. Neko still loves a game with puppies. Neither of these pups were bred from Widgets family.
  9. Haven’t posted in ages. Here’s Neko’s daughter Secret and old boy Tag, who she considers one of her possessions.
  10. What happened to the old mans ears?
  11. I haven’t fed commercial dog food for many years and I agree with your suggestion but it’s hard for some people to realise what’s right when there’s so much supposedly good advice telling them to feed dry dog food and beware of raw. Their own vets will try to convince them it’s the best food for their dog. I would have believed it years ago too. I wonder if they will will be able to sue the company.
  12. Can you feed them separately to avoid the trigger?
  13. I found a fresh roadkill bunny a few months ago and took it home, left it in the freezer for about 3-4 days and then gave it whole to my Italian Greyhound. She’d never even seen anything like it. She danced around it for about 20 minutes before plucking up the courage to lick it. She eventually licked a hole in it and proceeded to eat it. I then shared it amongst all 4 dogs and they ate everything! Bones, fur, guts, eyeballs, the lot. There wasn’t a trace of that bunny left. I’d love to get more fresh food for them like that.
  14. I watched it and took some pics but my longest lens is 200mm so no good. What I did do a couple of mornings later was to get out of bed and take the dogs for a walk up the local park at 4.30am and it was magical. The moon was so incredibly bright, I didnt use a torch, just walked in the moonlight. the dogs love it when we do stuff like this. It was one of those walks I will remember forever.
  15. Yep she pretty much stopped growing at 7 months old when she weighed 2.5kg. Then at her first season at 12 months old she had a growth spurt and put on another 200gms so her adult weight is 2.7kgs. Her mum fluctuates between 4.7-5kgs so almost double her weight. As cute as Secret is I am constantly afraid something will take her. There were Wedge Tailed eagles hovering over the yard last week. It just puts me into a panic and fills me with dread at the thought of her being eaten! She's still at risk at night too because we have powerful owls here. I would never intentionally get such a tiny dog while I live in the country.
  16. It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted here. Widget has just turned 10 years old! Neko and Arkey turned 4 in August and Secret is already over 2! How time flies. I called in today and managed to get all the dogs in the one shot. There’s some new faces you won’t know and some dear old ones are no longer with us.
  17. Not really. It will probably be the one that forces me to act. Right now I don’t think he is in pain, but at times he must feel uncomfortable. He has an inoperable growth in his colon that will eventually either bleed continually or just get too big. for now though, he still loves his tucker and the prospect of a walk or a ride in the car, or a game, so we take it Day by day.
  18. Thanks for this. The questions didn’t apply exactly to one of mine but I was still able to apply them. He got 54 but on one he got a 1
  19. I think that’s what macadamias are. I’ve heard they’re poisonous to dogs.
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