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Everything posted by Kirislin

  1. the mother of one of my whippets had a problem with a salivary gland and although I never actually saw it when it was swollen that's the first thing I thought of too when I saw this heading. I think her owner had to get it drained and then anti biotics for her.
  2. Yep, it's certainly worth keeping in mind, especially if our $$ takes off again like it was a few weeks ago.
  3. do you have to pay duty on things imported like this?
  4. Hi and thankyou kja, I've only just peeked in here and seen your reply. I re formatted the card. As to transferrring the images to the computer, mine seems pretty quick, I have to say I got myself a pretty groovy computer though, (is there a brag emoticon, I need to insert here). (this'll have to do) I am technologically challenged so I am way over camera'd and computered, but you never know, maybe one day I will figure out how to use both to their potential. Still, I am having fun with both.
  5. Ahem............ would you believe my mouth started to water when I read the bit about them squishing them until the pulp oozes out. Yumm I luurrvvvvvvvve passionfruit.
  6. cant help you as I am in Vic but I suggest you try contacting greyhound trainers to ask who they use and if that person will see domestics. good luck
  7. Oh yes, mine love tomatoes. not sure about mint though. Puck actually sniffed out and dug up beetroot and ate it all. they also ate all the bok choy I planted. The only thing I have growing in the vegie garden is parsley. Oh well, at least I love tabouleh
  8. My funny Kibah eats all sorts of medicinal plants and teaches the others to do so as well. here she is eating a mustard plant I think, I've tasted the leaves and they're sort of peppery. I think it is related to rocket, it tastes similar and my whippets also love eating rocket. I have to put a wire cover over it at home to ensure I get some too. and here she is, same day, she is not eating grass, she is eating a plant called clivers.
  9. thanks Rubiton, well, gulp, I did it. I was a bit attached to those pics on the camera. I've got them on my computer and I'll figure out how to burn them as soon as I get some CDs or DVD's. which is better to store them on? That'll be the next thing to do my head in. sigh......
  10. Oh how I wish I could have a computer whizz sitting here to show me how to work this damn thing. I've got myself this fabbo new computer and camera and most of what they can do are unused. I feel like someone who's only driven a pedal car being put behind the wheel of a Ferrarri.
  11. OK thanks, as to uploading photos, I didn't do it the way you describe. following instructions in my manual that came with the camera, I first downloaded the CD's that came with it and then plugged the camera directly into the computer and it did the rest. Is your way better? I suppose it means I'd have to buy a card reader now.
  12. Aah OK, next silly question, do I first delete the photos, and then format or just format over the photos and they will automatically be removed, if that makes sense.
  13. thanks, I couldn't really find a clear explanation in the book.
  14. I bought a new Canon in March but have only just been able to transfer the pics to my computer (had to buy a new computer) . something I am not sure of with the CF card. Do I delete all the pics and then also have to reformat the card or is just deleting the pics all I have to do to start afresh with an empty card. Simple explanations please, no jargon, I'm not too good at this.
  15. Poor boy, he just looks horrendously fat. Best thing for him that you got him back. Hopefully he'll get slimmer of the year and feel like a puppy again.
  16. Just wanted to say the photograph of your puppy is beautiful!
  17. Is it possible he had a dirty bum before your mum bathed him. Sometimes we get dogs in with dirty, pooey fur matted bums that their owners aren't even aware of. When the fur is clipped away the skin often looks irritated, I would guess from having bacteria in constant contact with the skin.
  18. Just how contagious is it? I've seen some awful and tragic stories on a US whippet forum about it and heeded the warnings about how dangerous it is. Today I met a woman and her dog up at our regular park. I noticed he had blood on his head and mentioned it to the lady. She flipped his ear back to reveal a small bleeding sore and said off handedly "oh he has canine papilloma virus, he was covered in them before" I said it's extremely contagious,( because of what I have read on the other forum.) The lady was surprised and said the vet didn't mention anything about that. I immediately took my girls away and headed to the vet to ask about it. To the lady's credit she was on the phone to them when I walked in, I could tell by the converstation the receptionist was having. I spoke to the vet (not my regualar vet) and she reckons it's usually only young dogs who are affected and only if they're already immunosurpressed (sp?) She said it's not very contagious and not very dangerous so not to worry. She seemed very casual about it but I cannot forget the horrendous photos I've seen of it. So should I be worried.
  19. I wish this had been available when I was looking. It's a good deal, if you're looking for a canon 400d have a look http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Canon-400D-Twin-Len...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Look like a mixture of several in there. Couldn't the 'breeders' give you any info on parentage? I dont think they are a breed themselves. Maybe a bit of chihuahua?, tibetan spaniel?, pug?, jr terrier?, papillon? who knows, just guessing, dont think you could ever be sure. I hope they are sweet natured little guys that have a good life with you anyway.
  21. thankyou everyone. Her dogs are due for a vaccination, I think I will suggest she speak to the vet about treating them. I bred her whippets, both of them, but different litters. When this bitch, the one who keeps getting sick now was a tiny pup, the whole litter came down with giardia and nearly died. Turns out their mum Penny was carrying it and although she herself seemed perfectly healthy, the minute the pups started suckling they became infected. I think their mum probably got it from the lake at the park where we walk most days.
  22. Can Giardia appear to come and go without treatment? A friends whippet gets sick every now and then, she vomits, gets the runs and then appears to recover without treatment (other than feeding chicken and rice). She's usually only sick for a day or two so doesn't always get taken to the vet for it but I have just started to wonder if it could be giardia. Does anyone know if giardia can cause symptoms like this or, if one has it will the runs and vomiting continue until it's treated. Looking forward to answers
  23. WHIPPET RACING, HEALESVILLE JUNE 15TH 11AM Hi all, yes it's only 2 weeks to our last race and fun day before the winter close of the track. So if you want to give your whippet a run then come along to the Healesville Greyhound Track on Sunday June 15th 11am. **Please note a slight change to our starting time** Because the greyhounds have moved their trials to the afternoon, we will be starting at 11.00am . This means we must be all gone by 3pm, no stragglers please. We will have our barbie fired up selling snags and soft drinks, plus free tea and coffee and of course we will have our raffle. Members competition For members who want to enter the competition please forward your entry fee of $5 to YVWSRC c/o 286 Mt Riddell rd Healesville 3777 by June 13th. We anticipate starting with the competition first so please make sure you are there on time 11am. Fun runs Fun runs are open to both members and non members, and we try to put at least one experienced whippet in with the newbies if we can so they can show them how it's done. HELP!! We only have a small group to run these days, so if anyone can help us in anyway we would be most grateful. We will need a judge for the races and helpers in the catching pen for those rare whippets who actually run right up into them. If anyone can help please email us at y v w r c @ hotmail . com (leave out the spaces)
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