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Everything posted by laneka

  1. I use yoga matting then blankets or doonas on top. My guys stay very comfy even on a 14 hour trip.
  2. Thanks for that FM. Because I have to travel 20 mins to the post office to pick it up, I prefer an outlet where I can go. That is the problem of living in the middle of nowhere.
  3. Does anyone have a list of Victorian Distributors please?
  4. Just a little bit disappointed in Black Hawk. My dogs love it and do very well. Today when I went to buy some more, they have none and can't get any. As I was just about out I had to go and get Holistic Select. I have a young male who I did not want to change diet as he is just getting over a bout of gastro. I am going to ring another outlet which is way out of my way to see if I can get some on Friday. I really think that if a company is going to sell a product they should make sure it is always available to the public.
  5. I crate train mine in hard crates then I have the option of which I use. I have both types. I tend to use the soft for shows and when we go away.
  6. Yes we are Mummy and Daddy to our bunch and we are also Nanny and Pa to our daughters Griffons. So we definately fit the crazy family.
  7. That would be a shame. I used to run/walk my dogs there and it is a great park.
  8. One of my Rotts can suffer this too. Mainly in winter when sitting on cold grounds. Hers usually lasts 3-4 days then all is fine again.
  9. I could not vote correctly as I have a couple in the house and a couple in runs with access to a shed.
  10. A friend of mine washes the shell, lets them dry, removes the skin and then grinds them up with a pestle and mortar. He feeds barf and does not waste a thing.
  11. I had a bitch sent down from Qld, my experienced stud dog mated with her straight away, a 30 min tie. Would not touch her again for another week then we got 3 ties in a row. Yes she had pups to the second mating.
  12. Saw it tonight for the first time. Yes lovely looking dog and a brilliant ad. I did not look at the car either, but watched to see what the dog did. Had a good laugh.
  13. I have always used drop and used down to get down from something. To release a ball or object I use the word leave or give. I think it is up to the individual as to what commands to use.
  14. It is called wet tail or cold tail. Google it. It apparently is quite painful for the dog. I have one who suffers from this and when she swims or gets a bath, I make sure I dry her tail as much as possible. Oh, there have been posts on here about it. Maybe do a search.
  15. We are also surrounded by state forest, that is why we went to the extra expense of chain mesh. We also have yards inside this.
  16. I don't think you can get a cheap dog fence that works really well. We are on an acre and we put in 6ft chain mesh fencing.
  17. They usually come home exhausted as well as hoarse. Most dogs have the time of their lives in a boarding kennel. Also a lot of them get far more exercise than they do at home.
  18. Found the three girls outside sunbaking, in this heat they have to be daft. My boy stayed inside in the aircon. Still not sure if he is smart or not or just a Mummy's boy
  19. Sending healing vibes to Abbey. How awful, I hope she pulls through
  20. I thought it was law that you only have to provide access to your front door and meters. If a person is else where on your property they are tresspassing. Can you put up front gates to stop this child and his/her dog from accessing your driveway?
  21. To me he has a bit of Rottweiler in there. Maybe a bit of ridgy too. Hard to tell with photos as they do not show how big he is. Very very cute though whatever he is. I am sure he will find a home asap.
  22. Rottweiler Club of Victoria does a wonderful calendar.
  23. Hugs to you and Zedley. :grouphug:
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