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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. I'm up for a puppy play date at yours, big yard to romp around! Just would like to do it before it gets too warm, I'm paranoid of snakies So when do we want to tee it up for? To get the ball rolling with availability, I'm free this Sat arvo, Sunday 25th and Sat 1st Oct. Or I am free Friday arvos (except the 16th) cos I finish work early
  2. That rules out Candice's place, then I have some busy weekends coming up but at least one day of the weekend I should be free. Was thinking this Saturday afternoon after agility but Candice says she's busy? Woohoo!!! Maybe :p Gibblet
  3. Can't guarantee that Pippa will be gentle, though Sure, sounds like a plan. I'd actually like to expose my two to a Lab puppy if that is ok with you, would like to see how they handle one for my own future reference ;) ST and I live south, so you might be outvoted and you will probably have to come south to us! :p It was a 90km round trip to your place the other day! When don't you have a show, ST? We could tee it up for one weekend. That's pretty slack, and the company should be on their bums about it, not you!?
  4. I don't even really train much agility these days. I just enter trials and hope for the best, and have fun regardless Would love the time to train it better as Millie has some nice potential (crazy dog and all), but meh I want to start teeing up puppy play dates for Pippa as she can start going out from next Monday. Any volunteers?
  5. Good work! I was doing whistle work for retrieving in the backyard yesterday arvo. Millie is getting the stop/sit to whistle on a short recall at a short distance, while Ruby is showing how blonde she is and isn't getting it yet and comes closer first :rolleyes: But then again, she gravitates towards me in a drop on recall so I'm not really all that surprised :p Another reason why Associates should be allowed to compete in retrieving, Millie is picking it up so well! (though she hates birdies, looks rather concerned by them actually). At least Ruby is picking up the UD obedience work quicker than Millie, so that's a plus for blondie
  6. Typical of boys, always go after the blondes first! She thought he was a bit of alright at first until he was a bit too forward with her (she's a bit of a princess), so went for Millie who likes them rough
  7. I am going to do the spiral for my 2 dogs, and the straight like in my pic above for mum's dog. To get it like I did it, line your 4 strands up one colour after the other (I think, I'd have to redo it to remember!) I think to get spiral, you start off with the 2 colours together. Mine first started out spiralled but I undid it as I was determined to get the straight look!
  8. Wow RV she is doing really well! What a cutie :D She is gonna be such a pretty prancer in heelwork ;) I need to get some video of Pippa but she's just this ball of wickedness at the moment, she isn't doing much! I did get her to nose target a bait plate on the ground (while Ruby insisted on picking it up and delivering to hand 1 to the black ninja, 0 to Ruby!) but she's only 12 weeks and I only get a few days access to her, so lots of time yet! Mum has taught her to shake paw, wait for her dinner, and the beginnings of loose lead walking so she's quite chuffed! And so she should be :D
  9. Awesome stuff! I was mighty chuffed with my first effort for a tug toy, so I cannot wait to try making slip leads this weekend!! My first tug toy (black and red, too!):
  10. Love it!! I'm making mine on the weekend so I will be sure to post my photos too (if they turn out!) Making one for Ruby, Millie and Pippa, I'm certainly keen
  11. Ooops, sorry RFT! I am so buggered so didn't go and forgot I hadn't given you your book yet! Why is there no training next week? I was going to bring Pippa down next week, awww! But just in case anyone thinks I totally slacked off, I did a bit of training when I got home in the backyard instead, swept my insanely hairy floor then crashed on the lounge with dinner and now I am battling to keep my eyelids open It's amazing how much an extra hour earlier in the morning to rise makes you tired come the evening! I don't know how I'm going to cope with work and study and dogs, I'm doing pretty bad at it now! If you're free on Saturday RFT, you could always pop down to Gosnells to watch the agility and I can bring your book then?
  12. Can't help with the Aussie sites posted, but the one I've had my eye on for a while now is www.rushtotug.com I was going to order, but have decided to make my own now!
  13. You forgot to mention the 10 foot lead it was on What about a mini schnauzer? They are feisty little things! Will be starting agility training with one shortly
  14. Careful about buying a new camera for trials, they can jinx you! At the 2009 State Obedience trial (WA), Ruby put in the heelwork round of her life! But it was filmed on my normal camera that can't zoom while it films. So the next day I went out and bought a new video camera for the National Obedience trial that night, and we didn't even make it 30 seconds into the heelwork
  15. I must stop taking my purse out of my handbag. I keep leaving for work with my handbag with no purse in it! Now I have to eat weetbix for lunch
  16. Congrats, Jess and Darcy! (and Zee!) Just watched the runs, looked like a nice course! (that I wouldn't have a hope in handling, but it's funny how nice it can look when you see experienced people run it )
  17. All the time. If my dogs don't want to play the game of training, they go away for a few minutes.
  18. I think she does, too ;) Don't worry about delivery, I'll come and pick up!
  19. I think Millie has found herself a toy boy. There was some serious playing and flirting going on with bedazzled's Zac tonight I love it when she finds a friend and plays nicely with them, as she's normally more into the humans or being a nigel with her toys over playing with other dogs (other than Ruby)
  20. First of all - your boy is lovely :D 2:17 for a CCD heel routine, including positions in fast pace?! Great work! Can't see where you would have lost 2 points in SFE. The recall I would have taken more off than the SFE due to the delay in the heel up. Well done! You guys will have your CCD in no time :D GO THE LABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Pippa is almost 13 weeks old and still has the occasional accident if mum and dad aren't being proactive enough. But she loves being outside and will take herself out for a wander through the garden so does most of her toileting outside when noone is watching her. She just needs a bit more supervision to "go" outside so she can be praised when she does and I think she'll be there. Keep at it Candice, he's only been home a few days!
  22. Yes (except our is called the Canine News). I keep losing mine, though!!! It gets taken between my house, my parent's house, and work, because I don't have a printer at home to do my entries so I keep forgetting where I left it last! I haven't had an obedience trial since July, and my next one isn't til end of September. Then my next one after that isn't likely to be until November! I'm having withdrawals! So my second half of 2011 has been quite empty when it comes to trials
  23. No it's my turn!! I haven't had a pup for nearly 5 years! So I think that entitles me to be next :p
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