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Just another example of how fundamental religion is both stupid and dangerous. I wish these idiots would drag themselves into the 21st century.
Comparing the Indonesians to animals are you Raz? Even I didn't do that....And you can always be counted on to act as an apologist for whatever outrage is perpetrated upon the innocents, either animal or human, under the name of islam. I find it very strange that you are so vocal on a forum that is dedicated to animals, yet you seem to take a perverse delight in defending those who are cruel to them.
There should be a total and permanent ban on all live animal exports to Asia and the Middle East. Their treatment of animals is totally unacceptable, whether it is done under the guise of primitive religious beliefs or just plain ignorance, laziness or stupidity. So they won't have fresh meat for Ramadan? Boo hoo, starve. The Indonesians don't like being told what to do? How about we immediately cease the $300 million dollars in foreign aid we give them annually, and put the money toward animal welfare. Much better spent, in my opinion. It is wrong that our tax dollars go to a country which obviously holds us in such contempt. The industry leaders who were aware of this going on and were complicit in its continuation need to be held accountable.
What's The Most Ridiculous Thing Your Dog's Been Called?
traciemc replied to ~Rumour~'s topic in General Dog Discussion
a man asked me one day if my frenchie was a cross between a chihuahua and a boxer - one little boy thought he was a cat! -
My frenchie is on a raw diet, lamb mince, smashed chicken necks, tuna, with yoghurt, egg, cheese, vegies etc. Frenchies are also partial to fruit, and I give him chopped apple and banana occasionally. A couple of times a week he gets a good sized lamb offcut to chew on. I must say it's a pain in the ass sometimes having to make sure there is fresh food for him, but it's worth it. He's never eaten dry food, and he can't tolerate tinned food now, the last time I gave him some, he threw it up on my lounge..
"your Dog Is Not Welcome On This Beach"
traciemc replied to Dxenion's topic in General Dog Discussion
God Raz, like a broken record....once again, EVERYONE has the right to go to court if they want to. Under the local government act, all local councils have to do to make something enforceable is post a sign......whether that's no smoking, no alcohol, no dogs or any other arbitrary petty power play they feel like imposing on ratepayers. They don't have to have a good reason for it, they can do it just because they feel like it and maybe because some loser on the council has had a bad day, or a fight with his wife, or just doesn't like dogs... -
Rotts rule!!!
you tell em Hoff...it's astounding isn't it, how often some people on this, a DOG forum, are so quick to point the finger and patronise people who dare to take a stand against stupid, revenue raising dog related laws. And Raz, your example of speeding through 40 k zones is pretty specious - the laws regarding speed limits around schools actually serve a purpose, unlike the majority of dog related laws. It amazes me how many supposed dog lovers on here just accept more and more limits on their liberties to enjoy their dogs...and poke fun at people who say enough is enough. "assholes that flaunt the law at every opportunity"?? You people kid yourselves if you think the laws are brought in for any reason but to raise money. Dog owners are just another revenue base for local councils, and the sooner they do away with the whole corrupt lot of them, the better. And Raz, if I got one of these stupid fines, you bet I would fight it in court - as is my democratic right to do. I'll take my turn behind all those AVO applications, people fighting speeding fines and all the other people "clogging up" the court system..
Um - you dont fight the law or try to have the law changed by breaking it. If you're guilty - you're guilty full stop and they were. They had their dog on the beach - GUILTY AS CHARGED. If it were that easy we would all be running around doing all manner of things we think shouldnt be in law. Um - they were of the opinion that they weren't breaking the law, so they were fighting what was a wongful conviction in their opinion. They have every right to do this in a democracy. If you are happy Steve to lie down and cop every stupid revenue raising law greedy local councils can devise then more fool you. Councils just love people like you.
They didn't carry it around all day on the beach. It was outside, not inside a building. You can't use that as a logical argument. Of course, she can. Scratching my head here. What's so hard about grasping the concept? The dog was on the beach. Even worse - the owner clogged up the court list with garbage. I'm convinced it's Barking Mad loonies. They have every right to fight the fine in court - its part of our great democracy Raz....and what about the people who really waste police and court time, I seem to remember just recently a young muslim woman claimed the police pulled her headscarf off, and after a significant waste of police time and public money, it was proved she was lying through her teeth. Can't seem to remember your post complaining about that....
Good on em for fighting it. Too many stupid revenue raising laws, too many bone head council rangers who are just frustrated cops, far too many anti dog laws. Too many people who one assumes are pro dog who make fun of people like this and who just roll over when more and more anti dog laws are introduced.
Normally I'd write a fairly long post pointing out the hypocrisy of posts like this but.. it's Sunday so you'll have to settle for this --> Added to the Dol Lynch mob list of potential punishments.. (all real suggestions taken from posts in this section of the forum) Drown as babies to prevent them from growing up into little monsters Burn penises off. Violently murder and then sexually mutilate the body. Secure a condom on the criminal, leaving it in place until a lethal infection is caused. Ho hum, here we go again, Hardy getting on his/her high horse - suggestions are all they are, motivated by disgust at the actions of some low life. These things were actually done by someone to animals and other people at some stage. How about directing your righteous indignation toward the real perpetrators?
Advice For Helping Puppy Recover From Dog Attack
traciemc replied to thommomac's topic in General Dog Discussion
So sorry to hear this happened to Sid, what a terrible thing for you all. Huey sends his love and healing frenchy vibes for a quick recovery -
10 kilos would be too thin, in my opinion. My Huey is 13 kilos and he's just perfect!
Large Dogs And Small Dogs Living Together?
traciemc replied to ash&elar's topic in General Dog Discussion
I have a 50 kilo rott and a 13 kilo frenchie. They fight only occasionally, and the frenchie will ALWAYS start it, usually over a toy he wants or if he thinks the rott is getting too much attention - there's lots of terrible snarling but never any injuries, the rott will pin him down with one foot until he stops carrying on, it's really funny to see. I have them separated during the day when I'm at work, but they are together at other times.