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Thanks for the advice Shelbyville.In regards to the crate training separately,Can I crate them in the same room in separate crates?Or in two different rooms?I am so glad I have been given the advice of separation,because to be honest I had 2 pups when I was 10 both german shephards and My mother and myself kept them together all the time,although we had no problems with them,I took my pup to training and mum took hers to training.But from what I have heard maybe they were not the norm.So i am definately going to take the advice that you have given me.I am talking to my kids everyday druming into them all that will have to be done.And myself for that matter,lol.Alot of hard work is ahead of my family.Oh Happy days..Puppies..LOL!!!!
Thanks I haz Flava.That was my next question what size crates should I be buying I have found some on Ebay 36 I think which says ok for large dogs such as labs/AlsoDoes anyone know if a soft crate is ok to use aswell?The ones I found are a bit chepaer than the wire ones,but I dont know which one is better?
Thank You guys in Response to Having separate time apart from each other.I actually Rang my breeder last Night and she also had said the same thing.So that is definately in the works.I feel confident that along with some great advice and hints we will be fine.We are ready to have no such social life or sleep for the first few if not more weeks.Luckily I am going to be on holidays and so are the kids when we get them.From what I have read that seems like a good thing.I know I must have sounded full of attitude in a couple of my posts,but to be honest I didn't ask for advice on if I Should! get them.I just asked on hints with sleeping arrangements.So thanks to those who actually responded to my question.I have loved every bit of advice.And I am sure It will be much needed when we actually get our 2 pride and joys.
Thanks Lizandel..I have asked if the Kids can train them And they said they were more than welcome.Actually is the same club I took my pup to 16 yrs ago,OH showing my age now,lol.I am sure with alot of work and love We will all be better off with our new additions.
No You did not give me Advice U gave me Your uninformed PERSONAL opinion
I would greatly appreciate it if you would point your know all nose away from my posts I don't need you on here saying those hurtful things.Funny I don't remember you having anything to do with my family Although If you did I probably would have told You to Jump a long time ago.You Know nothing(about me or Family) So dont say ANYTHING TO ME!!!!
Thank you For the last 4 Replies It has helped to see some people actually help me with what I asked in the first place,HEHEHEHE.I also Had my first Pup at 10/11 and he was magnificant.He went to Heaven last year at the age of 16.So I have all the Faith in my 2 kids that they will have the same Loving relationship with their dogs.I am now Convinced to do crate Training.I am going to crate them in the kids rooms,I have talked at length about what that intails And as I said Before I know my Kids and I know they Will Be Great.As far as during the day when I am at work which is only 5 hrs,I am going to Get a pen and Put some of their chews and Toys in there,with Water of course.I am so Glad I have received some Positive Replies.Thank U to those who have helped me.And Names are COCO LANI for our Little Girl..And SONNI for our boy.Off to search for suitable crates now..Oh the joys,Credit card is sure going to get a workout,lol.
Oh Forgot to say..Chocolate Girl,And Yellow boy
Thanks big dog Lover,But Respectfully you do not know my Children.And as I said Before They are Family dogs.So we all share the responsibility,What I was meaning is that i have no worries at all thinking my children will Do the right thing with our pups.Not that they will do 100% of the care of the dogs.Maybe I need to make myself clearer.
Thanks Persephone.Really helpful,Interesting reading.Which I am sure will come in very handy.I really love this site,so helpful,Although some people are a touch discouraging.Oh Well everyone has THEIR!! Opinion
Also Thanks to Botheration
Hi WOW..Didn't quite expect the hints i got,but thanks for it anywayz.I am getting the 2 pups from a reputable breeder here in QLD,She is a member of the CCCQ,She has been breeding Labs for 20 yrs.I am 100% confident My children will be responsible for their dogs,Like i told them they are family dogs not just one persons responsibility.I had puppies growing up German Shephards,And i do remember the hard work,And i know our Family is more than ready for it.I have already found our Obedience school so when the pups turn 10 weeks the kids will be taking them weekly.I was 10 when i First went to obedience with my pup,So I am certain that my children will enjoy it maybe not quite as much as the puppies though,lol.I went to the pet stores today and I was speaking to the sales lady,who was soooooooo Heplful,She has convinced me to try the crate training.So that answers my question,on whether to have them sleeping in the bathroom.Oh and just to add.I am Fully aware that it takes ALOT!!! of time and perserverance to raise lovely family dogs,I got the impression from a few of you that i was going into this with rose coloured glasses on,But i can asssure you I am not,And neither Are my Kids or Hubby.So Good Luck to us,Even If a few of You think I am doing the wrong thing.
I was hoping i could get some much needed hints on how to set out the sleeping arrangements with my 2 new pups .They are pets for my 2 children ages 9,11.So of course they were hoping to have their babies sleep in the room with them.I'm not sure how that will work.I was thinking They go into The Bathroom at night and let out(backyard) in the morning when hubby gets up then goes back in til the kids get up and play and brekky then put them in the backyard with Toys until I arrive home from work at 2pm.Does that sound Ok?I have so many questions,I am determined to get it right and have 2 well mannered well behaved new members of out family.Thanks in advance