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Everything posted by RoseRed

  1. I had to post this photo. Both mum (Isabelle) and grandma (Dani) in the box with the babies (puppies are 12 days old in the photo)
  2. Thanks Liz. She done really well. First pup born at 1pm, last pup born at 3.12pm. But the sneaky thing almost had them on our bed lol. I opened the door to our bedroom just to throw a bag of stuff in there, and she flew in the door and jumped up on our bed. I was like "Oh no you don't" and carried her back out of the room. Five minutes later first pup was born.
  3. Vet has been. No more puppies. So we have four beautiful little girls :D
  4. Well I was listed for February, but Isabelle has decided to go a few days early. So far we have a tricolour female and a blenheim female
  5. Congrats Gumnut, they are beautiful And Puglvr, the wee pugs are so cute. Have always loved pugs
  6. Just got back from getting both girls ultrasounds. I was pretty sure that Dani wasn't pregnant, but she's gone off her food, so I thought I'd check. But I was right about Dani .... not pregnant. I was pretty certain Isabelle would be pregnant .... and YES, she is I know ultrasounds aren't exactly accurate for judging puppy numbers, but vet believes she has four. So excited
  7. I only just recently found out about split seasons too, because I'm pretty sure it's what Dani had about a week or two ago. Both my girls came into season at the same time (as they usually seem to do). But Dani's seemed to only last about 7 days, and then just disappeared. She had the vulva swelling, bleeding, and our boy was interested, but it stopped before it actually got to the point of breeding, whereas our other girl's cycle proceeded as normal. Now I guess I just have to wait and see if and when Dani's kicks in again
  8. Glad everything worked out ok in the end Heidii. Tough issue to have to deal with, but I'm sure you will more at peace now that it is done
  9. I'm willing to jump in (and make a really big call), and say Cavalier pups due on the 5th Feb.
  10. What do the drontal tablets taste like? Are they something that dogs will take easily, or something you have to pretty much force into them? lol I used a puppy suspension with my last litter, but they hated it, which made it hard to actually get into them. With my adult dogs I just use Advocate (which does fleas, heartworm and intestinal worms (except for tapeworm), and I give them a separate tablet for tapeworm. But you can't use Advocate on young pups. They say you can use it from 7 weeks of age, but I don't think I'd use it on puppies THAT young.
  11. I'm just trying to double check on what worming puppies need. I'm referring to very young puppies (up to 12 weeks). It's just that I've been looking at a number of different puppy suspensions and - - some do whipworm, roundworm and hookworm - some just do roundworm and hookworm - and some just do roundworm And none of them seem to do tapeworm? So do puppies need one that does all three (whipworm, roundworm and hookworm) plus a separate one for tapeworm? And why do some suspensions only do roundworm? I'm assuming that wouldn't be enough
  12. All I can say is that I hope your daughter learns from the death of this pup. It had a bad start in life, she didn't do right by it and its gone. The only good that can come of this is that your daughter identifies where she went wrong and doesn't repeat the process. And what's with the other house having an unvaccinated pup?? Yes, I think she has definitely learnt a hard lesson poodlefan. And I'm sure she will never make the same mistake again. The other house only got their pup about five days ago, and simply hasn't got around to vaccinating it yet. The person who sold it to them, sold it unvaccinated It is upsetting that other breeders are selling pups unvaccinated (something I would never do), and it is upsetting that people are being slack and not getting pups vaccinated straight away. I guess people think it won't happen to them and think they'll get it done when they have some more time, or when they have some more money. But as this shows, it CAN happen and if you don't get a pup vaccinated ASAP then it is sometimes too late. It's very sad. Believe me I wish people were more careful, but what can you do? If I know somebody has an unvaccinated pet, I strongly encourage them to sort it out, but you can't hold a gun to their head.
  13. One of the major supermarket brands of wormer is made under contract at one of the bigger pharma companies, and the same ingredients are used for both a flagship product and the supermarket brand. Rest assured, if the mg dosage, and active ingredients are the same as a well know brand then it would have done the job. Amazing how much the marketing dollar drives up the price of a product! It's getting to learn the different active ingredients, and which ones do giardia, hydatids etc Sorry to hear about the puppy, and I'm sure your kicking yourself for not intervening earlier. Poor little pup. I'd risk losing my job if one of my dogs were sick. Thanks for that Inevatiblue ... glad to hear that the ingredients should still be ok
  14. Well, we have spoken to three vets so far, still waiting for mine to get back from a callout. But so far, all seem to feel that it was not parvo. One suggestion is that it may have been because of worms, because my daughter used the worming stuff you get from the supermarket and one vet said that you may as well just give a pup a lolly, because the stuff from the supermarket doesn't work. I admit I have never relied on supermarket worming mixture for my dogs, because I always felt it wasn't as good a quality as the vet stuff, but to hear that it may be pretty much useless, is pretty bad. Also, it may actually be too late for an autopsy, because the vet here would have to send the stuff off to Brisbane. But he may be able to just do a minor incision here and see if there are worms present. Yes, Nekhbet, I did know that parvo can survive in the soil for years. But realistically we can't keep our dogs in a vacuum either. I walk my dogs every day, and anywhere they walk could have parvo in the ground, that is why you vaccinate your dogs and hope for the best. You can't lock them in a sterile room for their entire life because there is a chance that they might get parvo. Ok yes, maybe we should have got the pup to a vet sooner. But as I mentioned, he was still eating and drinking ok, we were out of town, staying at a house in the country with a family wedding going on, so everybody was extremely busy and didn't realise straight away that the pup was actually sick. At first I assumed it was just car sickness. When he continued to be sick, I thought that maybe there was a problem and told my daughter to take him to a vet, but we still had to travel hours back home, and then she had to work. She was rostered on for the early morning shift and couldn't get anybody to fill in for her. So yes, mistakes were made, and I feel bad enough, and she feels bad enough, and we both feel guilty enough, but thanks for kicking us while we're down.
  15. The pup hasn't been in my yard for probably around 2 weeks. The only other place it has been (apart from my daughter's house) is the place we were staying at for the weekend (my other daughter's place) coz we had to go over there for my other daughter's wedding. And yeah, as I have already said, I tried to talk my daughter out of getting the pup in the first place, because I didn't think she was in the best position to be ready for a dog. But unfortunately, the pup came from her neighbours, so she was there the day the pup was born, saw it regularly, developed an atttachment to it, then the neighbours little boy threw one of the pups off the stairs and killed it, so my daughter thought she was saving this other pup by taking it away from where it originally was. Yes, she should have had it vaccinated before now, and she had the intention of getting it done .... but I guess good intentions aren't enough if they come too late.
  16. I'm pretty sure she done a follow up worming two weeks after the original one. I'm almost certain I remember her saying she'd wormed him again. But thank you everybody for your replies. I will post here and let you know what the outcome of the autopsy is. I am really really hoping that it wasn't parvo .... just because I will feel guilty if I've put anybody else's dog at risk by taking him to their house when I took him over to my daughter. We have already rang the people at the other house, and I told them to take their dogs to the vet just in case.
  17. Thanks Elise, really appreciate your post. I think my place and yard is ok, as she hasn't had her puppy over here for probably about 2 weeks (and I doubt he had it for that long), and I never take my girls over to her place (they are vaccinated anyway). But I will have to clean the car pretty thoroughly. What would be the situation if my girls are vaccinated, but could still potentially carry it, if they then ended up pregnant? Would their immunisation flow through to their babies? Because I was planning a breeding in two months time
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