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Poppy's mum

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Everything posted by Poppy's mum

  1. Thanks Skip! I've found an "Eddy Smelzer" by googling JRTs and Eddy but have no idea if that's him. As my Crested and I are just starting, I'll try the cheap ones first.
  2. Thanks. Doesn't look like there's anyone in NSW. Might go with Sheena's suggestion first up rather than spend a fortune (not sure what 'not cheap' means! $300? 400?). Freight? I have some garden stakes I can slip PVC poles over. Or I might try Crazysales. Spacing is not such a big issue according to Susan Garrett but I don't think the cheap ones can be used for 2x2 unfortunately. I only have a small dog, incidentally, so robustness not a big issue.
  3. Sorry, I know this topic has popped up before and some people get theirs from "Eddy" - no details supplied.... I found one very expensive site in Qd although not sure if their 12 pole set could be used for 2x2. Appreciate any leads. Thanks. Wendy
  4. I'm amazed how much my black grey sheds! Her blanket on her couch is covered in tiny black hairs that don't all come off in the wash (or dryer). My two LC chihuahuas don't shed much. My JRT x sheds as much as the grey. My silky x has a GSD type of coat (white) and sheds heaps... I love my Chinese Crested semi-hairless and mum's toy poodle. Clipping doesn't really take long with a good clipper. I always said I'd get a poodle when I get old but I think I'll stick with Cresties (I'm besotted). No more short coated shedders. I'd just rather not spend my life on the housework treadmill, clothes covered in hair, car covered in hair... Much as I love them.
  5. Vigilance is the key! I found crating helpful at night. My pup was 8 mo too (from a breeder). Took a couple of months till one hundred percent reliable. Early on I started taking it for granted - that was a mistake. Keep up the routine of taking out regularly for longer than you think you need to. Having other dogs is a big plus. Didn't seem to pick up the 'go pee' cue until the 2nd month. Wish I'd also trained 'go poo'. Started but wasn't sure they could discriminate - I've since learned they can. Worth putting it on cue.
  6. And dogs named Lucky are never that lol When I was a kid, neighbors had corgis. Lucky and Rusty. Tradesmen let them out and Lucky was run over Put me off the name for life. My "Holly" arrived at Christmas. She's a happy go lucky character so the name suits her. I was going to call her something unusual like "Thistle" but Holly suited her. First obedience class we go to - there's a "Thistle" there.
  7. I'm glad this vet (!) puppy farmer was exposed - by whatever means. Profiting from the misery of animals is never ok.
  8. I'm assuming Ms Tranter is an animal rights activist?
  9. Thanks for the link! Dr Kate Schoeffel. Disgraceful and so sad. She's building a new facility at her home in Bathurst - selling the Condoblin puppy farm.
  10. I missed it - who was the alleged vet/breeder/puppy farmer?
  11. I have been doing mine 2 yearly except the 17 year old. I think if you want them to visit nursing home residents (my mum) you have to have them done annually - like kennels
  12. Dog was badly brain damaged and ultimately PTS. I'll never forget that episode. I never watched Bondi Vet again. All because some sick loser stole the poor dog's lead. Owner was away a few minutes at the bottle shop. Truly tragic. I'd never do it. Have heard of kids letting a dog go...
  13. I've always got mine from entirelypets... Much cheaper and diffusers etc
  14. It looks a bit setter to me... Amazing aim but very awkward. There'd be a few accidents in that house, for sure.
  15. Good luck, hope it all goes well. Some days the pups are just a money pit. Still, they're the best buddies you'll ever have.
  16. So sad. Such a honey. I'm glad they will be prosecuted. Then it will be public.
  17. Sounds very fishy - would not be paying anything. Maybe they have decided, for whatever reason, you're unsuitable. Weird! Also possible they leave on there during the "trial period" in case it doesn't work out.
  18. I've been Sydney - Wollongong and Sydney - Central Coast. Too much distance eg interstate makes it very difficult if it doesn't work out. I know someone who successfully did the Canberra - Sydney run. I guess people will go to any length for their ideal dog.
  19. Gladesville vet has a Delta instructor -Gayl O'Grady. I did the adult class - very well structured. They do puppy class too. I think.
  20. Stay away from him. Ignore him. Don't escalate. He has nothing. AVOs get you on Today Tonight, or worse.
  21. Unbelievable. I had heard of a GR who died of being left too long drying but this is unbelievable. Words are inadequate to express my sorrow and sympathy for you. Shouldn't have happened.
  22. Didn't work for us either - even changed them monthly. But...it did say not to change the water (from memory) - ugh! I think you were just meant to top it up. I haven't found anything that works apart from running after them with a water can. Especially morning urine which is more concentrated.
  23. That's what I thought? Encore has had some tests done - no longer having seizures/in a coma https://www.facebook.com/SusanGarrettDogAgility
  24. Hawthorne Park Reserve at Leichhardt always has an interesting array - I have seen and talked to the owners of a bunch of Leonbergers, a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Pharoah Hound, French Bulldog and an Irish Terrier. Not all at once though! Dog parks are fun for breed spotting.
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