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Everything posted by Impatiens
Cute pic of your daughter and her Guinea Pig, Risyntira. :) Newfsie, you really need a bigger bridge! :laugh: Day 120 - Red Camellia 366 Days 120 Red Camellia by nzalis99, on Flickr
A bit of a catch-up...... Day 117 - Wall Planter 366 Days 117 Wall Planter by nzalis99, on Flickr Day 118 - It's really late in the year for these... 366 Days 118 Hanging on the shed by nzalis99, on Flickr Day 119 - Silhouette 366 Days 119 Silhouette by nzalis99, on Flickr
Even your birds are black and white Risyntira! Nice shots. I like the stormy landscape newfsie. I've got a bird pic myself... Day 116 - Sparrow 366 Days 116 Sparrow by nzalis99, on Flickr
Shelby obviously doesn't know about the vet! Hope the blood test is ok. That's a stunning galah photo newfsie! Make a terrific poster! Day 115 - Half Moon Bay Marina - it was a lovely day today! 366 Days 115 Half Moon Bay Marina by nzalis99, on Flickr
Going by the photos I'd have thought Angel was a young cat. :) I'm not worried about matching Harvey but our next dog or cat is definitely going to match the carpet! Day 114 - Howick Village Band Rotunda - iphone pic 366 Days 114 Band Rotunda Howick by nzalis99, on Flickr
I just noticed your cat matches your dogs Risyntira! :laugh: I like the teasing pic. Gorgeous colours in the rose newfsie and your fluffy table decoration is very cute! Day 113 - Agapanthus Seed Head. 366 Days 113 Agapanthus Seed Head by nzalis99, on Flickr
And Day 112 - Fern Leaves 366 Days 112 Fern Leaves by nzalis99, on Flickr
I love the posing bee! I've got the same lens as CrazyCresties - the Tamron 60mm f2. I haven't had much time to play with it but I'm very happy with it so far. 366 Days 051 Plumbago by nzalis99, on Flickr I really like the shallow depth of field when it's wide open and I thought it would make a good portrait lens too.
Day 111 - Tree by Path. Another shot taken out walkies. 366 Days 111 Tree By Path by nzalis99, on Flickr
I want your back yard newfsie! :) Day 110 - Red Camellia flower 366 Days 110 Red Camellia by nzalis99, on Flickr
Thanks newfsie. :) I heard this Tui when I was out with Harvey today. They aren't that common round here, I maybe see one or two a year - usually from the distance. Only had my compact with me, it's fairly heavily cropped and the purple fringies are pretty bad. Day 109 - Tui 366 Days 109 Tui by nzalis99, on Flickr
Nice catch up Risyntira - I love that ornament it's very life like! I see you use a Mac newfsie! :laugh: Great cockatoo pic, it always seems strange seeing them in the wild like that. Day 108 - Hallway. Taken using the night vision effect on the D5100. It uses a really high ISO and saves in B&W. 366 Days 108 Hallway by nzalis99, on Flickr
Oh no - poor Katy and poor you newfsie! You've been having such a worrying time it's a wonder you were able to take any photos at all. It must be really hard managing a dog that size who is sick. that she continues to improve. Day 107 - Pruning a Camellia - I know it's the wrong time of year... 366 Days 107 Camellia Flowers in Garden Bin by nzalis99, on Flickr
Day 105 - Paintings on a school fence 366 Days 105 School Fence by nzalis99, on Flickr Day 106 - Sky through pergola 366 Days 106 Sky Through Pergola by nzalis99, on Flickr
Day 104 - Solar Garden Lights It was nearly dark when I got home, this is a 2 second exposure - handheld. I was just fooling about really. 366 Days 104 Solar Lights by nzalis99, on Flickr
Day 103 - Fallen Fence - not ours luckily! 366 Days 103 Fence Down by nzalis99, on Flickr
Love the whiskery kisses! Back to our usual weather today - just made it to the car in time! :laugh: Day 102 - Raining at Kmart. 366 Days 102 Raining on Kmart by nzalis99, on Flickr
Day 101 - Dusk looking towards Rangitoto from the hill above Eastern Beach. We had a dog club walk, it was like this at the start and we were stumbling about in the dark at the end of it! :laugh: I miss Daylight Saving! 366 Days 101 Eastern Beach Looking Towards Rangitoto by nzalis99, on Flickr
That's an alert looking cat! Nice shot Risyntira. Day 099 - Garden Tap. Using the dramatic tone art filter. 366 Days 099 Garden Tap by nzalis99, on Flickr Day 100 - Hydrangea Flowers 366 Days 100 Hydrangea Flowers by nzalis99, on Flickr
That sand sculpture is good - some people are very clever! Day 098 - Japanese Anemone 366 Days 098 Japanese Anemone by nzalis99, on Flickr
Day 097 - Daisy 366 Days 097 Daisy and Tree by nzalis99, on Flickr
And Day 096 - Camellia Petals 366 Days 096 Camellia Petals by nzalis99, on Flickr
Thanks gapvic - I've been reading all the reviews I can find and thought that dial looked a bit fiddly. I do like the look of all the buttons though, it's such a pain having to go through the menus all the time. Now to find someone who's got it in stock! :)
Nice shot of Annabelle newfsie - she barely fits in that tunnel! :laugh: I like the panorama Risyntira I haven't had much chance to take photos - My mother fell over yesterday and had to go to hospital - she has broken her pelvis though luckily not in a weight bearing part - so she came home today. Taken with the iphone Day 094 - Emergency Department - They weren't very busy on a Tuesday afternoon but I had to wait a while for the corridor to be empty. 366 Days 094 Emergency Department by nzalis99, on Flickr Day 095 - Going Home - it's not too clear, but it's after midnight now so it will have to do! 366 Days 095 Empty Bed by nzalis99, on Flickr
Great photos! I really love the yellow flower against the sea and the moody monochrome ones! Can I go a bit off-topic and ask how you like the camera? I have a D5100 and although I love the results I'm getting, I'm finding the lack of buttons and external controls to be really annoying. I'm seriously considering upgrading the body.