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Everything posted by Kirislin

  1. A friend is looking for a Vizsla puppy after her beloved boy passed away suddenly. I just thought I’d have a squizz on DOL breeder, puppy and adult dogs pages for her and was surprised to find there are none at all, not even a listing for the breed. Are they that rare? I’ve seen the actual dogs around occasionally. Does anyone know of any reputable Vizsla breeders in Victoria?
  2. He only had one functional lung, and yet he still ran like the wind. We never saw a sign that he was short of breath.
  3. The horrible images that just floored us. We couldn’t comprehend what we were seeing. That’s his intestines shoved up into his chest cavity. Completely rendering his left lung unable to function. We don’t even know how long it had been like this, but the suspicion is quite a while. Until Wednesday evening the only hint there was a problem was his habit of not eating sometimes. He’d been examined many times for it and the vets didn’t know what was wrong. He was on homeopathic meds to help treat it. Now suddenly seeing this everything started to make sense as to why he sometimes wouldn’t eat.
  4. Some tragic news which I hesitated to put here but then I thought this has become a chronicle of the lives of the Widget family, so it belongs here. Arkey, Roskyle Electrified Kisses had to be euthanised yesterday. It was a complete shock. He’s not even 7 years old. Marcus asked me to go with him to the vets as he was worried about Arkey who suddenly started crying in pain on Wednesday evening and it continued intermittently over night. Turns out he had a diaphragmatic hernia and his intestines were pushed right up into his chest. He only had one lung to breathe from, the other was completely collapsed. We have no idea how long it had been like this but he’d had digestive issues for much of his life. We suspect he’s had it for a while but it worsened over the last day or so. he was such a beautiful vibrant dog. I can’t believe he’s gone. He is buried on my property in a high point of the paddock. Rest In Peace perfect Arkey. We will all miss you. here he is at a recent fun day, doing what he loved most of all.
  5. Are you saying you wonder if your smoking has affected the health of your current dog? I don’t understand how if you’ve never smoked around it.
  6. Widget’s grand daughter Secret again. She’s very photogenic.
  7. Hoping little Belle has recovered and is now a happy puppy loving life with you.
  8. I’ve never had pet insurance. I’ve had a few big expenses over the years but I am certain I’m still better off with out it. I wish I could do the same with my house and contents insurance. With all the money I’ve paid them I’m sure if something happened now, if I’d banked that money instead of giving it to insurance companies I’d have enough to cover a rebuild.
  9. I’ve heard of a 4 month old male tying with a mature bitch but it didn’t result in puppies. Phew! Not sure if it’s because he wasn’t fertile or because it was just too early in her season.
  10. Unseasonal cold snap? We have them now so I’m sure they occurred back then too. I was snowed in for 3 days in the High Country at the height of summer. It happens.
  11. There’s a few in Australia. Some compete in lure coursing as well as in the show ring.
  12. Yep, one took the leap this morning.
  13. my living sculpture. This is Widget’s granddaughter Secret.
  14. She’s fledged! 8.51 this morning.
  15. Yes one has definitely left the nest. Not sure where it is or how it’s going. The other one is very close to being fully fledged. Maybe tomorrow.
  16. One of those eggs is from last year and the other from this year.
  17. I can’t believe she will be 4 in January!
  18. My “ dirty little Secret “ who isn’t a secret at all.
  19. Earlier in the week I saw Willow and her puppies. They are doing well too. I can only post one pic at a time, and heavily cropped so they’re not sharp. Sorry about that. Florence and Mia.
  20. She’s such a pretty little thing. A girl version of Arkey. She’s definitely taken after her daddy.
  21. Marcus brought Pangi up yesterday. She is Arkey’s daughter from his first mating with Oranja (from Germany). She’s looking really good. I got funny shot of her pelting around my paddock. She’s never been to the country before so this was all new and very exciting for her. That’s Puck in the background. He just had his 15th birthday on Wednesday.
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