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Everything posted by periannath
you may also want to look at the ACT journals.I was a member a few years back and the number of entire litters of all different breeds leaving the country was pretty damn appalling.No longer a member there so don't know if it is still happening.
You can't go past Mark. He was recommended to me by Bruce who is the head of the ACES scheme. You and Bonnie will both like him :) SASH is also an easy place to get to.
Urgent Help For Baby Puppy In Dubbo Required
periannath replied to periannath's topic in General Dog Discussion
Unfortunately he hasn't had enough experience to second guess a vet. I sent him back to the vet as puppy's urine was deep orange and thank dog he got the senior vet this time and he gave puppy 12mls of fluid sub.cut, showed him how to do it himself and the necessary supplies and gave puppy antibiotics by injection. Puppy sucked the fluid up and has suck reflex again so things have improved massively. If there is a breeder out there a contact would be appreciated anyway -
Urgent Help For Baby Puppy In Dubbo Required
periannath replied to periannath's topic in General Dog Discussion
Never got round to requesting for breeders.If you could cross post I would appreciate it.I'm not holding out much hope for the poor little mite.he could bring the pup to me but it's a very long drive 4-5hrs at least. -
Urgent Help For Baby Puppy In Dubbo Required
periannath replied to periannath's topic in General Dog Discussion
Puppy has been warmed up and has seen the vet once already.I am hoping there is someone close that can provide the intensive care this puppy needs.Oxygen and fluids until hopefully puppy can maintain itself and antibiotics kick in. -
Can anybody help a first time breeder with a sick 5 day old puppy in dubbo? 5 day old mini bully puppy that has been chilled.Puppy has been to the vet and sent home dehydrated. he doesn't know how to hydrate under the skin or tube feed but I suspect puppy's digestion is at a standstill right now..i have him calling his vet again but puppy is very ill and he is hours away from here.Is there an experienced breeder anywhere near him that could give him some hands on help please? Thanx in advance.
Puppy toilet with the artificial grass 60 aprox 67 x80 from the reject shop for around $35. Empty the pan and hose the grass off.Easy.I use them with my pups as soon as they are up on their little feet and they love them,they automatically seem to gravitate to them.
He's a baby BOY bull terrier.They are a lot of hard work and their determination and stubbornness can be extremely trying.. While their early history is bull baiting that's a very long time ago and they are bred as a 'gentleman's companion" .And that's what they want to be.With you.They will also run your life and your home if you allow it. It sounds as the his training of you is going nicely.He barks you go to him.I understand you have to because of the noise issue but from his point of view it works!He needs to go on the NILIF program or be reprogrammed with clicker training.Bull terriers adore their crates and he will prefer to be in his crate near you than getting fresh air. I would not give him things that he can destroy he will likely take it as open slather to rip up everything he can get his paws on.Put your energy into teaching him not to destroy things.Don't believe that they are stupid.It is their cunning plan to kid you into believing they can't be trained.
make sure you disinfectant the lino you picked extremely well before using it!
Good news.Wally has been found and is back home.Diva is still missing
Having Baby Canines Removed?
periannath replied to Missymoo's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
My breed is notorious for retained baby K9's.If the adult teeth are coming through I would have them out immediately.Some you can get out with the pliers and doesn't seem to faze the dog at all but you have to be careful in case you shatter the tooth in which case it's a vet visit anyway.If you choose vet ask him/her to push the baby K9's into the baby's place.Some will fall naturally into the place the baby tooth has vacated and others don't.You don't want to end up with inverted K9's because of a retained tooth.Price will vary with vets.Cheapest I have heard of is $80 the most expensive $280. -
It's a dogs life. Sad but with a happy ending.
Thanx to everyone who is cross posting.
Posted for Dave We had a break in at our kennels overnight, Dabews Wee Waldo ( Wally ) white dog with a brindle right ear and Dabews Wee Zoe ( Diva ) brindle bitch was stolen, could you please help in spreading the news so hopefully we may have them returned. Thanking you Dave. www.dabewsminiaturebullterriers edit to add picture of wally.Sadly no news so far.
Sorry to hear your mini luxated.I have a mini here that has the lens removed from both eyes.If you could PM the breeding of your girl I would appreciate it for our research.Unfortunately some people are still a but weird about having bred a affected mini so I don't want to upset anyone.As you probably know there is a small % of DNA carriers that luxate and we are still trying to find out why this is so any information on families is appreciated. Finding a show quality mini is very difficult with the size issues plus the bite difficulties and we hang on to those rare birds!I It's probably much easier to find a bully of show quality.If a bully pup interests you PM me.I know of a litter in QLD that should have very promising babies and they are only 2 or 3 weeks old so perhaps are not all spoken for.
The number of minis bred averages around 300 a year , bullies around 900.Minis are scarce and given we are still trying to go forward now we have a DNA marker for PLL more puppies are being run on by breeders or going into breeders homes rather than being available for pet owners. If you are restricting yourself to QLD only you will need to get your name in very early.As always I suggest ringing breeders rather than emailing and keep in touch with your chosen breeder until they have a litter.You may have to travel to look at parents in other states if you are not prepared to wait for a pup in QLD. Ideally mini puppies should come with there own PLL certificate or you should at least be able to view the parents certificates.The AHT does not recognise 'clear by parentage' unless parentage has been established We are still struggling with oversize minis while we get PLL out of the genepool so if you are looking for a mini 14" or smaller you will reduce your puppy choice further.There are always more bully pups available than minis. Looking at show results for all breed shows may not necessarily give you indication of quality.Minis and Bullies are not shown at all breed shows in large numbers.Best to check out speciality show results as well. Try to get yourself to the speciality shows in QLD to introduce yourself and have a look at what is being shown. You may have 50 up to 120 animals to look at.It may also give more confidence to buy a pup out of state if you can see what animals they are producing. Don't forget to be aware of genetic diseases that affect both minis and bullies. A puppy that is 'health checked clear' is different from a puppy whose parents have been tested and cleared. Just so you are aware a mini is correctly a 'Bull Terrier Miniature' and "bull terrier" is just that no such thing as a standard BT. There is the odd pedantic person that will pull you up on that.Calling them bullies & minis seems acceptable to all Good luck. EDIT for clarity
Eastern Creek Quarantine Station
periannath replied to Mathilda's Mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
I brought a bitch into Eastern creek in March.I used Dog Walkers to visit her and they were great .She is the sunniest,sweetest bitch and has been a joy to have at home where she lives inside most of the time but has no issues about being in a run outside from time to time.Nothing she has done or seen with me as thrown her in the least and I considered her bomb proof. However ,I recently had her implanted which involved her staying for a few days in kennel situation.She was very unhappy & stressed and behaving totally out of character.We were so concerned that she went from the vet where she was fine ,to my friend where she was her sunny self.The bitch was both kennelled and inside in the UK and the breeder is a friend . I was there this year working with this bitch so know her temperament and that she had no issues being kennelled. All very strange.Did something happen in quarantine? Won't ever know but it makes me wonder. I would rather bring an older dog ,rather than a pup into quarantine.The lack of companionship and stimulation would worry me for a baby.Not a lot of fun for any dog and the constant barking.Yikes!The staff I met were nice but pretty clueless to my questions about protocol if there was a disease outbreak. I would definitely use a visiting service in your situation.Dogwalks posts pictures of your dog after every visit on their site and they rang me with any questions regarding toy's or food & just to let me know how she was getting along.The cost is reasonable and after all the money you will have spent it is just another drop in the ocean:) Try to plan your visits for 'visiting days' so that your puppy gets the maximum visits available. Also try to get your agent to get puppy on a flight that lands later in the morning.They go to the airport early and then wait until 12midday.My bitch came in at 6am so was in her crate an extra 6 or so hours.I think the same applies in the afternoon so do check. Don't forget to put your import certificate and your airline bill somewhere safe as you will need them to register your puppy here:) -
Cavvies Purchased From Registered Breeder-
periannath replied to Jodi's topic in General Dog Discussion
If ours was a sensitive or clingy breed, I wouldn't want them at a shelter either.However our breed unless mistreated or abused tends to be pretty naive about the idea that a shelter or a pound may be a bad place to be ! That goes for a vet visits as well. Anyone who rescues/rehomes rapidly gets frustrated dealing with the 'no care' attitude of owners and I guess anything is worth a try. Unfortunately with an open door policy for our own it doesn't always work. I have seen breeders accused of not helping to rehome or take the dog back when I know that the breeder has been actively involved in trying to buy the dog back or rehome.Some people when they decide to get rid of the dog, think they can 'recoup their losses' on the dog and won't listen to the breeder on a reasonable price for a dog for either rehoming or to buy back.They won't give the breeder time to come up with a sum of money often considerably larger than the puppy price as they want the dog gone NOW.When they find the breeder is right and they can't sell for the price they want they then surrender the dog and blame the breeder. -
Cavvies Purchased From Registered Breeder-
periannath replied to Jodi's topic in General Dog Discussion
I'm very glad Steve has brought up the issue of the owners responsibility.When a puppy is purchased there are two sides of the contract.The puppy buyer agrees to give the puppy a 'forever home' along with the care and attention that animal needs for it's life time.Circumstances can change for breeders as well.So only ever the buyer that has an excuse that is satisfactory? One of international judges that was here recently for our speciality is the breed rescue in her state in the USA. and has been for many years.During a conversation about rehoming (and believe it or not this is discussed a lot between breeders) she said that she feels that by taking back our dogs without question we are making it far to easy for people to dispose of their dogs with a clean conscience.Those with a genuine reason for rehoming are not subjected to her routine but is reserved for those who treat the dogs as disposable.The rescue dogs no longer go direct to her.She explains the difficulty of rehoming older animals and the reality that the dog may have to be PTS.She gets the owners to take the dog to her local shelter and they have to leave not knowing what becomes of their dog.She then picks the dog up from the shelter.Harsh perhaps but maybe ,just maybe, it helps them to think about there being a consequence for their actions. -
No problems at all we all have lives . 40cm is tiny these days for a bully and only a couple of cm's oversize for a mini.Since there is no height and weight limits for bull terriers only minis it is certainly possible she is a bully but 'queen anne fronts' are much more common in minis .We have a DNA test now for PLL.If you want to test her I can send you a swab pack from the AHT. I will PM you so you have my contact details. Please don't apologise for lack of knowledge about purebreds.You have rescued a girl who obviously was in dire need and I'm sorry that you are experiencing problems with her health. My first bully was a bully X cattle and she too was a ripper.I still miss her... once you get the bully bug you rarely get over it!
Perhaps a tooth abscess brewing?
How tall is Peanuts? Just a rough idea would be great.Do you have her papers?I am concerned that she may be a mini and one that not has been tested for PLL.Unfortunately many of the minis with the conformation issues you have mentioned have come back as affected.We really don't know why this should be so but it could possibly be linked to dwarfism.I'm really not trying to alarm you but with the surgery you are considering it would be something I would want to know before hand. She's had a very tough trot by the sound of it.Thank goodness she has been lucky enough to have found you.The bullies and minis are tremendous fun to have around aren't they?
Anybody Flying From Sydney Or Canberra To Perth Shortly?
periannath replied to periannath's topic in General Dog Discussion
He's a fair lump.25kgs or so.I spoke to Dogtainers in Canberra and they were very nice but still the $770 mark on the direct flight.Didn't think to mention he is a rehome but because it's a private rehome they may not give a discount.I'm travelling to Perth myself for a show but the 'pet dog' places are already taken up by others travelling. -
Anybody Flying From Sydney Or Canberra To Perth Shortly?
periannath replied to periannath's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes, I have tried both companies $700 from ACT and nearly $600 out of Sydney. It's a rehome and I would like to try and get him there at a reasonable price for them.